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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

so where is she?

Here I am! I am sorry for the late posting. Its been a bit of a weird week for me. The last three days I have felt off, a little depressed and just not myself. I have gotten a bit behind with things and spent some time trying to get it all back caught up.

Today has been an odd day. I cleansed myself this morning to rid of any negative energy that I thought might have been making me feel depressed. Yes, I do realize that it hasn't been that long since my mom passed and its obviously still affecting me a little. But did you know that sometimes negative energy can attach to you without you realizing it and making you feel sad and depressed? Sometimes all it takes is a "dusting off" and cleansing your spirit and you feel good as new! If your interested in learning how I have posted it below in other posts (do a search for negative energy and you should locate) or I can repost.

Today my arm hurt like crazy. I think that its Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, I know I type quite a bit. I managed to get quite a bit of emails replied to today, scheduled and completed. I cleaned the house, got some stuff checked off my "to do" list, and then now I feel like I have an eye infection in my left eye. My friends daughter had one, and I was in contact with her but made sure not to really touch her or have her touch me. Perhaps its too late. Hopefully the kids don't have it as well. That would suck!

So the winner of the blog post we just had was number 11!! Please email me @ with BLOG WINNER in the subject line so I can let you know when your reading was completed.

Sometime this week, I am going to post a video post about how to cleanse your spirit and protect yourself from any negative energy that might be currently around you.

So thank you everyone for your patience and understanding! You are all amazing!


maybel56 said...

I agree with you about negative energy attaching itself to you sometimes. I believe that other people's negative energy can "rub off" onto you. That's where the old saying, "misery loves company" comes to my mind. I like to cleanse myself of negativity with positive affirmations and a sage smudge. I also am really into healing rocks. Good luck with the eye, I hope it's not an infection.