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Thursday, December 17, 2009

The winner!

I hope everyone is having a good week and getting ready for the "Christmas rush". I am pretty much done myself, but I might step out tomorrow and get a few last minute things.

This week has been a bit crazy for me. I seem to have yet another cold. This one is coughing and sore throat which I have gotten from my eldest! (She had it first so I am going to blame her for this one!) So far, my husband and little one have skipped this one for that I am thankful. I had to sleep on the couch propped up last night as I could not stop coughing when I was laying down in my bed ready to sleep. So hopefully tonight will be better. I took a Tylenol cold early so that hopefully the cough would be "hidden" when I head to bed.

Anyways, the winner of the blog contest and a reading with Leah is post number 9 (Kate). Congrats to you! Please email me at and in the subject line write "blog contest" and I will forward you to Leah's email address. Congrats!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Kate! And Cheri, hope your cold gets better soon before Christmas!