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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Affirmations and you

I have written many times about it being "mind over matter" and that sometimes it really does matter what you think and say.. Trying to be positive can help with conception! I have located an article that gives you examples of how changing the way you think, can benefit you in many ways!

Changing your mindset is the single most powerful and important step you can take to change your life. The power of positive thinking has been studied by the psychiatric medical, scientific and spiritual community and they've all determined the same thing - positive thinking has power. Of course, changing the way you think is easier said than done. That's where positive affirmations become a very useful tool.

What Is a Positive Thinking Affirmation?

A positive affirmation is a statement you can use to replace a commonly held negative statement. For example, if you're always saying, "I feel fat," then a good positive affirmation to replace this sentiment might be, "I am comfortable with my body and am the perfect weight for me."

Positive affirmations help you change your thinking by giving you something to lean on. They help you stay aware of your thoughts, which is the first step to changing them.

Finding the Right Affirmations for You

The next step is to determine what your negative thoughts are and to replace them. Here is a great list of positive affirmations for women.

o My body heals quickly and easily
o I am the picture of good health
o The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful
o I know that I deserve to be loved
o I give out love and it is returned to me tenfold
o I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy and at peace
o I am the perfect weight for me
o I make positive healthy choices for myself
o I express my needs and feelings
o I am my own unique self - special, creative and wonderful
o Everything comes to me easily and effortlessly
o I love and appreciate myself just as I am
o I accept all my feelings as part of myself
o I love doing my job
o I always communicate clearly and effectively
o It's okay for me to have everything I want
o I am getting wealthier each day
o I have an abundance of energy
o My mind is calm
o My thoughts are under my control
o I am successful in whatever I do

As you look through the list of potential positive affirmations, are any compelling? Do any of those affirmations ring true to you or cause a stir of emotion? The affirmations which resonate with you are good ones to start with. For example, if you've been struggling with your weight, spend some thing thinking about the negative self-talk you have around that issue and find a few positive affirmations which give you the strength and motivation to move through this challenge.

Affirmations are the first step toward changing your thoughts, however with any process; it takes time, practice, patience and a love and acceptance for yourself. Negative thoughts will slip in from time to time but as you practice, it will get easier. Trust yourself and the positive affirmation process. It will change your life.

Being positive truly has great power and the Gratitude Circle Blog can help you find those important positive affirmations for your daily life. While you're there, join the Gratitude Circle Gratitude Circle Newsletter, a newsletter and blog, full of inspiring stories, articles and tips for maintaining a happier, more fulfilling life.

Article Source:

To use positive affirmations, you can simply take a sentence or phrase that has some meaning to you and repeat it often. Some people chose to post them around the house on on their calendars or even have them emailed to themselves. They say the affirmation out loud and try to meditate on its meaning for a few seconds. The actual affirmation can be changed as often as you would like. Here are some examples for you to use:

•I am taking care of my body and mind in order to welcome a baby.
•My body is designed to conceive.
•My works works well in order to get pregnant.
•Patience and care help my body prepare for pregnancy.
•My womb is open to new life.
I trust my body.

New balance is coming to my body now.

My reproductive organs work in perfect harmony with my body to allow an easy conception.

Every time my period comes I rejoice in the fact that my body is functioning correctly.

My hormones are perfectly balanced and my menstrual cycles are becoming more and more regular.

My eggs are healthy and happy to be released during my next ovulation.

I ovulate around day 14 and my fertility signs are very clear to me.

My body knows how to conceive a healthy baby.

The most perfect egg is preparing to be released by my ovary and the most perfect sperm is preparing to fertilize it.

I allow new beginnings in my life.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the affirmations help! I’ve been ttc for over 3 years now and staying positive can sometimes be hard but I’m really trying. I like to combine affirmations with visualizations. Late last year I did an IUI, my first infertility procedure ever (I had never even tried Clomid). Leading up to the IUI I kept telling using affirmations like “my follies are growing larger every day” and “one of these follies is going to be my baby.” After the IUI I sat in my car and visualized sperm meeting egg and kept saying “This is going to work. I am going to get pregnant” I often wondered if anyone walking by my car saw me and thought I was crazy, chanting away, lol. Throughout my 2 week wait I continued to visualize – egg getting fertilized, egg implanting, etc. and kept talking to “my baby” as if the procedure had worked and lo and behold it had! Unfortunately I miscarried around 8 weeks. Not many people get a BFP from their first IUI, though, so maybe the positive thinking and visualization helped. It certainly can’t hurt! Danielle