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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
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Well, okay its not exactly new years here yet, I have just under 2 hours left to go and my 5 year is trying her best to stay up till midnight and ring in the new year with my 11 year old god daughter. We shall see what happens!
I really do hope that you guys all have a wonderful 2009 and that it brings about alot of pregnancies and babies galore! I hope that 2009 is a positive experience, and one that you will remember for years to come.
I am not normally the type of person to do new years resolutions, well, perhaps I should clarify this.... I am not the type of person to KEEP new years resolutions, but I mean well when making them!
here we go!
1. Cherish the time spent with family and friends. Especially my little girls who might not always want to spend the time with me when they are teens.
2. As for every year, loose a bit of weight. This year more so as still carrying around the baby weight. Not sure how much longer I am allowed to blame it on the baby as shes now 8 months old! I would love to lose 30lbs
3. no more drinking soda
4. eat more veggies/fruit and cut down on the chocolate m(in other words eat better so that I can follow through with #2! lol)
So now that they have been posted on my blog, perhaps its more about being set in stone and easier to follow!
I would love to hear your new years resolutions! The people who post some of theirs in the comment section will be entered to win a reading with Brooke777! Winner will be announced on Sunday morning as usual to give people a time to answer.
I am hoping tomorrow to post the winner of the December special as well. So keep your eyes open on the blog tomorrow and the next day to see who wins!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A tornado hit my house!
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okay not really, but if you were to peak in here, you would think that was exactly what happened! (those with remote viewing techniques, you might not want to use it to see my house, it might scare you! lol)
I am the type of person who loves to get all the Christmas decorations up around the first of December, and then believe it or not, its all down the 26th of December! I have already dismantled the tree, put away all the decorations and started to clean up the house. We have opened most of the presents the girls received, and put a few away for a "Rainy day" when they are bored. I have three bags of recycling from boxes to go out next week, and a few more things to clean up before the house starts to feel "normal" again. I really don't like messes, especially big ones! lol.
I guess that's my pet peeve. I don't mind little messes, where there are a few toys lying around, but I hate large ones, just gets me anxious I guess, and drives me crazy and I clean it right up. Don't ask me how many times I clean up after the kids!
My computer room is a mess, I can barely even get to my desk to work on the computer. Now normally I would have already had this all back in the closet where it belongs, but with having the baby, this is a bit more difficult. I am kinda limited to when shes napping, but then I would make too much noise.. catch my drift? So basically have to wait for hubby to be available!
We had a good Christmas, saw lots of family and already did lots of visiting. I think that is what I enjoy more is visiting with everyone. Its certainly not this snow we have been getting. I only remember one other time around 10 years ago when we got this much. Its been raining here today, but that means SLUSH everyone. My eldest does not mind as she would sit in it if she didn't think I would freak out! Shes just the type that can turn anything into fun. I have been told my hubby that tomorrow will snow again, which means I am house bound as the slushy snow will turn into ice and be even harder to drive in.
Anyways, I am back online, will have the contests running again starting next week for the reading giveaways. You still have a few days left if anyone is interested in the December special. (if you want to know more about the monthly specials, check the lower right hand side of this blog under "labels" although post is not listed as "December special" it will contain the information about it.
Okay! Time for bed!
I am the type of person who loves to get all the Christmas decorations up around the first of December, and then believe it or not, its all down the 26th of December! I have already dismantled the tree, put away all the decorations and started to clean up the house. We have opened most of the presents the girls received, and put a few away for a "Rainy day" when they are bored. I have three bags of recycling from boxes to go out next week, and a few more things to clean up before the house starts to feel "normal" again. I really don't like messes, especially big ones! lol.
I guess that's my pet peeve. I don't mind little messes, where there are a few toys lying around, but I hate large ones, just gets me anxious I guess, and drives me crazy and I clean it right up. Don't ask me how many times I clean up after the kids!
My computer room is a mess, I can barely even get to my desk to work on the computer. Now normally I would have already had this all back in the closet where it belongs, but with having the baby, this is a bit more difficult. I am kinda limited to when shes napping, but then I would make too much noise.. catch my drift? So basically have to wait for hubby to be available!
We had a good Christmas, saw lots of family and already did lots of visiting. I think that is what I enjoy more is visiting with everyone. Its certainly not this snow we have been getting. I only remember one other time around 10 years ago when we got this much. Its been raining here today, but that means SLUSH everyone. My eldest does not mind as she would sit in it if she didn't think I would freak out! Shes just the type that can turn anything into fun. I have been told my hubby that tomorrow will snow again, which means I am house bound as the slushy snow will turn into ice and be even harder to drive in.
Anyways, I am back online, will have the contests running again starting next week for the reading giveaways. You still have a few days left if anyone is interested in the December special. (if you want to know more about the monthly specials, check the lower right hand side of this blog under "labels" although post is not listed as "December special" it will contain the information about it.
Okay! Time for bed!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Found this really neat site
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where you can enter the date of your last period and it does all the "guess work" for you. So for those of you who are new to trying to conceive, or those of you not temping or using other means to predict ovulation check this site out. I thought it was really fun to at least try and see how it worked and what information it gave.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
its begining to look alot like christmas.......
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well, I am officially done Christmas shopping.. can you believe it, Christmas is just two sleeps away! My daughter knows how many and is pretty excited and as you can guess the baby could care less. (although she might try and eat the wrapping paper!) I normally have all my shopping done at the beginning of December as I try and pick things up all year round so that its not so much at the end. But this year, my husbands father was nearly impossible to buy for. He WONT tell you what he wants, tells you he does not need anything, and then your left trying to find something for a person who needs nothing. Next year is going to be different. I don't think I should be buying gifts just for the sake of having everyone accumulate more "stuff". I will try and buy practical things for people that they can use, wear, eat.. lol. My FIL I know how much he loves smoked salmon so bought him some of that. The box it comes in is wooden with a carved design. Would he use the box? No probably not, but he will eat the fish, and perhaps my Mother in law can use the box, or they can let my daughter have it. I am sure she will have fun with it. OR I can use it to wrap another gift who knows! lol.
We are heading to my Mother in laws for dinner tomorrow, and then heading into the city on Thursday for Christmas dinner at my sisters. Shes currently 20 weeks along and just found out that they are expecting another little boy (her husband has two boys from a previous marriage and they have one son together and now one son on the way) as we have two girls they offered to trade !lol (it was a joke! lol) Shes also been told by the midwife that her amino fluid is low, so of course shes freaked out on what it could possibly mean. She had to have blood tests today to find out before she can see a specialist, so please keep her in your thoughts that its "nothing".
I am hoping we can make it out to the city for dinner. We are expecting snow. And the one thing you should know about us here in British Columbia, is that we don't get alot of the white stuff out here, we get tons of rain, but hardly any snow, so when we do, everyone drives like they just got their license, there are tons of accidents and people going off the I tend to not want to go out there. I actually saw a mustang having CHAINS on his tires.. okay, sounds like a good plan given that there was snow.. BUT the roads where CLEAR! He was driving his mustang with chains on the BARE road! You should have seen some of the sparks. I am sure that this can do some damage to the road and his car. No idea what he was thinking and was surprised he did not pull over to take them off!
Anyways, I want to wish you all a merry Christmas!! (if you celebrate and if you don't, I hope you have a wonderful new year! lol)
We are heading to my Mother in laws for dinner tomorrow, and then heading into the city on Thursday for Christmas dinner at my sisters. Shes currently 20 weeks along and just found out that they are expecting another little boy (her husband has two boys from a previous marriage and they have one son together and now one son on the way) as we have two girls they offered to trade !lol (it was a joke! lol) Shes also been told by the midwife that her amino fluid is low, so of course shes freaked out on what it could possibly mean. She had to have blood tests today to find out before she can see a specialist, so please keep her in your thoughts that its "nothing".
I am hoping we can make it out to the city for dinner. We are expecting snow. And the one thing you should know about us here in British Columbia, is that we don't get alot of the white stuff out here, we get tons of rain, but hardly any snow, so when we do, everyone drives like they just got their license, there are tons of accidents and people going off the I tend to not want to go out there. I actually saw a mustang having CHAINS on his tires.. okay, sounds like a good plan given that there was snow.. BUT the roads where CLEAR! He was driving his mustang with chains on the BARE road! You should have seen some of the sparks. I am sure that this can do some damage to the road and his car. No idea what he was thinking and was surprised he did not pull over to take them off!
Anyways, I want to wish you all a merry Christmas!! (if you celebrate and if you don't, I hope you have a wonderful new year! lol)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Everyone has a storey to tell...
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I really believe that we are "here" to learn lessons... and that sometimes our lessons correspond with other peoples lessons, and we need to learn from it. I really believe that its a benefit to all to also pass your knowledge with what you have learned. Its not a "Cheat sheet' exactly as your not giving the answers to every situation that life has to offer, but its almost like giving people the ability to react easier to a situation that they encounter with a bit of knowledge and power.
For example, in my life growing up, I would consider my childhood to have been good. It was not "perfect" but then who is. My mom suffered from severe depression, my dad was an alcoholic (is now 3 years sober!) and in spite of that all, I do have to say that I am a good person BECAUSE of what I went through. Not only can I help/relate to people who have suffered depression, or have an addition, but feel that by being in my situation can help them overcome or reconnect themselves to who they are inside and hopefully find a lesson out of it all. I seem to connect well to people who have experienced depression as I "sorta' know what they are going through after watching my mom suffer with it for YEARS (she finally "beat" it when I was 21)
I have never been depressed, I have had feelings of sadness, but I always "cleanse" my spirit and tell the negative energy to leave and surround myself with white light. I truly believe I am here to help. That's why I love doing what I am doing right now. Helping women/families with trying to conceive or pregnancy, regaining hope and positive energy back into their lives when otherwise its stressful. I enjoy helping people reconnect with their loved ones, I love helping give people back direction in their life when they are otherwise feeling stuck or lost. Whether its using my abilities to for tell future, or even just being a friend to listen and help pass along information.
This is also why I love emails that include inspirational stories, or even tips for conception as it helps pass the "storey" along. It helps pass the information you have learned onto the person who perhaps might be experiencing the same thing. This is why I feel its important for everyone to connect.. to share.. to enlighten.
Also a reminder, for those of you who are interested in what December special is all about (see label on the bottom right listed as "special offers" to find the post about what I am talking about) there is still a few days left to be able to qualify for this opportunity!
For example, in my life growing up, I would consider my childhood to have been good. It was not "perfect" but then who is. My mom suffered from severe depression, my dad was an alcoholic (is now 3 years sober!) and in spite of that all, I do have to say that I am a good person BECAUSE of what I went through. Not only can I help/relate to people who have suffered depression, or have an addition, but feel that by being in my situation can help them overcome or reconnect themselves to who they are inside and hopefully find a lesson out of it all. I seem to connect well to people who have experienced depression as I "sorta' know what they are going through after watching my mom suffer with it for YEARS (she finally "beat" it when I was 21)
I have never been depressed, I have had feelings of sadness, but I always "cleanse" my spirit and tell the negative energy to leave and surround myself with white light. I truly believe I am here to help. That's why I love doing what I am doing right now. Helping women/families with trying to conceive or pregnancy, regaining hope and positive energy back into their lives when otherwise its stressful. I enjoy helping people reconnect with their loved ones, I love helping give people back direction in their life when they are otherwise feeling stuck or lost. Whether its using my abilities to for tell future, or even just being a friend to listen and help pass along information.
This is also why I love emails that include inspirational stories, or even tips for conception as it helps pass the "storey" along. It helps pass the information you have learned onto the person who perhaps might be experiencing the same thing. This is why I feel its important for everyone to connect.. to share.. to enlighten.
Also a reminder, for those of you who are interested in what December special is all about (see label on the bottom right listed as "special offers" to find the post about what I am talking about) there is still a few days left to be able to qualify for this opportunity!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dreams and their meanings
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I am sure like most of you, my dreams are usually pretty vivid and leave me wondering if I should translate it, or leave it alone. Last night, I dreamed that I was with my sister, and my good friend, and we located an "old' hidden museum. Inside was an artifact, it was from a scrapbook type thing, to punch holes, and a very old "ancient" sign that said something of the fact of it being a craft type fair. Now in my dream, this was my uncle's museum, and my good friend stole the little hole punch thing, and I was pretty upset. The item was worth 14,000 dollars and I felt it should be where it was found, or donated to a local museum instead. I actually stole it back and was trying to find my way back in. Now you see, the museum was hidden, you had to go through this door that my uncle had professionally made, but was covered in dust and webs as never used. You had to crawl through some things and even go over things to actually get there. Almost like it was "supposed" to be a museum or the like but ended up being for storage instead.
I did wake up shortly after that with my daughter (eldest) calling me as she had to go pee and blow her nose. So who knows how the dream would have ended.
Now I am also careful with which dreams I interpret and which dreams I leave alone, or at least keeping an open mind as to what it could mean. I have interpreted a dream before to think that I had 4 days left to live, and was SCARED crap less, only to have someone else interpret it for me, and actually relate it to my sisters wedding (in 4 months time)
My dreams are usually pretty "wacky" but they make good conversation pieces! As mentioned before, I tend to use to interpret my dreams, and would definitely recommend this site to others. All I say, is keep an open mind, don't freak yourself out with the interpretation as there could be more pieces to the puzzle. You can also use your dreams as a way of getting answers to your questions/problems. Before going to bed, ask your spirit guides to answer your question in a dream for you and let you remember when you wake up.
Here is what my dream last night meant to tell me:)
FOURTEEN (as in the 14,000)
The number fourteen signifies the unexpected and your need to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. It is also symbolic of overindulgence and giving into your desires. You need to be more committed and maintain focus on your goals.
(now the interpretation of this is correct, I have been feeling like we are overspending a bit and not meeting our goals. Basically telling me to keep on track and that I can do it! lol) I also know that my friend that "stole" the artifact in my dream is probably the most frugal person I know, which is also why she was "featured' in with the number 14 to connect the message to me even more!
DOOR (as in the door my uncle made)
To dream that you are entering through a door, signifies new opportunities that will be presented before you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. In particular, a door that opens to the outside, signifies your need to be more accessible to others, whereas a door that opens into the inside, denotes your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery.
FRIEND (as in the friend who "stole" the artifcat)
To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news.
I did wake up shortly after that with my daughter (eldest) calling me as she had to go pee and blow her nose. So who knows how the dream would have ended.
Now I am also careful with which dreams I interpret and which dreams I leave alone, or at least keeping an open mind as to what it could mean. I have interpreted a dream before to think that I had 4 days left to live, and was SCARED crap less, only to have someone else interpret it for me, and actually relate it to my sisters wedding (in 4 months time)
My dreams are usually pretty "wacky" but they make good conversation pieces! As mentioned before, I tend to use to interpret my dreams, and would definitely recommend this site to others. All I say, is keep an open mind, don't freak yourself out with the interpretation as there could be more pieces to the puzzle. You can also use your dreams as a way of getting answers to your questions/problems. Before going to bed, ask your spirit guides to answer your question in a dream for you and let you remember when you wake up.
Here is what my dream last night meant to tell me:)
FOURTEEN (as in the 14,000)
The number fourteen signifies the unexpected and your need to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. It is also symbolic of overindulgence and giving into your desires. You need to be more committed and maintain focus on your goals.
(now the interpretation of this is correct, I have been feeling like we are overspending a bit and not meeting our goals. Basically telling me to keep on track and that I can do it! lol) I also know that my friend that "stole" the artifact in my dream is probably the most frugal person I know, which is also why she was "featured' in with the number 14 to connect the message to me even more!
DOOR (as in the door my uncle made)
To dream that you are entering through a door, signifies new opportunities that will be presented before you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. In particular, a door that opens to the outside, signifies your need to be more accessible to others, whereas a door that opens into the inside, denotes your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery.
FRIEND (as in the friend who "stole" the artifcat)
To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I am starting to feel like Dorothy!
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here where I live there is a VERY strong wind right now. So bad yesterday it was like -6 with the wind. Okay I know that some of you get it colder, but for me, that's freezing cold! lol. I actually braved it and went out yesterday and today.. what was I thinking! I had a family Christmas party to go to today and had to drive on the freeway, my little car was blowing around like crazy and it totally freaked me out! I am expecting to see on the news alot of damage with how bad and strong the winds are. Out here we don't get tornado's or even hurricanes, but its enough you might at times almost get blown off your feet!
Christmas is something that we celebrate. Not the religious side of it, but the giving part. My parents have always done "Santa" and I have enjoyed keeping the tradition alive with my daughter. I just wanted with her the movie called Polar Express. I asked her if a train showed up in our front yard, would she hop on and she said she would! I love the stage of imagination and hope that she can always dream big.

I would love to hear peoples traditions for the holidays. Do you go to a specific location for xmas? Do you have stockings and presents? What time does your kids wake up in the morning?
So far, even at the age of 5 for my eldest, shes not up for the last few years until her "regular" time of around 8am. Wondering what this year will bring? My sister and I when little were up at the crack of dawn, bouncing off the walls, and being told to go back to bed it was still too early (it was 4am)
I actually remember one Christmas, my sister and I sharing a room (because we wanted to) and we both slept on my top bunk. We played a game where we were pulling each others sleeves, and then letting go and at the time was fun. That was until my sister let go, I punched myself in the mouth and knocked a baby tooth out! I was actually kinda excited afterwards knowing that the tooth fairy was going to come at the same time as Santa. I even asked them to take a picture of each other with my camera. I left it out for them to use and wrote them a really nice note. In the morning, I was super excited, went to get my camera and it was GONE. I actually started bawling thinking that Santa or the tooth fairy stole my camera! lol. My mom quickly picked it out from behind the tree and told me she found it! lol.
Christmas is something that we celebrate. Not the religious side of it, but the giving part. My parents have always done "Santa" and I have enjoyed keeping the tradition alive with my daughter. I just wanted with her the movie called Polar Express. I asked her if a train showed up in our front yard, would she hop on and she said she would! I love the stage of imagination and hope that she can always dream big.
I would love to hear peoples traditions for the holidays. Do you go to a specific location for xmas? Do you have stockings and presents? What time does your kids wake up in the morning?
So far, even at the age of 5 for my eldest, shes not up for the last few years until her "regular" time of around 8am. Wondering what this year will bring? My sister and I when little were up at the crack of dawn, bouncing off the walls, and being told to go back to bed it was still too early (it was 4am)
I actually remember one Christmas, my sister and I sharing a room (because we wanted to) and we both slept on my top bunk. We played a game where we were pulling each others sleeves, and then letting go and at the time was fun. That was until my sister let go, I punched myself in the mouth and knocked a baby tooth out! I was actually kinda excited afterwards knowing that the tooth fairy was going to come at the same time as Santa. I even asked them to take a picture of each other with my camera. I left it out for them to use and wrote them a really nice note. In the morning, I was super excited, went to get my camera and it was GONE. I actually started bawling thinking that Santa or the tooth fairy stole my camera! lol. My mom quickly picked it out from behind the tree and told me she found it! lol.
Congratulations to TRACY!
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You are the winner from the draw this morning and you can email brooke777 to claim your free reading. If you do not have a link to her site already, you can locate it on the bottom right of this blog and it will take you to her site where you can find her email address.
I am pretty sure that I have told people this storey before, but thought I would post it again just in case. I remember it like it was yesterday! I took my daughter swimming who must have been around 3-4 at the time with some friends and their daughter. We left first and headed into the parking lot. Near the back left side of the parking lot, I saw this guy he appeared to be in his late teens early twenty's at the most. He was standing on the grass for a bit, just standing there, looking around. It was dark outside, probably close to 7pm, maybe even as late as 8. He made me slightly nervous. Its when I noticed the other guy, closer to the back of the parking lot and coming closer towards this other guy that I really felt I needed to get my daughter in FAST and get in and lock the doors. I have not experienced this feeling before, but I listened. I told my daughter to get in and buckle up FAST and then locked her door and got in myself, and locked the door. This is when I noticed that the "first' guy was now located behind the white van as if he was hiding, and the other guy who was wearing the red checkered jacket that was originally coming towards my direction abruptly turned right away from my car the minute I got into my car and shut the door. Almost like he was pretending that he was not in fact coming towards me. As I left the parking lot, the second guy kinda stopped by a few cars, trying to make it look like this was his original intention. He waited, did not look at me at all as I drove away. As soon as I passed him, he walked back towards his original direction, and right to the other guy hiding behind the van. I wish I had my cell phone that day. I drove to the nearest store that had a payphone and called 911 ( I would have just called the police station but did not have their number!) I explained what happened, afraid that someone else might not be so lucky. Gave an exact description (thank goodness I did mystershopping for about a year as it gave me the skills to memorize descriptions of people! lol) and they said that they would be sending someone right over to take a look.
I have had premonitions most of my life but did not really realize or clue in to what they were until I really started paying attention to my gifts. I have been told with warnings up to 3 days in advance when a boyfriend would break up with me or when something is not right.
So this is something that you can work with and strengthen. Its a matter of paying attention to what is being shown to you, and keeping it at the back of your mind. You will find that more times than not, your being warned, or guided, from your loved ones and your spirit guides:)
I am pretty sure that I have told people this storey before, but thought I would post it again just in case. I remember it like it was yesterday! I took my daughter swimming who must have been around 3-4 at the time with some friends and their daughter. We left first and headed into the parking lot. Near the back left side of the parking lot, I saw this guy he appeared to be in his late teens early twenty's at the most. He was standing on the grass for a bit, just standing there, looking around. It was dark outside, probably close to 7pm, maybe even as late as 8. He made me slightly nervous. Its when I noticed the other guy, closer to the back of the parking lot and coming closer towards this other guy that I really felt I needed to get my daughter in FAST and get in and lock the doors. I have not experienced this feeling before, but I listened. I told my daughter to get in and buckle up FAST and then locked her door and got in myself, and locked the door. This is when I noticed that the "first' guy was now located behind the white van as if he was hiding, and the other guy who was wearing the red checkered jacket that was originally coming towards my direction abruptly turned right away from my car the minute I got into my car and shut the door. Almost like he was pretending that he was not in fact coming towards me. As I left the parking lot, the second guy kinda stopped by a few cars, trying to make it look like this was his original intention. He waited, did not look at me at all as I drove away. As soon as I passed him, he walked back towards his original direction, and right to the other guy hiding behind the van. I wish I had my cell phone that day. I drove to the nearest store that had a payphone and called 911 ( I would have just called the police station but did not have their number!) I explained what happened, afraid that someone else might not be so lucky. Gave an exact description (thank goodness I did mystershopping for about a year as it gave me the skills to memorize descriptions of people! lol) and they said that they would be sending someone right over to take a look.
I have had premonitions most of my life but did not really realize or clue in to what they were until I really started paying attention to my gifts. I have been told with warnings up to 3 days in advance when a boyfriend would break up with me or when something is not right.
So this is something that you can work with and strengthen. Its a matter of paying attention to what is being shown to you, and keeping it at the back of your mind. You will find that more times than not, your being warned, or guided, from your loved ones and your spirit guides:)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
listening to your gut, just could save your life!
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This is no joke, for the past little while, I have been getting "visions" of me driving into someone. Almost like a head on collision. I can see myself driving right into this person and being scared crap less! Now I have had "visions" like this before, and each time I have actually gotten into an accident within three days and always very similar to how as the vision has played out. Not previously when this had happened, I really had not clued in to this being a premonition but rather just my imagination so what I had ruled it to be. So now, within the last year and a half I have come to trust or relay on this information. When I "see" something like this, it actually puts me more on guard, I pay closer attention to who is around me, what is happening, and then usually during the day while driving around, I actually see someone being careless and have a close call. Not nearly as close as some people would think, but very avoidable and I feel good about it.
Well as mentioned I have been feeling this way for a bit now, seeing myself driving into someone, and I have been paying close attention. Tuesday I met up with my friend at a local consignment store (I drop off my baby clothes there and pick up bigger sizes for baby! lol) and after we were done I headed home. The roads were slippery as it was raining (did I mention I live near a rain forest and it actually rains here ALOT? lol) Anyways, there was a woman in a dark car, that just drove out from a parking lot, right in front of me like she did not even see me. I actually braked so hard, I locked the brakes and started to slide slightly. At the same time muttering some nice choice words that I don't care to repeat here! ( I probably should have rethought what I was saying as my 5 year old and my baby where with me!) I actually slid a bit as if in slow motion and managed to turn the wheel just slightly to the right just narrowly missing her. She kept going as if it was nothing and like she didn't almost get smashed! Gosh was I mad! Especially with me girls in the car!
So for this blog contest, I would love to hear about your close calls, and even more so, would love to hear if you had been "warned' previous to your close call or your accident. Either by a funny feeling you should not have gone a certain way, or seeing things like I had before it actually took place... any storey that is put into the comments section will be automatically entered to win one of Brooke777 reading! You have until SUNDAY morning to enter! I will announce the winner Sunday!
Well as mentioned I have been feeling this way for a bit now, seeing myself driving into someone, and I have been paying close attention. Tuesday I met up with my friend at a local consignment store (I drop off my baby clothes there and pick up bigger sizes for baby! lol) and after we were done I headed home. The roads were slippery as it was raining (did I mention I live near a rain forest and it actually rains here ALOT? lol) Anyways, there was a woman in a dark car, that just drove out from a parking lot, right in front of me like she did not even see me. I actually braked so hard, I locked the brakes and started to slide slightly. At the same time muttering some nice choice words that I don't care to repeat here! ( I probably should have rethought what I was saying as my 5 year old and my baby where with me!) I actually slid a bit as if in slow motion and managed to turn the wheel just slightly to the right just narrowly missing her. She kept going as if it was nothing and like she didn't almost get smashed! Gosh was I mad! Especially with me girls in the car!
So for this blog contest, I would love to hear about your close calls, and even more so, would love to hear if you had been "warned' previous to your close call or your accident. Either by a funny feeling you should not have gone a certain way, or seeing things like I had before it actually took place... any storey that is put into the comments section will be automatically entered to win one of Brooke777 reading! You have until SUNDAY morning to enter! I will announce the winner Sunday!
Monday, December 8, 2008
who knew that having internet problems would be fixed with
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just unplugging the modem and plugging it back in? Today I have had a HORRIBLE connection to the Internet. Anytime I read a message through my email, it took FOREVER to actually load, and even worse to actually respond. I was dreading coming online and having it be the same way. I had emails to complete tonight and earlier each message would take literally 2-5 minutes to even load. This does not include me trying to respond or even send something! It was driving me batty!
The baby is sick (I was told breast fed babies can't get sick?? well that theory is out of the window!) so poor little one is having trouble breathing through her nose. Its a bit runny, I used salinex in her nose (which she HATES) but it helps break the mucous up. So after getting her to bed late, I come downstairs to find out my Internet is STILL acting up. :(
I called my mom, asked her how to release/renew my IP address hoping that would work, and she asks me if I disconnected the modem and then plugged it back in.. After much banging my head against the wall as I should have thought of that, I did so, and what do you know.. problem fixed!
Okay, so that's my excuse for not posting this morning about who won yesterday! I apologize for not doing this sooner, yesterday was crazy and I managed to respond to ALOT of emails and forgot to post the winner!
So congrats to KRISTA! ( posted the email address as there was two kristas and wanted to make sure that they knew which one. I wish I could offer everyone a prize, but unfortunately would not be fair to Brooke777 or Luyda either to do that without them saying so lol. So krista, please email me at in order to get your sibling express reading completed. Put in the subject line "WINNER" so I can locate it and get your prediction scheduled properly.
Now for the others who listed in their comments about more tricks of natural supplements, can you email me with "blog comment" in the subject line and I will put you down for the December draw to be entered for supplying info in the blog. The information for the December contest is below:)
The baby is sick (I was told breast fed babies can't get sick?? well that theory is out of the window!) so poor little one is having trouble breathing through her nose. Its a bit runny, I used salinex in her nose (which she HATES) but it helps break the mucous up. So after getting her to bed late, I come downstairs to find out my Internet is STILL acting up. :(
I called my mom, asked her how to release/renew my IP address hoping that would work, and she asks me if I disconnected the modem and then plugged it back in.. After much banging my head against the wall as I should have thought of that, I did so, and what do you know.. problem fixed!
Okay, so that's my excuse for not posting this morning about who won yesterday! I apologize for not doing this sooner, yesterday was crazy and I managed to respond to ALOT of emails and forgot to post the winner!
So congrats to KRISTA! ( posted the email address as there was two kristas and wanted to make sure that they knew which one. I wish I could offer everyone a prize, but unfortunately would not be fair to Brooke777 or Luyda either to do that without them saying so lol. So krista, please email me at in order to get your sibling express reading completed. Put in the subject line "WINNER" so I can locate it and get your prediction scheduled properly.
Now for the others who listed in their comments about more tricks of natural supplements, can you email me with "blog comment" in the subject line and I will put you down for the December draw to be entered for supplying info in the blog. The information for the December contest is below:)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Natural ways to increase CM without having to resort to pills?
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I know that some of you are looking for ways to increase your cervical mucous and don't want to have to resort to pills. I know that there are a few ways of doing this, from pills prescribed, to herbal remedies, and the good old fashioned foreplay. Now not everyone believes in herbal remedies, and not everyone wants to try and over the counter pill.. and heck, lets face it, there might not always be time for foreplay!
A client of mine has emailed me some information that is working for her that she would like to pass on in the hopes that it will help someone else as well. This is NATURAL, no pills, NOTHING! Here is what she had to say
A client of mine has emailed me some information that is working for her that she would like to pass on in the hopes that it will help someone else as well. This is NATURAL, no pills, NOTHING! Here is what she had to say
My TTC tip is to drink a glass of Pink grapefruit juice (not from concentrated) a day from CD1. It helps with producing lots of fertile CM around OV.
i have only started to drink it this cycle and ive had loads of CM and still have it now!!
if anyone else has any tips/tricks that they would like to share that is working for them, pass them along! Email me at and put "blog post" in the subject line for me to locate it easier. Anyone who emails me with information that can be posted on the blog, either tips/tricks or even something you would love to see on the blog (questions about psychic abilities, how to strengthen your own, or even other aspects your curious about) Everyone who does this is automatically entered into the December special draw. If your curious to find out more information about that, there is a post below with the details.
Now today is also supposed to be the giveaway for one of the psychics, but figured I would stir the pot a bit and offer a sibling express reading give away from myself (15.00 value) so since I am feeling tired, but generous, I will make this easy. That way the others that visit this blog that are not wanting to try some of the strengthening exercises but would still love to participate in the blog contest, have a chance to win as well. So to enter, just reply in the comments section by leaving either a login name or an email address. I will keep this open till SUNDAY morning when I will announce the winner (drawn randomly from all names entered)
Good luck!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
She has a tooth! lol
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okay, not exactly huge news, but my "baby" has a tooth! I kept track of when my eldest got her first tooth, and looks like the baby was a few days younger when she got hers. Its "pokey" right now and just barely out, and when you try and see it, she puts her tongue on it, she wont let you see, but shes quite happy for you to put your finger in her mouth and she will try and bite you! Today has been the babies turn for not feeling well. I am not sure if its teething, or if shes got what my eldest had.. so I guess we will see what happens.
My eldest has "snuck" into my bed two nights in a row. When shes sick I tend to let her a bit, and probably shouldn't. She wants me to sleep in her bed, because she knows in the middle of the night I tend to go into the spare bed with the baby to ensure I get some sleep and the baby does too... and perhaps a part of her is jealous. I remind her that I did the same thing for her when she was a baby (up till my eldest was THREE!) Not sure how to help h er understand?
Also, wanted to say, that anyone who emails me a storey of inspiration, or some tips for trying to conceive...etc. anything that is published on the blog will also have a chance to be entered into the December special. Giving even the ones who are not able to enter by purchasing a prediction, they have a "free" way of entering as well.
So to be able to take advantage of this portion, just email me at with "blog post" in the subject line so it can be located. if you wish to remain anon, then I can do that as well and leave your name off the post:)