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Saturday, July 14, 2007
An update of sorts!
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Well, I am still behind on emails, and this week my goal is to be caught up by friday! I have three days to work from home this week and going to be working my butt off so that I am within the 24-48 hours to reply that I like to with the paid predictions.
As most of you know, I have a four year old daughter, and have just learned that sometimes four year olds can be more challenging than a two year old! Shes in the stage where shes trying to assert her Independence, and usually involves her telling me "no" to a request that i have made, or doing things as if shes trying to make me mad. I am not a "mad" person, and do not like feeling that way, so trying to find ways of interacting with her, where shes still getting her Independence, but I am still getting the "goal". Its been hard the last two weeks I will tell you that! lol
Also while scouring the Internet I came across a website that posted some of the natural herbs for ttc. I know that some people are really into trying natural herbs before having to resort to clomid or the like. I have copied and pasted the references here so that some of you might be able to look into it a bit more and see if its right for you and perhaps further you on your ttc journey. Please note, do not take any herbal remedies without consulting with your dr. I have heard previous that there are some herbs that do not mix well with other medications or other herbs and should not be taken together. Consult your dr before taking ANYTHING!
The Tayler Tonic is actually two separate herbal tinctures. Chaste Tree Berry (also known as Vitex) and False Unicorn Root. You can read about their properties on the general information page.
For optimum results, you should use this in conjunction with some type of cycle tracking method, such as CycleBeads™ or Fertility Awareness Method. This is so that you will have an accurate idea of when you ovulate and how long your luteal cycle (the period between ovulation and the start of your next period) is.
Dilute 30 drops of Chaste Tree Berry tincture in water or juice (juice will mask the taste better) three times daily, beginning on day 1 of your cycle (the first day of your period) and continuing through the day of ovulation.
You can take the False Unicorn one of two ways: 30 drops under the tongue three times daily or diluted in juice three times daily (I recommend the juice because of the taste). Begin on the day of ovulation and continue until the first day of your next period or through the first trimester, whichever is applicable.
Some herbalists believe False Unicorn Root is an extremely powerful tool for getting pregnant and recommend starting it on cycle day 1. This is completely up to you. I only started using it beginning with ovulation, but I did not have much problems with actually conceiving a baby, just carrying a live one to term.
Chaste Tree Berry / Vitex
Believed to be effective in promoting general reproductive health, especially in regards to Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Helps regulate hormones. Caution should be used before using during pregnancy; should probably not be used during third-trimester as it can bring on early breast milk flow. May help male impotence
Evening Primrose Oil
Effective in increasing the quantity and quality of cervical mucous. May be helpful for women who tend to be drier than normal around ovulation. In late pregnancy, can be used to "ripen" the cervix in preparation for deliver--use only under your doctor or midwife's care!
False Unicorn Root
Believed to be effective in preventing threatened miscarriage, though how is unknown. Also a remedy for morning sickness, though taking too much may cause nausea. Can be taken through the first trimester of pregnancy, possibly longer depending on your specific situation. See an herbalist for specific advice.
General fertility promoter. Helps morning sickness and is an anti-spasmodic (ie helps cramps). Also an expectorant, which means it increases cervical mucous, which is necessary for sperm motility. CAUTION: Do NOT use ESSENCE OF GINGER, which is different than the actual ginger herb. Use with caution in early pregnancy.
Lady's Mantle
Believed to alleviate excessive menstruation. General fertility promoter.
Is an expectorant, which means it increases cervical mucous, which is necessary for sperm motility.
Red Raspberry Leaf
Useful uterine tonic. Strengthens and tones the uterus to assist in making contractions more productive. Can be a laxative. Avoid using in first trimester.
Wild Yam Root
Believed to help strengthen the body and increase progesterone production. May also regulate hormones. Contains dioscorin, which in high dosages can be toxic. Usually the amount found in herbal teas is negligible. Is contraindicated with some medicines, so ask your doctor!
Disclaimer and Precautions
Herbs should be used with respect and caution! No one doubts the powerful medicinal properties of herbs. They are used regularly in the treatment of diseases and to promote good health, and have been for centuries. However, because they can be so powerful, the can interact dangerously with some medications or with each other. I encourage you to seek the advice of a licensed herbalist or naturopath and to clear the use of any herbs through your regular physician. Many tradtional physicians do not feel the use of herbs in any form are wise, so keep this in mind when speaking with your doctor. If he/she is against the use of herbs, find out specifically why and which herbs--there may be good reasons and your naturopath should know before they advise you on specific herbal remedies. For the most part, herbs are not regulated by the FDA, so be sure to only buy herbs in their purest forms and from reputable and established companies.
As most of you know, I have a four year old daughter, and have just learned that sometimes four year olds can be more challenging than a two year old! Shes in the stage where shes trying to assert her Independence, and usually involves her telling me "no" to a request that i have made, or doing things as if shes trying to make me mad. I am not a "mad" person, and do not like feeling that way, so trying to find ways of interacting with her, where shes still getting her Independence, but I am still getting the "goal". Its been hard the last two weeks I will tell you that! lol
Also while scouring the Internet I came across a website that posted some of the natural herbs for ttc. I know that some people are really into trying natural herbs before having to resort to clomid or the like. I have copied and pasted the references here so that some of you might be able to look into it a bit more and see if its right for you and perhaps further you on your ttc journey. Please note, do not take any herbal remedies without consulting with your dr. I have heard previous that there are some herbs that do not mix well with other medications or other herbs and should not be taken together. Consult your dr before taking ANYTHING!
The Tayler Tonic is actually two separate herbal tinctures. Chaste Tree Berry (also known as Vitex) and False Unicorn Root. You can read about their properties on the general information page.
For optimum results, you should use this in conjunction with some type of cycle tracking method, such as CycleBeads™ or Fertility Awareness Method. This is so that you will have an accurate idea of when you ovulate and how long your luteal cycle (the period between ovulation and the start of your next period) is.
Dilute 30 drops of Chaste Tree Berry tincture in water or juice (juice will mask the taste better) three times daily, beginning on day 1 of your cycle (the first day of your period) and continuing through the day of ovulation.
You can take the False Unicorn one of two ways: 30 drops under the tongue three times daily or diluted in juice three times daily (I recommend the juice because of the taste). Begin on the day of ovulation and continue until the first day of your next period or through the first trimester, whichever is applicable.
Some herbalists believe False Unicorn Root is an extremely powerful tool for getting pregnant and recommend starting it on cycle day 1. This is completely up to you. I only started using it beginning with ovulation, but I did not have much problems with actually conceiving a baby, just carrying a live one to term.
Chaste Tree Berry / Vitex
Believed to be effective in promoting general reproductive health, especially in regards to Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Helps regulate hormones. Caution should be used before using during pregnancy; should probably not be used during third-trimester as it can bring on early breast milk flow. May help male impotence
Evening Primrose Oil
Effective in increasing the quantity and quality of cervical mucous. May be helpful for women who tend to be drier than normal around ovulation. In late pregnancy, can be used to "ripen" the cervix in preparation for deliver--use only under your doctor or midwife's care!
False Unicorn Root
Believed to be effective in preventing threatened miscarriage, though how is unknown. Also a remedy for morning sickness, though taking too much may cause nausea. Can be taken through the first trimester of pregnancy, possibly longer depending on your specific situation. See an herbalist for specific advice.
General fertility promoter. Helps morning sickness and is an anti-spasmodic (ie helps cramps). Also an expectorant, which means it increases cervical mucous, which is necessary for sperm motility. CAUTION: Do NOT use ESSENCE OF GINGER, which is different than the actual ginger herb. Use with caution in early pregnancy.
Lady's Mantle
Believed to alleviate excessive menstruation. General fertility promoter.
Is an expectorant, which means it increases cervical mucous, which is necessary for sperm motility.
Red Raspberry Leaf
Useful uterine tonic. Strengthens and tones the uterus to assist in making contractions more productive. Can be a laxative. Avoid using in first trimester.
Wild Yam Root
Believed to help strengthen the body and increase progesterone production. May also regulate hormones. Contains dioscorin, which in high dosages can be toxic. Usually the amount found in herbal teas is negligible. Is contraindicated with some medicines, so ask your doctor!
Disclaimer and Precautions
Herbs should be used with respect and caution! No one doubts the powerful medicinal properties of herbs. They are used regularly in the treatment of diseases and to promote good health, and have been for centuries. However, because they can be so powerful, the can interact dangerously with some medications or with each other. I encourage you to seek the advice of a licensed herbalist or naturopath and to clear the use of any herbs through your regular physician. Many tradtional physicians do not feel the use of herbs in any form are wise, so keep this in mind when speaking with your doctor. If he/she is against the use of herbs, find out specifically why and which herbs--there may be good reasons and your naturopath should know before they advise you on specific herbal remedies. For the most part, herbs are not regulated by the FDA, so be sure to only buy herbs in their purest forms and from reputable and established companies.
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