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Monday, September 3, 2007

A little update

The Internet is definitely a good thing, and can help out people who might otherwise "freak out". lol. I have for the last two days been peeing florescent yellow! okay, maybe too much information, but it had me a bit worried and have never seen that before. I thought, okay, before I 'freak out" perhaps I should type it into google and see what comes up. At least them it would give me an idea of what I should be looking into and if I should be going to the Dr!

Well, it says that its due to vitamins, and means that your body is absorbing the Vitamin B. As my husband and I are ttc, I have been taking materna, and looks like that is the reason its changed colors! I feel alot more relieved.

I think that the Internet can be a wonderful thing, and at times a bit too much information that allows us to self diagnose things that might otherwise just be "simple". I know that I was having a bit of dizzy spells years ago, where just standing was making me feel sick. I was told by one Dr, that it was Vertigo, so I started googling that, and learning that some Vertigo Symptoms are also linked to Multiple Sclerosis. I had myself freaked out! After getting a test done through a specialist to have that ruled out, I vowed not to read too much into the Internet and what was posted. But I guess it can have its benefits too with the florescent yellow pee!

Just thought that would be a funny for you all.

On a side note, I have taken my daughter out to buy her Halloween costume. She decided that she wanted to be a lady bug. If you look at the right side, there is a picture of her in her costume. Today she has also bought with her own money, a Sleeping Beauty Costume, and informed me that she is the princess and I am the prince, and that we were getting married lol. kids this age can be so funny with their imaginations.

My husband was out fishing today, and was loading the freezer downstairs here with two new fish ( I think that there is at least 2 already in there) and was asking me about some pizza pops that were located in the bottom. They were trying to make room for the fish they brought home and was getting rid of things that were a bit older. So when he asked how old they were, I asked him if they had legs. If they did, was time to throw it out!

Don't you notice that when you have a deep freezer, that sometimes you forget you had things in there, and that by the time you go looking in there its already been "too late". I know that for me, I usually store everything I need in the freezer fridge and half the time forget that I have a freezer downstairs. I don't know how I can forget as its located right behind me while doing my predictions!

I hope everyone had a good long weekend. I have to work two full days at the office, and then back to working at home for two days.

If anyone has blogs of their own, that they want to be linked through mine, just either email me at or post in the comments section.

Blog contest - First person to name a movie that Brad Pitt was in gets a 7.00 bypass prediction.. how easy is that? (did I mention he is my favorite actor! lol)
Best wishes


Jamie said...

Interview with the vampire!

Melanie said...

SHOOT! I'm too late! lol
Babel was my answer!

Cheri22 said...

Hi Jamie

Congrats on your answer! I have to say that is one of my favorite movies of his. I do have to admit that I own that one, along with a few others:) Hes a good actor and nice to look at! lol

I think that I already have a prediction to do for you, but you know the me:)