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Friday, August 31, 2007

Life has its ways

of bringing people together. I know that most people at times feel "lonely". It seems that as we get older, our friendships change and we at times loose contact with the people we used to be around all of the time. Families get busy, and we soon find ourselves connected more to the online friends we have made, rather than the ones we have known in real life.

For me, this has happened in the last two years. ( earlier than that, but this is when I really took notice) I used to live in what was reffered to the "lower mainland", around all of my friends and family, the job that I loved (been there for 8.5 years) and everyone was within a 15-20 min drive MAX. Well my husband spent more time in the "Fraser Valley" and suggested we move. Its a smaller town, its about an hour away from everyone, and I was a bit nervous. I have never lived in a "small town" before. Always a large city. (I believe the lower mainland has about 3 million people) Anyways, I decided it was the time for the move and did it. Thinking I would regret it, but I have not.

I have been here one year, made friends with "quiltnut" whos blog is posted below and we go out stamping, and met quite a few people that I have really enjoyed getting to know. I have also known "quilt nut" online as well from one of the forums that I visit.

So sometimes change is good, sometimes its what we are afraid of most, seems to turn out well in the end.

By doing my predictions I have made quite a bit of friends, I really enjoy getting to know everyone, and love to hear updates. Friendships can come from anyone, anywhere at anytime, you just have to be open to recieving them and accepting them as they come in.

Here is an email that my online friend Candace wrote to me for me to post on my blog. She came to me for a prediction, and over the course of a year or so we have kept in contact and became friends..

Cheri has been a positive light in my life, and I have never met her in person. A couple years ago, I was on my Moms message board, and they posted a link for Cheri's predictions.... I had a rough pregnancy with my son, and the thought of going through it again scared me to no end. So for fun, I emailed Cheri. She told me, "the pregnancy with your daughter will not be as tough as the one you had with your son". Needless to say, I was blown away. I shared this info with my husband, who in turn emailed Cheri. They wrote back and forth and during that time, my father was missing. It was the most horrifying time in my life. My brother and I drove all hours of the night, looking in ditches and bad neighborhoods for him. My mother crying sister in law calling hospitals and everywhere, my teenage sister scared to death. It was horrible. My husband emailed Cheri and asked for her help. Cheri did not blow my husband off, rather, gave us peace of mind. She told us he was wandering, lost, but still alive, driving a gold car. My dad does not have a gold car, however, had a rental car that day...guess what color? Yup, gold. Cheri gave me hope when I was losing it. I kept my faith...but it was still hard. So many 'what ifs'.... so long story short, my father was found the next day, unconscious in his car. His medications interacted with each other causing them to build up. He was in the hospital for a few weeks. He dealt with depression afterwards, but Cheri assured me, he would be fine. She held my hand through all the darkness. She was a ray of light for me. Today, my father is better than ever. Happy, motivated and the best he has ever been. will forever be grateful to Cheri time and energy she spent with me. I feel very fortunate to know her. Today, we share experiences, one being positive energy. I read THE SECRET, and it literally changed my life. Such a simple concept. Seeing the positive in every single thing, even if it looks bad, can change so much. I stopped dieting for one! And guess what, I have lost weight...I stopped putting myself down, I take care of my health, and value myself. It is so easy to beat yourself up, but so rough on your soul. Feed your soul positivity, and watch yourself transform. It feels amazing... Read Cheri's blogs, soak it all in. She is a gift to all of us. Definitely one of my favorite people! Thank you Cheri!


I guess the point of this blog tonight, is to be open to change, and to be open to friendships. That if your feeling lonely that you never have to look far, and that "life" has a way of directing you to new connections if your ready.

You have a friend in me

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Did you know?

I am currently reading a book called "skinny bitch" (that is the true title). I had seen it on a talk show about a new no-nonesense way to loose weight. I think that this book is a bit one sided and presents the "facts" as to what supports their ideas, but came across something that I thought that alot of women might like to know if you didn't already that relates to ttc and pregnancy!

We all know that Folic Acid fights against birth defects and is one of the suppliments in materna, but did you know that Magnesium (known as the anti-stress mineral) helps prevent premature labor ? (along other things). To gain more magnesium, it says to eat nuts, seeds, sunflower seeds, green vegetables, soybeans (seaweed) and molasses.

And did you know that Zinc helps with infertility issues? I was shocked to read that, but it is listed here in the book, and says that foods high with concentrations of zinc are wheat germ, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and soybeans.

In most of the Vitamins listed in these few pages, it lists what you can eat to get more of the vitamin in more naturally, and under most of the listings is nuts/seeds of some kind.

I just thought that these particular ones are very interesting for ttc and pregnancy and thought I would pass this information out.

As usual I am a bit behind on my readings. I am working from home for the next two days and hoping to get a lot of the readings caught up. Again thank you for your patience.

I also wanted to point something out, a post below about the pansies, I was outside today in the front yard, and you will never guess what.. okay, maybe you will, but there are TONS more. I can't believe how many new pansy leaves are starting to form and its doing down the lava rocks towards the end of the driveway. I will be surprised if by the end of the summer my whole area there is covered! And its not just the purple ones anymore, its light purple, dark purple, yellow, purple and yellow and now some really big huge purple ones! I love it! Those little flowers make me so happy!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Swaying for a Girl or Boy?

I know that there are tons of ways that you can sway for a specific gender, and i think that this falls under my category of "tips/tricks for ttc". So I would love your feedback if you have heard of any old wives tales that you might know of that help sway for a girl or boy. I know alot of women wanting to even up their families so to speak and would love to have this information!

One women that i recently did a prediction for gave me this information to pass along to everyone!

Swaying for a BOY
We used softcups the last two cycles, you can buy them at Walgreens, CVS, etc. in the tampon aisle and you put them in right after you BD while you're laying there. They look like LiveStrong rubber bracelets for the rim with a sandwich baggie attatched to it, haha. You leave it in for 12 hours and after that's over, you take it out. It helps keep the sperm really close to the cervix with no leakage. I know several people who ovulate pretty normally have gotten pregnant right away with them. So, I'm pretty sure it'll be a boy because of the research I"ve done, most people who got pregnant with softcups had boys. Rarely do they produce a girl since the boy sperm are much faster. But, I guess we'll find out down the road. Here's the website for softcups, btw: :)

Another good website to check out that has alot of women posting about trying to sway for a specific gender is I am hoping that this link will work. It made me login to the forums but hopefully will bring you directly to the home page. if you have problems with this link, please let me know in the comments section and i will ask the moderator of the site for the proper link:)

Also, news on myself. I am thinking of ttc myself.. more like just letting what happens happen and not preventing. What I would like your help with, is how to make my husband be on the same page. We talked last night, he said that he is not against having a second, but is happy with just the one (originally we had both planned for two) he finds raising kids alot of "work" so to speak and the additional costs kinda scare him. He is not on board with this but not against it, and said that he would do it to make me happy. I want him to be happy about it, and dont want him to resent/regretme or the other child should we concieve. He assures me that it would not happen. So what do I do, how do I show him it will be okay? Any ideas on how to proceed?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Things

I am sure that most of you know, that I am a "positive" person. Someone who tries to see the good in everything and every person. I choose to focus on what good can come out of something or someone and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. This at times has caused me to be taken advantage of by some people but I have learned to be stronger, but still carry the same positive hope.

I am one that does not like to hear bad news, in all of my predictions I have asked that "they" leave out the bad news, I want my predictions to be happy and positive and do not like to be the bearer of any bad news that they might have. I focus only on the positive and leave out anything bad at all.

Answering questions about "love" is always harder for me to predict, because if you ask if you and your partner will be together "forever" i can answer that, if you ask the question, the answer will come. And I always feel so badly if they tell me that the answer is no, that things will not last. I don't "like" to pass that kind of information on, but I do, you ask the question, be ready for the answer.

Perhaps my positive nature is not just to do with being psychic and wanting to help people, but also from my own life experiences. My mother, suffered from severe depression from the time I was little until I turned 21 years old. With depression, most times the seretonin levels in your brain cause you think of things in a more of a "woes is me" type attitude. Often sending my mom into a spiral being upset on things that "most" people would just pass off as a problem or a bit of stress. She would focus on things that not was happing in our family but everyone else as well. At times being commited to the psychiatric ward of a hospital on more than one occasion. Perhaps my fear of this being "genetic" for depression, I choose to share my feelings, my frustrations and my happiness and not bottle things inside. Which is why also perhaps that I choose to focus on things that are positive, and happy. The glass half full so to speak.

I came across this post on the todays parent website, that had an ebay acution of a women selling her kids pokemon cards due to them putting it in the buggy when she was not looking. Her writing is humorous and very light hearted and a real joy to read. I found myself smiling at what she was saying and nodding my head, knowing that my own daughter does things similar (She has 6 kids by the way!)

Here is the link to her ebay auction

Here is a link to her blog which I have also put in my links section.

This post is none other than to remind you to be happy, positive person, and to focus more so on the positive and humor in life, you will feel better for it.

I would love for you to share your "happy moments' things that you do that make you happy, positive experiences or influences in your life. Post them in the comment section. Be happy!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Everything happens for a reason

I think that this is one of my most favorite quotes. I truely do believe that everything happens for a reason. Although we may not understand at the moment what that "reason" might be its often later in our life that it really becomes apparant on why we went through what we did and how it tied in later in life.

I think that there are alot of "coincedences" that come in our life, that people often just toss off as just that a "coincedence" rather than what it truely is. Its part of our path.

For example, ever since I was 16, I began telling my friends that I would marry a man I met in a bar. At the age of 20 years old, I met that man. We got along amazingly well, we had fun, and I just "knew" it would be him. We dated for 3 months, he ended up moving at the same time I had my cell phone disconnected. He lost his phone book during the move and we lost contact.. I was heart broken. I thought it was him, and it was hard for the next three months not knowing why he was not calling etc. I finally "gave up" so to speak and "moved on". Not really know what happened, but accepting it. Well three months later, I was to goto this comedy club with a friend and we always would see the early show and then head to the night club about a 10 min drive. This one night we were running late, and missed the early show so had to see the late show. When you buy tickets for this particular show, they let you into the night club next door for free. So we headed over to waste about 45 min playing pool while we waited for our show. As we were getting ready to leave, I looked to my right, sitting there with a bunch of my friends was my now husband. After reconnecting, it was just as it was before, he explained about losing his phonebook and my cellphone being off. We have been together now for 11 years and married for 6 of those years. I was not supposed to be there that night, it was by "chance" I was there, but I think that greater things were at work.

Same thing with what happened to me on Friday. I had booked a hair appt, as my current do was needing to be re-highlighted and cut/styled as I was feeling "old" Lol. I booked the appt for 1pm that day, arranged care for my 4 year old. Well that morning, my friend asked if she could drop off her two kids so she could possibly go and have her baby (had a planned c-section, but was having issues) anyways, due to delays with my friend and the dr's not knowing if they would or wouldn't do the c-section that day, I had to cancel my hair appt. I asked to change it, and she asked if it had to be the same person or did it matter. As I had not specified a person in the first place, I said it would not matter. My hair appt was changed to Saturday at 3pm.

During the hair appt, I am normally not a talker, not sure what to talk about and usually just answer questions or small talk. Well there was a connection with this girl. She was so sweet and nice, and very relaxed, and turns out she does alot of the same things as me, she knows Reiki, and has her own gifts shes aware of, and pursues alot of the same things. Recently getting into EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique I posted about below) and we just really connected. Found out that our husbands have similar interests.

So again, life has a way of connecting things, sending you on your path, and presenting you with situations with which to learn. Not only did I possibly make a new friend, but also someone to learn from and perhaps she can learn from me too.

Not everything that happens in our life is good, but perhaps take a step back and see where this path is leading you, perhaps this situation has been presented before and you just did not realize it. Perhaps you become friends with someone , loose contact, only to find each other again a short time later. Or perhaps you ended up running late, that everything you did seemed to go wrong, only to find out later, had you been on time, that you would have been in a car accident or seriously hurt. Take the Twin Tower event of Sept 11. There were many people that were "supposed" to be at work that day, and for one reason or another were not.

Everything happens for a reason and has a way of working out. Its up to us to learn from it and make these connections. The more aware you are of it, the easier it will be to make these connections.

If anyone ever has any questions, or comments about a blog entry feel free to write in the comment section and I will try to answer. I love hearing about other peoples experiences as well. If you can't post in the comment section (I think that you have to have a gmail account, feel free to email me at and write BLOG in the subject line so I know its a question/comment pertaining to a post)

Friday, August 17, 2007


I am sure that most people here have heard that we have "aura's" surrounding us. Often that coincide with our lessons in life and our moods at the time and other related factors. I can not see the auras wtih my own two eyes but can certainly feel what color is there, and have at times learned to interpret what it means. I know that for me right now, I can feel that I have red and orange in my aura. I also know that I am slightly agitated right now. The next door neighbor has a way of dropping off his 3 year old boy at our house under the "guise" that he is playing with our daughter. But in reality its so he can go home and have some alone time! lol. Its driving me nuts, but thats another storey!

there are ways also of protecting yourself and healing yourself using color therapy. For those of you who are "sensitive" and at times feel like your starting to feel a bit negative or overwhelmed, it could actually be that spirits who have yet to pass over, feel that you have a gift, and are actually "taking advantge of you" so to speak. They hover around, taking a bit of your energy unintentionally and sometimes if your really sensitive to them, you pick up some of their negative thoughts and find yourself thinking about somethings that you dont normally think about. Its odd, and at times can be scary. There are ways to break this. If you find that your feeling "off" or seem to be having a bad day for no reason follow what is posted below it works!

See a beam of light starting from your feet, (use whatever color comes to mind first, your soul knows what one to use) and see it going up over your legs, up over the entire part of your body and right over your head, encasing yourself in a little light coccoon. Then say "only pure love can come into me, and only pure love can leave me". Say this about three times. You might notice that your train of thought that you had previous is just kinda "blocked" which should relate that you have been able to safely protect yourself.

I am not telling you all of this to freak you out. But if you plan on opening yourself up to explore your gifts more, than you need to learn this.

I do this before going to bed, and just let whatever color that comes to mind be the color I choose for that night. I also most times do the same thing for my daughter and my husband, I "see" the light going over them and encasing them into a light coccoon as well. Its for "protection". If you have any questions about this, leave it in the comment section and I will answer your questions.

Here is a site I found that also explains alot about auras as well as alot of other things

Monday, August 13, 2007

Blog contest

well I tried to do a blog contest yesterday for a family bypass and thought it would be easy and fun, but it looks like perhaps it wasn't lol.. So I am going to change it up a bit and make it a bit easier. To win this family bypass portion, I someone to share a "lesson" they learned. I want a storey behind it and how it happened and how you came to learn that it was a "lesson" in your life.

for example. In my life, I have had a few boyfriends (not all at once!) when I was younger, and EVERYONE of them cheated on me with someone else. I was devasted and first thought that it was something tht I was doing, that would cause this to happen over and over again. When I realized that this was a lesson that I had to learn, I told myself that i would not "allow' This to happen to me again. That I would learn from it, and that I realized that I did not have to put up with this and that I did not deserve to be treated, nor did I have to "allow' This to happen to me. When I met my now husband I told him when we first met and started dating that if he EVER cheated on me, that regardless of where we were in our relationship that it would be OVER. No ifs, ands or buts and not second chances. I knew that I had learned that lesson. Before I was too nice, and Naieve and let people walk all over me. He agreed and understood and said that the same goes for him. We have been together now for almost 11 years and married for 6.

life is full of lessons, we need to learn these lessons in order for us to start on the next one. if you have not learned it, then it will continue to repeat itself until you get the hang of it. Ever sit there and wonder "why me" , and that the same type of "theme" seems to happen all of the time?Over and over like a broken record? Whether its a person you meet and become great friends with, just to have them move, or perhaps you seem to be able to pay off all your debts just to find yourself in debt once again from things that were not controlable. There are many factors in life, but the lessons are the ones that repeat over and over and over, until we finally stand up and say "okay, I get it!". once you have learned the lesson, its done.. it wont happen again, and you will move onto something else you need to learn in this life.

So, if there is something that you find in your life that repeats itself write it down, and see where the pattern is.. see where the lesson is. When you figure it out, you can move on from it!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Time for an update!

Well, tomorrow is my first day back at work after two weeks off on "holiday". I did not really do too much that would be considered "holiday" stuff, but we had fun. I kept my daughter out of daycare during the two weeks and we had a good time. Went swimming, we took her camping one night, I took her to the amusement park at least three times, and visiting with friends for playdates. I managed to do some work at times when she was here, telling her I had to work for an hour while she watched her movie while we headed out. I am currently only about 3.5 days behind!!!!! I am so excited about that! For the longest time it was bouncing between 7-10 days and thats horrible time to wait! That had me stressed as I prefer to keep it within the 24-48 hours to reply each time. So almost there!

On another side note, my In-Laws are moving out here, they just called and supposed to be arriving tomorrow sometime. They are about 4 hours away. I know that my daughter is going to be really excited to see them. She has not seen them since Sept of last year (they used to live 5 hour plane ride!) So I think that its going to be good for her.

So now is my turn to ask for advice.. I have been told numerous times that four is a hard age, they become more assertive and independant, and a bit mouthy at times. My little "angel" recently seems to enjoy argueing with me, asking me a question, and when I give her the honest answer she tells me "no it isn't" when her and I both know it is. Or testing me. While at her favorite place, after being there for 2 hours I said it was time to leave, and she kept walking into the water even more. I actually had to get "mad" and demand that she comes. Why can't they just listen! lol.. any advice on how to make this easier for us both?

I also want to do a different type of contest. its called "vote for your friend"... basically you need to get your friends/aquaintences or heck perfect strangers to email me at and put YOUR login name/website you frequent in the subject line. Nothing else needs to be sent.. The emails will not be read, just the subject line tallied to determine the winner.

So if someone was voting for me say, it would say "Cheri22/Todays parent" in the subject line.. thats it.. nothing else. The person with the most votes for themselves, wins the FAMILY BYPASS Prediction (worth 25.00) So goto the site you frequent and start getting people to vote for you. All they have to do is email the address above with your login name and site and it counts as one vote! Easy right? (only one vote per email address accepted)

This contest will start AUGUST 13th and will end at Midnight the same day (PST time) and I will announce the winner on this blog and will get in contact with the person who won.

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lydia Pinkham post below - UPDATED

In one of the inspirational stories listed below, Delilah mentioned about how she has taken Lydia Pinkham and how it has worked for her. She has now asked that I update her testimony to include her new findings and hopefully to help further benefit the people who read this blog with her experiences with it.

"Cheri, Can I add something to your weekly blog about my Lydia Pinkham testimony....I need to stress the fact that you have to stop taking it once you Ovulate.....Must Urge people to be careful that they know for sure they are not pregnant while taking it....I am learning that due to the fact of not knowing I was pregnant and taking the lydia pinkham it contributed to the miscarriage, wasnt the sole source of the miscarriage but it does contain Black Cohosh which will cause uterine contractions and not allow the egg to properly is really important to stop taking it once you ovulate...I need to be sure to add this due to not wanting anyone who read my testimony and taking it like I did until I got a BFP....."

If you have any questions about this product, you can email me with "lydia pinkham" in the subject line and if shes willing to answer, I will forward your email to Delilah and she can perhaps answer any questions you might have.

Monday, August 6, 2007

"signs" from heaven

On the topic of loved ones who have passed over, I thought I would also touch base with ways that they sometimes choose to communicate with us that are not just through dreams or having to use a psychic (medium) for help.

Sometimes loved ones choose to show their live by sending you signs. Perhaps its certain people that come un-expectantly into your life that triggers a memory of your loved one. Perhaps a certain name that was the same, maybe a certain scent, or even a certain phrase. All which "trigger" your memory of the one you have lost. Sometimes passed down as a coincidence by us, but you should realize, that "most" times, your loved one has helped set up these events.

There are times when you might "hear" something and no one is there, they can at times work with electricity and make the lights flicker to get your attention. When things like this happen, you mind/subconscious already zeros in on who it is, and you might find your mind wandering to the person you lost and thinking about them. This is their way of saying "hello".

In my case, it seems to be a few different ways to get my attention. While i was young, this wild purple Pansy would grow in our grass (lawn) this would drive my dad insane. He would mow it down, trying to find ways of getting it out of the grass and it would continue to grow. This flower, soon stood for a lot of things for me, and I grew to love its stubbornness and thrive to survive. My dad later told me, that this was his mothers favorite flower (she passed when he was 16). I moved at the age of 18, and during that year I was there, the same purple Pansy grew under a holly tree. The landlord questioning why I would plant the flower in a spot like that (holly bushes are PRICKLY!!) I did not plant it there, nor did I plant it in ANY of the yards that I had lived. It was during that year, that I had a tattoo of the purple Pansy on my lower right hip. This wild Pansy followed me for the next 7 years in "odd" locations, and I grew to love it even more.

We bought our first townhouse in the summer of 2003, and later that year, the Pansy grew in the back yard and the front. I was told that it was not there before.

We bought our first house where we live now in 2006 (august) and there was no pansies here at the time. This year, my front yard is COVERED in them, of course where they are not supposed to be, but nonetheless, was compelled to just let them take over, as I love them so much. I truly believe that this is my grandmothers way of saying hello and letting me know shes here.

Another time, its been a certain smell. Often smelling like dirty old socks, and again in odd places. (like behind entertainment units, behind doors..etc. I contribute this to my grandfather. He does not frequent as much, but I still no when he is around.

So don't be scared when you get a gift of love, or able to link something to someone who has passed over. They are usually doing it out of love and not trying to scare you. Just say thank you, or acknowledge that you received their gifts. If your really uncomfortable with the contact, just let them know to find more subtle ways to say hi. They really can here you!

If you have recognized a sign from someone who has passed over, please feel free to tell about your storey in the comment section of this blog. I would LOVE to hear it as I am sure a lot of other people as well!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I am not sure if most of you have the kinda crazy dreams that I have. I would have to say that there are TONS of dreams that I remember, and you guys would kill yourself laughing! Not every dream means something. I have learned that as well, but sometimes you have to figure out what the dream represents. Obviously if you watched a show the night before, and you find yourself in that show, then the dream is just a funny dream and does not have deeper meanings.

As I mentioned before, we all have this gift. Some of us can tune in with just "listening", others can "hear" the information and yet other people seem to be able to tune in only through their dreams. They are most relaxed and ready for their spirit guides to come and or loved ones who have passed over. Its during this time, that your questions are answered. You just might not remember, or understand their answer. Who says getting answers was "easy". Sometimes its just a matter of interpreting them.

I once had this dream, that I was driving my husbands truck through the mountains, and his gas tank was nearing empty. I was following a long line of people and was starting to get worried. not only was there snow on the ground, and I was driving my husbands truck (which I don't like to drive) but the gas tank was near empty and to get through this mountain track would take FOUR days! I decided to turn around and did and drove back.

When i got back to the train station, my sister was there, and she was fighting off this little leprechaun who was trying to steal her money. I was livid and of course trying to fight him off as well. He would then apologize that he had done it, and when we turned around, he tried to steal mine!

Well, I consulted with a friend, because for some strange reason I had it in my head, that it meant I had four days left to live... yep, you guessed it, I was freaked that the four was to signify death.. pretty scary if you ask me! I told my mom about the dream and that I was a bit worried what the four days meant. She started to "panic" as she too has a gift and was worried I was right. My Mom's husband asked if he should throw me a going away party (his sense of humor trying to lighten up the situation)... anyways, after explaining it to my friend, she asked me what the connection was with "four" and " my sister"and "money".. the proper interpretation was, that I had been worried and a bit of anxiety over my sisters up coming wedding in FOUR months time (pretty much to the day) and was worried that I would not have enough money. ( i was a brides maid and wanted to buy her something nice as well) and I guess it had been consuming me, and I was basically being shown that although I felt my money being "taken away" that It would be there when I needed it...

I usually use when trying to interpret pieces of my dreams, and then I have a dream book that a good friend Kerry made for me, that I write in the dreams that are really important, and what the translation is.. to help guide me.

If your looking to get some answers to the problems you might be experiencing and connect with your guides, you can do this:

1) while in your bed and ready to go to sleep, in your head say " Please give me guidance and help me understand/solve/fix this (insert problem here) in my dreams tonight and let me remember the answer when I wake up.
2) Say this three times
3) go to sleep.
4) If you wake up in the middle of the night for some reason and had a "odd" dream, write it down, do not wait till the morning time.. if you wake up in the morning, then write it down then. Most times should happen right away where you get a dream. At times can be really odd, and other times might be really straightforward:)

I plan on sharing my dreams here from time to time. Perhaps to give you something to laugh at as well, to lighten up your day. Laughter is a great thing:)

Friday, August 3, 2007

A bit of an update!

I took last night and went to a lake with my husband and our 4 year old daughter for the night. The road is very bumpy and worn out, and we took our new to us tenttrailer with us. Its an older one, probably a 1972, and it was our first time taking it out. My husband was putting it up, only to realize that the back left side had ripped off! So its just hanging there and obviously not able to sleep on that side. My husband was obviously a bit mad, and normally I probably would have been a bit dissapointed and heard "oh well" come out of my mouth.

I at times, can be a bit controling person in regards to things happening in my life. But starting to realize that things are sometimes beyond my control, and know that this is one of my lessons I am going to be learning. Same thing with today. My daughter wanted to play with her playdoh, and wanted to mix the colors. Normally I am like "ack, no don't do that", because then they will be mixed, and I at first said "no, please dont do that" then said right after "you know what, go ahead, its not going to wreck anything". Its baby steps and a lesson I need to learn, and its taking awhile and hard! lol.

We had a good night camping. My husband and I slept on the side not broken and my daughter slept on the bed that folds from a table to a bed. She was really excited to be doing that. There was tons of mosquitos, and black flies. My husband does not believe that those suckers bite, but I beg to differ!

We woke up around 8am, and quick packed up and headed home. It had started to rain!! We had only planned the one night anyways, and might as well pack up and leave the camping spot to allow the other people coming up for the long weekend a place to stay.

In regards to yesterdays contest, the winners are TEEKS, HOPING TO BE A MOM & SHARHONDA. I was originally only going to allow just one winner, but figured the three people got it right, and they all win! Please email me with BLOG WINNER in the subject line so I can make sure I see it.

I am still looking for people who want to share inspirational stories with the people who read this blog. It really does help to know or read about someone who is possibly going through the same as you are similar and that there is hope restored and excitment in the ttc journey. I have a friend who is currently working on her storey, but I would love to hear from more people. I am willing to trade one question answered indepth for your storey that gets published.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Today is a good day!

Gemini: You've been a bit overwhelmed lately with everything you've had to get done, but an exciting adventure will soon help you leave the stress behind.

I was reading my facebook horoscope (just for fun) and you would believe that this one was 100% accurate for what is happening today! I have been overwhelmed for the last little while with trying to get everyones predictions caught up. I am not still "technically" a few days behind but if you look at my inbox its actually not "tons" like it was before. I have been working really hard on them and making sure that I get them done.
My husband and I have also decided to take our daughter on an overnight camping trip. She loves camping (what 4 year old wouldn't) and the second my husband woke up this morning the first words out of her mouth was " are we leaving now" and jumped up ready to go! Shes not dressed, I haven't showered yet...etc.
So perhaps that is what the adventure was! lol
So for today, I am doing a blog contest, and the winner is announced tomorrow.
I have three riddles. The first person who solves them all wins a SIBLING EXPRESS prediction (15.00 value) post your answers in the comment section and stay tuned to find out the winner!
1.What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?
2.You're driving a bus that is leaving on a trip from Pennsylvania and ending in New York. To start off with, there were 32 passengers on the bus. At the next bus stop, 11 people get off and 9 people get on. At the next bus stop, 2 people get off and 2 people get on. At the next bus stop, 12 people get on and 16 people get off. At the next bus stop, 5 people get on and 3 people get off. Question: What color are the bus driver's eyes?
3.What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?