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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sometimes those dreams are just hard to shake!

Last night had a dream that literally woke me up at just after 6am this morning and unable to go back to sleep. My mom was in it (as most of you know she passed away in March 2010)

The dream had her "lost" in the downtown part of Vancouver, BC, almost like she was living on the streets. I was so pissed off that she had not called me to come and get her, or at least to let us know that she was okay. In my dream, I knew I had not talked to her for awhile, and was in "panic" mode that I had not heard from her.

I then realized that I had her cell phone number (I dont think that would be something that people forget!lol) so I called it.... Her husband answered the phone. I was in shock, he mentioned that she could not keep her phone.....

It was then that I woke up in bed, with the first thought of organizing a search party for her then be hit with the realization again that shes gone.

What a crazy dream! I was hoping to be able to sleep in this morning (7am is sleeping in over here) but nope, couldn't get back to sleep at all this morning. My 2 year old is up now, and we are watching Curious George. I figured since I am up (and wide awake!) that I will get a jump start on the day. So I guess something good can come out of being up so early!