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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spring cleaning?

I always like to try and help my clients locate important information when it comes to fertility and your health. I just did a reading for a client that pointed towards a bit of an inflammation in the uterus and we all know that a happy uterus is a healthy one! I started to do a bit of googling and located a site that should help alot of women (whether you are trying to conceive or not!)

I am even going to print of some of the information for me too!

If you have any tips or tricks that worked for you, I would love to hear it! Please share it on the blog in the comments section. We all know that trying to conceive can be a stressful journey, but we also have to realize that we are NOT on this journey alone. We as women have all "been there done that" so lets share what we know!

Here is the information I located, and also a link back to the site for more information!


Ginger reduces inflammation while increasing oxygen and blood flow to your uterus, say Asa Hershoff and Andrea Rotelli in "Herbal Remedies." Ginger is actually a good whole-body detoxifier because it supports liver function, boosts circulation and promotes healthy sweating, says Ann Louise Gittleman, author of "The Fat Flush Foods." It is safe to take during pregnancy and is in fact a proven remedy for nausea in pregnant women according to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.

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Anonymous said...

Hey, I think you might want to check this out -

The Fertility Cleanse kit, castor oil pack and Self-fertility Massage DVD (I just ordered all these 3 recently from this site) that you can get from this site are some natural ways to help in getting a woman conceive. Hope it's useful.