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Monday, April 6, 2009
So what do I do now???
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As you all know, I have a baby who is now just over 10 months old. Shes usually been the EASY baby to put to bed. I gave her a bath between 7 and 7:30pm, breastfeed her and shes out like a light. Yes, that easy....UNTIL NOW. The last two possibly three nights, shes decided shes had a second wind, and wants to get down and play, not really interested in the breastfeeding at the time and just wants down. Throws a tantrum...
I have tried telling her gently its night night time, have tried rocking her, I have tried laying with her in the bed, tried putting her in her crib......then back to having her sit in my lap.. Not working. Tonight, I had to drive her around the block, within 5 minutes she was asleep and I carried her into the house.
So for those of you who already have had kids (or those who have friends with some already) what works for you? My first one I could just rock to sleep and when that stopped working I would lay with her in the bed and she would fall asleep. Not working with this one and I am willing to try ideas. Not sure if this is just a phase and hopefully will go back to her "original" plan, but if not, I need a back up plan!!
Hope everyone had a good weekend, we are finally able to enjoy some nice weather over here. Enough that today I was wearing sandals and no jacket!
I have tried telling her gently its night night time, have tried rocking her, I have tried laying with her in the bed, tried putting her in her crib......then back to having her sit in my lap.. Not working. Tonight, I had to drive her around the block, within 5 minutes she was asleep and I carried her into the house.
So for those of you who already have had kids (or those who have friends with some already) what works for you? My first one I could just rock to sleep and when that stopped working I would lay with her in the bed and she would fall asleep. Not working with this one and I am willing to try ideas. Not sure if this is just a phase and hopefully will go back to her "original" plan, but if not, I need a back up plan!!
Hope everyone had a good weekend, we are finally able to enjoy some nice weather over here. Enough that today I was wearing sandals and no jacket!
A friend of mine gave me a lullaby CD that she played for her daughter when she slept. I started playing it for my son and let's just say he is now three years old and still likes to listen to it at night when it is time for bed.
I think it makes sense. The music breaks the silence and is comforting. My son has a busy mind and I think the music also helps him focus on sleeping and winds him down for bed. I used to worry he would be dependant on sleeping with music, but when we travel (like this weekend) he can still fall asleep with out. However, we sometimes bring the CD with us if it is a long trip and we want some extra help with the naps.
I also have a friend who does not do a lullaby CD, but has background noise like rain and water falls.
I personally like our Lullaby CD best as it has encouraging and loving words that I like to sing along to if I am putting him to sleep.
Overall, I make sure to stay consistant with a bed time routine. Bathtime, story book time, prayers, and bedtime (with music). I started doing that as early as possible.
When I was breastfeeding, I just fed him right before bed. But I had the lights off and he was laying down with me when he was feeding. Usually he would just fall asleep before he finished. If not, I let the lullaby CD do the rest of the work.
Hope that helps!
I dont have any kids yet (other then the one inhabiting my uterus!) but my parents said I had really really bad colic and that taking me for a drive would make me sleep (until the car stopped), and now they have those babychairs that vibrate therefore mimicking a car...if my baby is colicky I am definetly giving that try. Dont know if that type of thing applies to older babies though.
Funny thing is cars still put me to sleep!
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