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Monday, April 12, 2010

What will your obituary say about you?

I know, sounds like an ugly topic and who wants to think about thier own death? Your probably wondering why someone so positive and upbeat and doesn't focus on anything negative would put a topic up like this for discussion at all? Well, actually the reason is very simple. To make you think... to make you figure out what you want your life to be. Because in the end, its the memories that people will remember. For my mom, we wrote that she had a heart of gold. She always went above and beyond for everyone she met. Whether friend, family or stranger, everyone got amazing treatment from my mother.

For me, I would love to be remembered as someone who cared, someone who spent her life trying to help others. I think that I am actually going to try and do more than just that. In the next few years I am going to try and make sure that there is more to me. That I enjoy my life as much as possible and have fun. Learn...LIVE.

Now congrats to poster # 3!!!! ALICIA! Please email me at to claim your reading. I will forward you to Leah's email as I see its not hooked up to the blog just yet. I have to fix that!


Alicia Johnson said...

You know I have never thought about my obit. But I have thought about what I want played at my funeral. And how I want people to remember me, and how I want to people to celebrate my life and not mourn my passing.

Anonymous said...

I think I think about my own death on a regular basis because of my struggle to have a child. On my down days I think about how maybe I'll be completely alone when I die and there won't be any children to write my obituary. Morbid and depressing, I know. :-) Most days I'm really positive about the whole thing but I do have my moments. I pray and hope that someday I have a daughter like you that love me and miss me and write so many kind thoughts when I'm gone. Danielle T.

Amanda said...

I think I want to remembered as someone who loves to help people and caring. A person who was always there for a friend in need of a good shoulder to cry on whether they just wanted to be listened to or wanted my opinion and advice on something. I definitely want to known as a loved wife, good mom and in the future a good grandmother and so much more. In our last dying moments we don't reflect on missed job opportuntiies and we cannot worry our heads about material items. Its those loved ones we are leaving behind that we hopefully shared wonderful and beautiful memories who we will all be thinking of. So we all need to somewhat live in the moment and make the most out of life while we can because we just never know when our time is up. So I like to think about myself in my dying bed if I hadn't died in my sleep and what kind of memories would come up in my head now if I were to have my last dying moments tomorrow/

Jaclin said...

If it was left up to my brother to write it, noooo telling what he would could bring me back to kick his butt! If I died tomorrow, then I would want to be remembered as a fun and crazy person, who loved to help others (one reason I became a police officer), loved to help animals, and most of all loved her family. I have songs already picked out, have so for a long time. I would ask for everyone to not be sad, but happy for me since I would be finally holding my sons again. The French in Lousianna have "parties" and celebrations when someone dies. It is believed in some places that you celebrate death because they are no longer suffering and are in a good place. Some cry for a child because they must face all the bad in the world. Danielle, the second poster, said she thinks about her own death on a regular basis...sweetie, you are not alone. I too do the same with the loss of my sons (will be 10mos this Sunday) and my recent miscaraige which resulted in a D&C. It is normal to me and part of the coping and grieving. You are not alone.