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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I think that this is something that comes up quite frequently in life. Often wondering just how much is fate, and planned in our life and just how much control we have. Before we come here, we draw up a blue print of our lives. This is our life plan. What we plan to learn while we are here, the lessons we hope to learn, the people we will meet that will help us on our journey. So often, when in a horrible situation, people often contemplate that perhaps its "fate" and that they need to stick it out.... Well is that really the case?

I think that in the grand scheme of things, a lesson is always around when something is unpleasant. Its up to us to try and learn it. Does it mean that we need to stick it out in order to learn that particular lesson? I think that depends on you. Overall, the blueprint is just that. a guideline. A way for us to continue on our path to forever learn. But as like most blue prints here, things get changed and altered.. expanded and make more room. Additions are added (like a blue print when building a house). So if your unhappy in your life, do you need to stay that way? Thinking that fate has brought you to this point? No. The choice is yours to make the best of what has come, to find the solution/lesson here and learn it, and be able to move on. If its just too overwhelming and depressing your soul then its time to move forward and leave that behind. Your blue print will allow for this, there is room to be flexible. What happens then is that the lesson is brought up again, perhaps with someone else. The opportunity is, that perhaps in this new situation, might be easier to solve and learn.

So if your in a relationship with someone , and your being treated unfairly, and everything you do ends up with the same results, you have that choice.. the ability to take charge of your life and decide that you are going to be happy and that you choose to move on.

This goes for any job, friendship, love...etc.

I believe as I have always said, that everything happens for a reason. Than than racing forward to try and force things to come to you will often leave you feeling overwhelmeed and unsure. For example... I currently also run a daycare during the day (I had no daycare kids during the summer) I have one family right that has two kids, which work out part time. I thought perhaps having another child might be nice, but then also thinking how nice it is to have a few days "off". I thought of trying to locate a family with a child that might fit the situation. I was a bit stressed/worried about if I should or if I should not. I actually commented to a dear friend of mine today about this very situation. Eventually telling her that I was going to let go of the worry. That I knew that what was meant to be would be, and that if another child was meant to be here with us, that it would happen. And guess what... I got a phone call today, from a mom who's step daughter is friends with my eldest. She needs care of her child, which will also be flexible and possbily be part time which is in a similar age group to what I am currently working with. It will fit right in with this and is exactly what I wanted!

So also sometimes, allowing yourself to be open to opportunity is also a good thing. because when your so focused on obtaining something, at times you might not realize that your pushing it away. When you release the stress and worry things usually have a way of falling into place. So put faith in yourself, and trust in the ways of the world. That things will happen as they can, that you can wait and see what happens, and allow the solution to come, or you can take charge and move forward to the next lesson that will come your way. Just make sure that you trust in your instinct and do not allow your spirit to be depressed. You are worthy of love.. and it needs to start by loving yourself.

Hopefully my rambling makes sense. Its been something I have been meaning to post for a few days now, but time seems to be going faster than you expect it:)


Candy218 said...


Thanks for posting means/says a lot ; )
and it makes perfect sense.

*I am the Veteran, and the Wife* said...

Just where I am too, changing courses, no twaiting for things to happen being more pro-active and hoping this lap goes through, and its what i need to heal myslef, and be that much closer to my goal.. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. It has been hard for me dealing with ttc. Wanting and waiting for a child to come into my life. I have tried to let go, but I get caught up again in the cycle of ttc. It has been a hard road to walk. I received a prediction from you this winter and I was sure I would conceive this spring, but it did not happen. Then I started fixating on this fall for a spring EDD, but that has not happened. All this time I have bee caught up on dates and trying to prepare me life for a child and I have been missing my life. Now I find myself running away from the situation. I had planned my life to be a certain way and it is not so, now I see myself completely shift gears and ready to change my life to put it back to the way it was before I started planning for a family. Your post reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend on Monday about things always seeming to fall into place. Through out my life as I look back things have always fallen into place. The happen when they are meant to happen, when the time is right. It appears as if God/the universe knows. I know. Your post has given me hope and made me remember what I know in my heart. That I will have a child when the time is right.
