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Monday, July 19, 2010

Here we go again...

For those of you who have been following my blog for awhile, this is "old news" and not something that should surprise you. For those of you who are recently tuning it, well pay attention! I can't believe that shes doing it again!

There is another psychic who posts under the name RUBY and claims to be 94% accurate. Please do NOT get suckered into using her for your readings. She actually posts under numerous names on various trying to conceive boards, pretending to be a client of "Ruby's'" who had a very successful reading. This is how she operates. Getting people to goto her and providing them a reading and then when she gets busy seems to fall off the face of the earth, expecting you to pay even more money to have your reading expedited and then just never delivers. Some people have lost money because of her.

I NEVER visit the boards myself. I have on occasion gone to today's parent website, other than that, I do NOT frequent any boards. Even if a client links me to a site where they posted some positive feedback I always tell them I appreciate it, but will not visit the link. I dont like to have any additional information about my clients, its "cheating" and I would rather just use the vibes from my clients and the minimal information that I request. This is what other psychics should do as well. If they do frequent a board, they should be upfront about it.

Ruby seems to think that pretending to be other people is the best way to get more business. This is NOT the first time shes been caught (visit these two links from my blog to see more of the storey

I just feel sick that someone can do this to "help" people but then are actually scamming people. It gives everyone of us who are trying to help people a bad name. My clients are done by word of mouth ONLY. I do not bribe people to send clients my way and I treat all of my clients with love and respect. I LOVE to help everyone.

So please... please.. pass on the word, to AVOID using RUBY. I am sure that some people have gotten readings from her and been happy, but I think her tactics for advertising are shady as well as not providing readings that are paid for.

Also located on her site, is the fact shes offering healing..etc.. Please note, this is copied from Elisabeth's Site, and RUBY (Or Christina) does NOT have any formal training to offer these sessions.


Jaclin said...

Cheri, thank you sooo much for being open and honest for/to us!! We love that about you! It is great to find honesty, when it is rare to find these days already! Again, thank you Cheri!!!!! It means a lot to us!

Anonymous said...

It's very sad how Ruby is preying on women who are trying to conceive, and wishing for a miracle. I have seen her on a few TTC boards under different names. A lot of women know about her bad business ethics but most women don't. I thank you for keeping us posted and up-to-date on her antics.

Ruby said...

Blessings to everyone! I have not posted under anyone elses name and or on any boards for a very long time. If anyone has any questions about this please feel free to email me. Since the last incident I have learned alot. I am only operating under one name Ruby so if anyone else is posing as me or has a site I would need their name and site name as this is NOT me. Also I do offer healing, but it is not the same as Elizabeths and I didn't copy off her site. What she states about healings and what I state are totally two different things. I did drum up business in the past the wrong way on two week wait, but I don't do that any more. I don't have the time nor feel this isn't fair to anyone. Blessed be!

Katie said...

There's no need to drum up business if you're good at what you do. I personally would recommend you (and have recommended you) to everyone I know trying to conceive because you are just an amazing person. Keep doing what you're doing and we, your clients, will keep the referrals coming! :)

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

Katie. I do know that. Again this is something that Cheri and I talked about a long ago. At that time I promised I wouldn't do it again. I am stating this for everyone, not for myself. But what happened is that a long time ago on two week wait I drummed up business the wrong way. I admitted it and vowed never to do it again. I have since thing never, ever again posted as anyone else referring me. I also only have two sites one is an angelfire site and one is a main site. Both my names are the same on there and when payment is sent it shows the same name as well. If there is another psychic claiming to be me, I do not know this. Also my reading times where very bad before with getting them back to people. I have updated my site to get readings faster and promise that now. I feel very bad about what I did a long time ago and learned from it.

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

Also if anyone has any questions feel free to email or ask. I have nothing to hide.

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

And if anyone is confused Ruby is my psychic name and Christina is my legal name that payments are sent to where it shows up on paypal.

ty206 said...

Hi Ruby,

Its interesting that you say email you with any questions because I have tried to reach you several times with no reply! You promised me a redo reading because you were misleading people and I have yet to receive it or a reply.

Thank you Cheri for being so honest!!!

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

Did you email as I don"t use the old one anymore. I will do your redo reading. Just email please.

Cheri22 said...


A client of mine contacted me today to tell me differently. Which is why I have posted this blog post again.

I really hope that you have learned your lesson, but with people bringing it up again, it really does make me wonder.

Also, in regards to the healings, what training do you have in order to offer this? Because elisabeth did not just wake up one morning and decide to start to try and heal people. Shes been trained!

I am also getting feedback that your trying to make myself and Brooke777 look bad while you try and dig yourself out of this mess.

My intention is NOT to bash you Ruby, but its hard to trust you with your being caught TWICE before and then all of a sudden people are emailing me again mentioning this and what your doing... I dont want people to be scammed. If your going to take money for readings, follow through with it. I dont agree with you offering healings with no training.

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

Or if you wish please post your first name and or email here and I can send you an email ty

Ruby The Baby Psychic said...

Cheri, that is fine. I totally understand. Could you email me what the client said. the only reason I am asking is because I haven't posted anywhere in a long time about drumming up bussiness. I only have 2 profiles. Both say the same things, both have Ruby on them. Both have my legal name when you mail paypal for payment. Where are they getting the post from? Since we have talked I have definatly definatly not posted anywhere else at all period. I also haven't bad mouthed anyone at all, except when I made that mistake with Elizabeth and I do not have any other psychic name. If you wish you can email me this information. Again I have nothing to hide. The only thing that i have done is been late on my readings since speaking to you.

With the healings I have taken courses through metaphysical shops and been self taught. I haven't done any theta healing like Elizabeth does though.

I understand it is hard for anyone to trust me for what happend in the past but I can assure you that it is something that has been brought out of the woodwork again from a long time ago about me operating under a different name. I don't have time for games and drama anymore that I put everyone through and myself through and that was so wrong.

A client of mine contacted me today to tell me differently. Which is why I have posted this blog post again.

I really hope that you have learned your lesson, but with people bringing it up again, it really does make me wonder.

Also, in regards to the healings, what training do you have in order to offer this? Because elisabeth did not just wake up one morning and decide to start to try and heal people. Shes been trained!

I am also getting feedback that your trying to make myself and Brooke777 look bad while you try and dig yourself out of this mess.

My intention is NOT to bash you Ruby, but its hard to trust you with your being caught TWICE before and then all of a sudden people are emailing me again mentioning this and what your doing... I dont want people to be scammed. If your going to take money for readings, follow through with it. I dont agree with you offering healings with no training.

kate said...

I'm in the same boat as ty206 I was also promised a redo reading and it never happened. Ruby stop trying to be something that you're not! I would gladly post on the TTC boards not to use your so called 'service'.

Anonymous said...

LOL Ruby at it again no you must be kidding?
I must admit I found it amusing that you have to wait so long for a reading from Ruby but for an extra 20 bucks she could get it done quickly mmmmmm makes you wounder


Mindy said...

the best part of all is that any time cheri tries to warn us, she comes in and starts defending herself, which means shes a frequent on Cheri's blog also. Atleast we have Cheri looking out for whats in our best interests, and we thank you!

Juliann said...

Wow!! I had no clue!!!

I used Ruby a few months ago. I did pay for the expedited reading but that's because I am so impatient and I love and look forward to my readings!!

I will say she got back to me quickly with any question I had...but, my TTC prediction was off...she was so adament about MAY being the month...I got my BFP in June and am 7 weeks pregnant now...due in March. Also, I asked a question about my husband getting a promotion and she said she saw it happening by the end of June.....he stil hasn't gotten it yet... :-/

So how do we tell who the scammers are?

Cheri, I did use you and Brooke in 2008 when we were TTC our youngest and you were both right on! :-) I used you both again and got MAY/GIRL from you both...I did get the BFP at the end of June but I hope the GIRL part is right!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Juliann. It is hard to tell who the scammers are. In the case of Ruby using different names and requesting extra money for a fast reading you have to wonder. In terms of her psychic ability who knows. I cannot speak to that because I have never used her. Juliann states that Ruby's prediction was wrong. Does that make her a fraud/scammer? I have had two wrong predictions from Brooke and one from Cheri, but I have also had a accurate prediction from Brooke. It is frustrating getting a wrong prediction when you have so much hope pinned on the reading. I like to think that I wasn't scammed or the victim of fraud. And I think that Ruby should be given the benefit of the doubt on an inaccurate reading, but she should not be excused for her unethical business practices. Taking women's money and not given them a timely reading and being deceptive on the internet is reprehensible. All of us ttc are in delicate situations and we want to believe that we will have a child. We all want to be given hope to continue trying and preying upon this desire is shameful!