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Monday, March 12, 2007
New toy for the family!
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Well we just bought a new ATV. Its a 110c so not really big or powerful, but big enough that myself and my daughter can ride it. We took it out this weekend, and it was raining, but was not going to let that stop me from trying it out! Got the helmet strapped on, my daughter refused to come on, and so I took off by myself, the first time ever being on one of these things by myself! The rocks were really bumpy and I was laughing like crazy, and managed to get it into second gear. I saw a bit of a sand bar and figured that it would be easier to ride on the sand and headed for it. As I am in second gear, the dirt is flying up around me on all sides, which of course is making me laugh even harder, as I know that its just going to cake me in mud, and I keep going. I come up to this large puddle, and the ground is a bit slanted, I ended up going RIGHT INTO IT! I paniced of course, let go of the gas, and basically parked myself right into the middle of the puddle! I couldn't believe it! I turned to the right and called over the part where my husband and my daughter are standing with the rest of the people we were with, and told him to come and help me. At first not wanting to get off the ATV cause I didn't want to get soaked, but knowing that he is certianly not going to come into the puddle to get me out! I tried to start it.. nope.. wont start, so left with no option, I jump off the ATV and start pulling the ATV out. After my husband arrives, I learn that the ATV was no in neutral and its the only reason why I could not start it in the puddle! ARG! Live and learn I guess! It was fun though, even if I was soaked to the bone!
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