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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Something else to try?

I posted awhile ago asking for stories of inspiration for everyone on my blog. So for those of you who have emailed me with your storey thank you! I have not replied to everyone as of yet, but please know that I have recieved it and will be in touch! Here is the first storey of one of my clients on what worked for them!

I also wanted to share that I did get a BFP last May, using Soy in the same matter you would use clomid. That worked for me even when Clomid did not. I think it's worth looking into and trying if your not O'ing. Sadly I did lose that baby, because it was in my tubes. I'm 6dpo and of my 1st cycle after a long break. Hopefully I have some good news to share soon!~


I asked my client to explain more on how she used this suppliment and this is what she provided.

With the soy, I take it cycle day 3-7 and I take about twice the mg as I took when I O'd using clomid. So I take 120mg of soy and I take it at night. So just like you would take clomid.

If anyone has any questions about what she has done, please feel free to write a comment in this section and perhaps she can either reply if she is able or you can email me and I will try and get the information for you.


trying1009 said...

Soy ? What kind of soy? I don't ovulate without the help of letrozole aka famara. I would love more info pls...thank u

Katie said...

They are soy isoflavones. You can get them at any supplement store or even Wal Mart sometimes.

Alicia Johnson said...

Yes Katie is right, you can pick it up at the store. And take it the same cycle days as Famara or Clomid. I didn't get a BFP this cycle but the soy does make me O, so its just a matter of getting the timing right

Cheri22 said...

Thank you guys for answering the question for you!!! You guys are all awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the UK and have googled soy isoflavones, it comes up with so many mg's from 40mg tabs to 750mg, how do you know which ones and the dose to take?