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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Did you ever notice

that when one thing happens, that usually you find that everything else as well will come all at once? Often things that you were feeling to be settled and well shall we say it.. under control... all of a sudden crop up and your dealing with a million things at once?

There are some of us, to who seem to really enjoy the pressure, the ability to jump in and multi-task, and just knock everything out of the park with how much we complete. There are others who might do a bit here and there, feel slightly overwhelmed but will keep plugging away at it knowing eventually it will be caught up... and there are those of us who panic, freak out that its so much to be done, and basically sit at a stand still wondering which way to go, where to start and basically end up feeling slightly depressed among other things.

Sometimes you need a bit of "me" time. So especially when your feeling swamped with things its those times especially you need to get away. (or perhaps convincing who ever else is in the house to leave for an hour or two to let you have the house to yourself!).

So, this post is just about that. For the month of OCTOBER (as Sept is almost half over) by posting comments in my posts on my blog, you are entered into the month long contest. Please ensure that each time you respond, your using the same login or user name (or email) so that I can keep track of each time you respond. There is no purchase to be made, you just have to respond! The winner at the end of October, will receive 50.00$ (Canadian) funds, that I would prefer you use to SPOIL Yourself! Something you would never have bought for yourself. Perhaps its a pedicure, manicure, hair cut, or a lunch and movie.. it has to be something to spoil yourself! This money will be sent by paypal, so you MUST be able to accept a paypal payment.

This month, you might have noticed a bit of a lack of posts from me, and for that I do apologize. I have taken in two more daycare kids who are 3 & 2, and let me tell you it does seem a bit of work! I am enjoying myself, but the three year old gets into almost everything, basically dumps out everything even though shes not even looking for something. (and is impossible to make her clean up) and gets into things that I would never in a million years figure she would do. So I have been really tired at night, been fighting off a cold that my 2 year old has, and just trying to keep on top of readings and replies. So lets just say, that tomorrow I am taking my own advice. I do not have any daycare kids till the afternoon tomorrow, so going to get my mother in law over to watch my 2 year old, and going to go out and get a hair cut and goto the grocery store BY MYSELF! The things we mothers think are wonderful! (haha)


Katie said...

I am definitely with you on pampering yourself. I was feeling overwhelmed with the constant sickness and exhaustion of pregnancy and all the stuff that I wasn't getting done in the process and all the stuff I still needed to do.
My husband decided that we both needed pampering for our anniversary and we got a couples massage and then he got me a manicure and pedicure. After that we went out to dinner and to a play.
I can't tell you how much better I felt after that! I was still sick, I still had a lot to do and a lot that I knew I wouldn't get done but just the relaxation changed my outlook on the whole thing. I told him that I needed 1 massage per trimester after that. ;)

Unknown said...

Wow Cheri... what a generous offer! It really is so nice of you to offer this. I cant even remember the last time I pampered myself... with something I dont normally do! I have even had friends comment lately that I really should take some time for me as soon I wont have that option for a while (ps.. we are pregnant! :) due April 2011.. so still early.. but very excited!) Its amazing how much harder it is with a toddler! I totally understand why you havent been writing lots lately... wow you must have yoru hands full!

Looking forward to more posts when you have the time!!!
Danna :)

Jaclin said...

You are so awesome Cheri, your kindness will never go unnoticed!!! Pampering yourself is a great time to take a minute and try to de-stress yourself. Massages are the best ways for me, though a good pedicure always helps too!!

ty206 said...

This is a great idea! Even if I dont win I am going to take your advice and have some ME time! Ty206

Lynn said...

Yep i understand everything all happens at once. I'm not one of those that thrive on it though. I get overwhelmed! But that's life of a mother i guess huh? Sometimes i feel guilty if i have time to myself. Stupid huh? Enjoy your time alone when you can get it!

*I am the Veteran, and the Wife* said...

I love to pamper myself, but have not had time to do that lately, funds have been tight, bills need paying and any extra money, has been used towards making sure the kids are good for school. But pampering is almost a neccessity sometimes for peace of mind and soul..

Veronica said...

Ah Pampering for myself, always a nice thing to think about. Thank you for the chance ;)