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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Premonitions - Questions are answered!

First, I hope that those of you who celebrated Christmas had a wonderful one! For those of you who are connected to me on facebook, you will notice that I have since packed away Christmas! All of my decorations are now in the box and ready and waiting for next year. This has also gotten me to organize my closet in my computer room, getting rid of numerous items that have just been sitting there and locating a box of Christmas stuff that I had forgotten I had! Good thing I did not buy more this year to make up for it!

My youngest even gave the little penguin a hug and a kiss goodbye as I stored him away into the closet. My eldest (who is 6) seems to be a bit upset that all of the stuff is going away. I might have to next year leave it up a few days longer to make her happier. We will see. It really does drive me nuts seeing it sitting there and taunting me that I will eventually have to put it away!

Okay, what I have done is copied/pasted the questions from the premonition blog and answered in another color. I thought this would be easier for everyone rather than having to go back to the original post. I have written in blue! Please feel free to comment in the comment section if you have any questions about the questions or even the answers that I have given!

Anonymous Andrea B. said...

I have a question about premonitions. Can they come in the form of dreams, or would the dreams be called something else?

Premonitions can definitely come into dreams! Which is why I do tell people to pay attention to the stronger dreams that they have. The ones where the details just seem to remain with them. Does not mean immediately that its a premonition, but it can certainly have some importance in their life at the time. I used to have a dream journal where I wrote everything down. I think that this can be important for those of you who remember their dreams frequently. As many times I have said before, use to translate important features in your dream.

After enough translating, and looking back to your own dream journal or remembering certain aspects of your dream, you will learn how to tell when its a premonition or when its information provided to you by your guides to help in your own life.

I have had a few premonitions dreams, where I dreamt about someone in particular, at that point the next morning I have called that person or passed on a message, and its always been that the certain person needed that information, or was trying to get in contact with me. Most times, my own premonitions are in real time and not dreams.

Anonymous Patty D. said...

Can a person develop his or her ability to have premonitions?..I have had feelings but not like visions that something might go wrong or happen...its really funny though when I have in the past had those feelings I would be like wow I was just thinking that...its really wild...

In regards to developing the premonitions, yes, I do think that its something that you can develop further. I myself have just opened up this area of my own gifts in the last two years and have noticed it becoming stronger the more in tuned I am to what is happening. As of right now, your "feelings" are more the work of your guides and your own intuition coming into play. If you start to work with your feelings and guides, you will later "see" the visions rather than only experiencing feelings:)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question about are you able to distinguish a premonition from a phobic fear? For instance, myself, I have fears of many things; flying, car accidents, etc. Coincidentally I feel as though I am constantly having a premonition that something is going to happen if I choose to do one of those OR is it just that I am trying to plan what I could do to help the situation if it did happen. Is it the fear playing tricks in my head, or the premonition that something could have happened. Understandably, I have had more subtle premonitions quite often throughout my life time, which I find so amazing and fun most of the time! But the question is when it comes to fear, particularly phobias, do the phobias play a bigger part over premonition because the nature of them being a fear? Does that make sense?



This is a tricky question and hopefully one I can answer in the right way. I think that phobia is alot stronger and produces a sense of fear/anxiety in yourself. Where as a premonition is alot more subtle. The premonitions are more of a way to "warn" you of something to come, to help prepare you physically, mentally and emotionally of something to happen immediately. I guess if you decided to try and alter the course of something you are feeling is about to happen, you could actually be diverting yourself from some important life lessons? In regards to my premonitions of myself getting into a car accident, I actually see in a vision a car coming at me (not the same way each time) so in this instance, its not telling me to get out of my car and stay home for the day, they are telling me to keep my eyes open, to be focused and prepared so that I might react in a way to keep myself safe. So premonitions are not usually cause for alarm, and are more ways to prepare you for what is to come.

While having a fear coming into mind, surround yourself in light (white is usually the best) and say "only goodness may enter me, and only goodness may leave me". Then tell yourself "my body is feeling relaxed and without fear". If you were experiencing just a phobia/fear usually you will feel better and your mind will be more clear, rather than playing out the "disastrous" image that was in your mind and playing out to what could have happened, what your reaction would be, h ow you feel...etc.. playing out the scenario in your mind and making your phobia/anxiety/fear that much worse. By saying and doing what I mentioned, it breaks the cycle in your mind and allows you to refocus.

Anonymous Candy218 said...


I really don't get any premonitions. I don't see anything, I get a feeling in my gut. So I guess I'll have to work on this, I feel it could be useful at times. I might have a dream the night before something happens and it'll show something going wrong, and then usually that thing goes wrong....but like Andrea said, can they come in dreams like that?


The feelings in your gut is more your intuition than premonitions, but yes, you could have your gift developed in your dreams and eventually able to get it into the waking life. For some reason though it seems like you have it more "blocked' in your waking life. Almost like your afraid to see the images? Which could explain why its so much easier for you to see it in your dreams than to access it right now.

Blogger Lynn said...

I did have an experience with premonition only a few times that i remember. This was probably about 10 years ago and i had thought about my car breaking down and couldn't get it started. So i didn't think anything more about it that day. Sure enough i dropped my son off at daycare one morning car was perfectly fine going there. I parked shut off the car and brought my son into the centre came back out and tried to start it and it wouldn't turn over. Thought it was very odd that it started ok that morning. I always remember the premonition though. I know i've had more but can't remember them at this moment.

I think in this instance, your reaction to what happened with your car was certainly more calm than it would have been if it had just happened and you were not warned. Perhaps they just wanted to give you the heads up so that you would not be panicked or worried for when it happened.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not in the first 5 but I thought I'd post anyone. I have silly premonitions but I often know what song will play next on the radio. I hope someday that my premonitions are a little less boring !! My bf on the other hand will have dreams and then months later part of the dream will actually happen. Sometimes he's like "wait a minute, I thought that happened 2 months ago"


This is the perfect way to get it started and to grow this portion of your gift! Silly premonitions are the best kind as its more fun than worrisome ones!

Blogger Katie said...

I've been getting these since I was a kid but only notice them with big events. When I was about 10 I *knew* that my lil bro's friend was going to fall out of our tree and break his arm. I ran outside to tell him to climb out of the tree and as he did, he fell out and fractured it. I have also had images of car crashes and changed my usual course only to find out there was an accident. More recently I kept seeing myself getting a + OPK and finding out I was prego and sure enough, it happened just like I saw it. There are several times I wished I could have seen in advance what would happen but maybe I'm just not meant to or don't pay attention enough.

I think sometimes we are just too busy to notice all of the premonitions we are blessed with.. but also sometimes its certainly nice to be surprised!!!!

Blogger Tracy said...

I also have premonitions, sometimes dumb stuff like sitting somewhere I have never been but I have been there before if you know what I mean. Also I went to see one of my friends that had just had a baby, upon leaving I had a flash of that baby in the hospital and then a funeral. 2 days later they rushed their baby to the hospital where she died from a hole in her heart.... Then there was the time I was driving and was told to turn around several times seeing a car accident in my minds eye, but I shrugged it off and went on. I few miles down the road I rolled the truck. Oh and one more. I had a dream or day dream that I was selling puppies next to a big red barn a few years later we had moved to a place with a big red barn and I had a litter of puppies the first pup I sold was the dream or premonition that I had down to what kind of car and clothing the lady was wearing that bought that pup. For me I wish I could see really really important things instead of these littler things with very little meaning.

This is one of your stronger gifts, and one that you should cherish and grow. They show it really strong within you and something that will help you in your life and those around you. I know exactly what you mean about the "deja vu" type premonitions that can happen later down the road. Those are often ones that you are not totally prepared for as they happen later in life and its only after its happened, that you remember you were already "warned!". I once was living in a basement suite and had a nightmare that I rented the place out to this creepy guy. I still to this day remember the way he looked... everything about him. Anyways, I had to work and asked my sister to interview the people that ended up replying to my ad. She told someone that he could have the room and I met him two weeks later.. it was the creepy guy from my dream! Lets just say that not only was I pissed at my sister for allowing him to be the guy that rented the room, but also that I ensured that he was only there temporarily! I do believe that these type of premonitions are not as "common" for people as the ones that happen shortly before the actual event, but are still important. Make sure to start writing things like this down. You will be amazed on how much actually comes through and plays an important part in your life!

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have had premonitions in my life but none of them have ever been tied to fear. I have also had premonitions where I was supposed to be going to a lion preserve and I went to a museum instead because the preserve was closed. While I was at the museum I looked at a strange machine. This I had had in a premonition. My premonitions always happen about a year in advance and I never seem to remember them until there happening again. The point is, even though I wasn't supposed to be at the museum that day according to my schedule I still saw a vision from there so, if you have an instinct or premonition about an accident you cannot avoid it no matter what.

My aunt is very sensitive about people and she one time was going to a race and she felt sick and every ounce of her body told her to not go. She knew that someone was going to die and someone did. So unless you have an extremely instinctive feeling in your gut then I believe that you may be letting your phobias get to you.

As for dealing with your case of dealing with your premonition/phobia mix-up I am at a loss beyond this point. Hope I didn't blather too long... Hope this helps!


Anonymous Emily said...

I have had quite a lot of premonitions in my life. Or at least I think so. They usually are soundless segments where I see something happening and know the meaning of what someone is saying even thought i cannot truly hear them. I have tried to remember my premonitions and dreams but they disappear when I wake up. Does anyone know a trick to remember their dreams in time to write them down?

Some of my premonitions include a horse show, seeing a scene from a trip, and a lot of other smaller premonitions. I usually see them a year in advance.

One last thing. i had this scary dream, as I prefer to think of it, and it was crystal clear. It depicted my farm and a car and it was summer.(Very basic description) The car was a beautiful red sporty thing. And I saw my family friend break her neck on the hood. The reason why it was scary was because a while later my mom bought the same model of car. Now I haven't heard of anyone else remembering their premonitions so maybe it was just a bad dream but the way that things seem to just be fitting together scares me. Has anyone heard of someone remembering a premontion, or am I freaking out due to a bad dream seeming to come true. Anyone, please give me your take on my situation. Thanks.


Thanks emily for sharing your information above. As for your dreams and wanting to remember, yes, there is a trick to it! Before heading to bed, with your eyes closed and your palms facing up, just tell your guides you would like to remember your dreams when you wake up.. say this three times before you goto sleep... usually if the dream (or premonition dream) is important, you will remember all the details. Be careful of what you ask though, as you will remember even the crazy or stupid dreams! lol. As for the car dream, just make sure that you tell the friend that you had seen, to stay away from the car and dont exactly explain the reasoning behind it. Just let her know that you had a horrible dream that you can't shake and would feel better that she stays away from your mothers car while at that location:) It is something you are meant to prevent:)


Anonymous said...

Cheri- thanks for taking the time to respond to everyone's comments! And especially mine, your answer has cleared some fog in the area of premonition vs. fear/phobia. I will be sure to try surrounding myself in the white light when I am having one of my phobia moments!

Emily - thank you for your information as well, it is all very helpful and only adds to my learning!


Candy218 said...


Is there a way to become "unblocked" lol. "blocked" seems to be what I get a lot. I'd say I'm pretty open to things? But I might be afraid, I guess maybe deep down I feel that way?? Is there any type of exercise or anything that I can do to work on this. I would LOVE to be unblocked. I’m getting better with noticing things and I’m thinking this might be the next step for things to really start opening up for me. Or I’d like it to be my next step. haha Thanks so much!!!

Cheri22 said...

Hi Candy

I guess the best way to "unblock" your own gifts is to use your mind.. see yourself breaking down the 'brick wall" surrounding your mind and telling yourself that by knocking this brick wall down, that your allowing your gifts to fully come to the surface and to experinece your full psychic potential... anytime your feeling things to be lagging or harder to grow, do this exercise. Some people mentally put up this barricade as a way to protect themselves without really understanding why they do it and not realizing its being done until later:)

Tracy said...

Thanks for responding to my post. One more question would be how do I know when I have had a premonition or just a dream about something I want really bad. I will explain a little and this is going to hit on premonitions as well as speaking with my guides. So I just had surgery to remove my left tube because of an ectopic pregnancy still giving me problems from August. So I asked my guide(s) if I would ever get pregnant and bring home a baby. I got an immediate yes, so after that I asked if they could show me my child and I was shown not one but two little people a girl and a boy we were sitting on a deck of a home I have never seen before. It was soooo real it was like I could have reached out and touched my children. So dream or premonition?
The first baby I lost to miscarriage in 2008 I was visited by a lady by the name of Mabel in my dreams and just like the dream about children I could reach out and touch her. Come to find out Mabel is my Great Grandma who I have never met. I had to ask my parents if the name Mabel meant anything to them and my mom's eyes got wide and said that was her grandmas name...... Dream? or did I really talk to my G-Grandma? (sorry that was so off topic of premonitions but just had to ask)