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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
looks like BFN for me!
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I took a hpt test today as today is CD 32 of a 28-32 cycle and it says BFN, and I am okay with that. I know it will happen when its my time. Something for me relates to OCT 10th. I can't read myself, but when we started ttc, that is the first thing that poppped into my mind, so I guess I will just see if that relates to me. According to Todays Parent Fertility predictor that helps you determine when your ovulating that Oct 10th can work out as testing time, so fingers crossed. (
I also figured I would post some more tips for trying to concieve that I have located online, that other people might be interested in browsing:)
The first one i found, was a woman named Carol, offering free fertility advice. I am not sure of her credientials, but the site this came from was so it might be worth asking her if your currently experiencing difficulties and would like an outside opinion?
I offer free help, medical advice and support to couples who are trying to conceive. Email me your fertility issue(s) and i will be right back to you with some free advice.
From the same site, I found this spreadsheet that you can download if you would like to keep track of your BBT (basic basmal temperature) I know that there are some sites that you have to pay to use their charts, but I believe these downloads are free:)
Also, just a heads up to everyone, I am not going to have computer access from September 13th until September 16th (Sunday). I am spending some family time and wont have my computer up and running during this time. I am trying in the mean time to catch up with the predictions so that when I am "off" that hopefully it will not inconvience anyone.
As always if anyone has any tips or tricks they would like to share with ttc, please feel free to email me or post in the comments section
Happy TTC!
I also figured I would post some more tips for trying to concieve that I have located online, that other people might be interested in browsing:)
The first one i found, was a woman named Carol, offering free fertility advice. I am not sure of her credientials, but the site this came from was so it might be worth asking her if your currently experiencing difficulties and would like an outside opinion?
I offer free help, medical advice and support to couples who are trying to conceive. Email me your fertility issue(s) and i will be right back to you with some free advice.
From the same site, I found this spreadsheet that you can download if you would like to keep track of your BBT (basic basmal temperature) I know that there are some sites that you have to pay to use their charts, but I believe these downloads are free:)
Also, just a heads up to everyone, I am not going to have computer access from September 13th until September 16th (Sunday). I am spending some family time and wont have my computer up and running during this time. I am trying in the mean time to catch up with the predictions so that when I am "off" that hopefully it will not inconvience anyone.
As always if anyone has any tips or tricks they would like to share with ttc, please feel free to email me or post in the comments section
Happy TTC!
One major thing to know and remember while TTC is that those "average" magic numbers that doctors give you aren't all that accurate.
Most women do not have a "perfect" 28 day cycle every cycle (and that's ok!) and most women do NOT ovulate on CD14 (and that's ok too).
Also, don't assume that you ovulate smack dab in the middle of your cycle because that's not always the case. Me, personally I had cycles that varied from 26-30 days and ovulated between Cd13-16. The cycle we conceived though I ovulated very, very early (CD10)...I never would have guessed I could have/would have ovulated then if I hadn't been using OPKs.
What I would suggest is either temping/charting, or using Ovulation Predictor Kits so that you KNOW, without a doubt when you ovulate.
Once you know when you ovulated you'll be able to figure out your LP (the time between ovulation and period) which will enable you to figure out exactly how long your cycle will be that month. While many women have cycles that vary by a few days (like Cheri's 28-32 day cycles) an LP will only vary by a day or two, if at all.
Also, if anyone is looking for a really great TTC and Preggo Community check out My Little Bean . I've been on that site for a year now and I love it! The ladies are wonderful! If anyone decides to check it out my name is "September" if you want to say hello.
Béla and I hoped to conceive for a year and one month before we did and during that time I asked a lot of questions to other women as well as my doctors, and I did a lot of research on my if anyone has any questions I'll do my best to help you out.
Lots of luck and baby dust to anyone hoping or trying to conceive!
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