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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How To Listen to Your Intuition

1.Turn off that car radio. Giving your physical hearing a rest can expand your inner ear.

2.At home, turn off the computer, the television, and the stereo. Spend a half hour or so in quiet meditation or solace.

3.Spend some quiet time alone in nature.

4.Pay attention to energy shifts in your physical body. Pain is telling you something is wrong.

5.Keep a dream journal.

6.Take moments in each day to clear your mind of distractions. Visualizing a chalkboard being erased often helps with this exercise.

7.On your way home tune in to see if you can "guess" how many pieces of mail are waiting for you in your mailbox. You will be amazed how accurate you will become at this over time.

8.Keep a synchronicity notebook to write down all your so called "coincidences."

9.Follow your hunches. Prepare to be amazed where they lead you.

10.Notice scents around you. What emotions or memories do they stir up?

11.Start noticing "markers" or "signs" that bring about particular sensations in your gut.

1.Try not to get bogged down with any nagging NEED TO KNOW when you are given a particular message. Explanations come along with intuitive messages on a "need to know

2.Using your sixth sense is just like working a muscle. It will get stronger the more you use it.

3.Take cues from your pets. Animals can be especially sensitive to psychic energies.
Suggested Reading

Other cool information was located on the same page as this information that you might like to take a look at


Lynn said...

Thanks for this Cheri. Great article. Now if i could only get keep my mind quiet enough!

Krystal said...

It's always good to listen to your intuition. I've been getting more and more feelings that have turned out to be right - I need I was going to have an issue with this last pregnancy, even though every one said to stay faithful, and I miscarried eventually 2 weeks later (after seeing a heartbeat prior). I think if you listen it helps you heal better because denial can be a bad place to be in sometimes.

Plus listening to intuition can help open up new paths.

Sharon said...

I love this post. I think I will start a journal because over the last 6 months I have had several dreams where pieces of the dream are coming true and some that thankfully haven't but it would be nice to see if there is a pattern or common thread to the ones that do.

Amanda said...

Thanks Cheri. Very interesting stuff =]

Jen said...

I really enjoyed this post. Now, if I could find a quiet place amongst the two children, dog, and husband to meditate I would be set. No really, I think all of the advice is great.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wished my intuition would just shut up...I resently found out I was pregnant and just knew it wasnt going to end the way I wanted I could'nt except that in January I would be bringing home a baby.
I had beta's done doctor said they were fine but no intuition still persisted and one week later my 10 day journey of eptopic begun as much as I hate to admit if it was'nt for my intuition I would of faced surgery and possible loss of tube but seen as it was caught eary I had to take methotrexate.
So thank you intuition but the next time I get pregnant you will only be sending me positive feeling OK LOL

Tracy said...

I always use my intuition, but I do not always listen. Like a lot of the other posters when I found out I was pregnant last August I knew even when things "looked" ok that there was a problem and I also knew that I was going to have to have surgery and sure enough 2 weeks later the Dr. told me it was ectopic. I had 2 methotrexate shots and my hcg levels fell very very slowly and 5 mo later with an hcg level still showing pregnant I had surgery to remove the tube. Now I have asked and been told that I will get pregnant in August (again) and this one will come home so we will see I am not expecting anything and we are not "trying" so who knows!!

I also use my 6th sence when I get that gut feeling about something that is when I truley do listen now!! Could have avoided a car accident had I listened when I was younger!!

Bobbi said...

Cheri - This is a great article. I used to be more in tune to my intuition and my thoughts, but after a second failed IVF attempt that didn't even get to transfer day, it was a little harder to bounce back into the positive. I am though now, and with the guidance of my girlfriend who is now my angel... I'm letting it all ride!