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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Anyone else have "finger" mashed potatoes?

We had out christmas dinner last night. In the last 5 christmas I have hosted family dinner for christmas THREE times! Usually we have at least 18 people (including myself/husband/daughter) and last night was no different. I was stuffing the turkey, having MIL and SIL telling me what to do with it, finally putting the turkey in at 10am and hoping to have it ready by 5pm. I started peeling potatoes around 4pm only to basically "peel" off the tip/corner of my middle finger on my left hand!! Where its round, is now flat! I lost at least a 1/8" piece of skin from what I can tell. It bled like crazy! Dh told me I was being a baby (I did not cry, but certainly whined and made a big deal of it! lol) And he said he could not believe I actually gave birth! lol. I told him, that the cut on my finger was certainly alot WORSE than giving birth! lol.
I had it in the cold water for what seemed like ever, the bleeding not stopping at all. I finally gave up, the cold was just too much to handle and made my finger hurt worse. Told him to get the polysporin ready and the bandaids and I was just going to go for it. I know my own finger, I know it would be so much happier being comforted by the bandaid than the running water! Even though it was still bleeding and with the protest of my husband, I still put the polysporin on, and the bandaid and I did feel better! I am still missing a chunk from my finger, makes it a bit more difficult to type (thank goodness more on the side than the middle) but it only hurts if I bang the spot and not really any other time! (did I mention I told myself It was not going to hurt? I thought maybe wishful thinking, but perhaps its just all about mind over matter!)

Yesterday was an emotional time for me. Not because of the holiday itself, but just pregnancy hormones. I could explain everything that happened that made me either cry or want to cry, but that would take hours to type out and probably just as long to read! lol. I am not sure if its the build up of Christmas, the shopping for presents months in advance, the decorating of the house...etc all to have it end in less than one hour! Did I mention that our family just kinda tears into the presents? We picked out a few things for MIL (made sure that DH told me what to buy) and not ONCE did they say thank you. MIL is always insisting that my daughter tell her please and thank you, but MIL NEVER says these words to anyone else. Always saying to DO THIS or DO THAT, and no please or thank you. Perhaps that is what just started the day off rough!.

Does anyone else feel that all that build-up, that it just kinda "Sucks" to have it all end in an hour? Anyone else do it differently?

I am really thankful though to be able to spend it with my family/friends and enjoy the holiday season despite trying to peel my finger! lol

I also had an idea on how to get the predictions more "organized" and hopefully speed up the process.. I have tried numerous things and always open to suggestions, but right now think perhaps this will work? When a notification comes in, I will email the person back with a scheduled date to expect prediction. I would love to keep it within 2 days, but this will solely be based on the amount of requests of course that come in and or already in the inbox. I just need to work out what amount I can comfortably fit in each day/night and make sure to include responses requests..etc. I am also trying to get my Mom's husband to update the site. I just need to find the proper wording so I can send her the information so that people know exactly what I am looking for in regards to information to complete the prediction. This too will cut down on time. Again, if anyone has any suggestions, I am always ears!

To finish this blog post and head to bed (U/S at 11am TOMORROW!!) I have an "encounter" storey that was shared by "Julie G". If you have a storey of inspiration or an encounter storey you would like to share please email and write one of those words into the subject line. For all stories posted on the blog, I do trade one bypass reading (7.00 value) to the person:)

When I was about 5 we moved into a townhouse. On the foot of my bed there used to sit a woman with a pretty long dress and white hair all pulled back into a bun. She used to watch me sleep and protect me. My mom thought she was an imaginary friend. I called her Mimi. I was never scared at all. In fact she was calming. It was not until years later that we found out Mimi lived next door about 10 years before we had moved in to the building. She lived their with her daughter and granddaughter. After she died unexpectedly from health issues, her daughter and granddaughter moved back home to Oklahoma. Her granddaughter's name was Julie and we were close in age. I am not sure why she stayed with me, maybe she was confused or did not know where her family went (sad) but I swore she watched over me like a granddaughter.
Another thing is recent. My daughter, London, now 20 months old has spirits around her all of the time. My mother passed away when I was 21 in 2002. She never got to see me graduate college, get married, and have a baby in person. But I just know she is around. One morning my husband and I woke up to a woman's voice on the baby monitor. It was so familiar and non threatening it took a second to figure out what we were hearing. We sat up and looked at each other. "Did you just hear that?" he said. "Did you hear someone say, what a pretty baby?!" I said. " YES!!!" We both said. I am not sure if it was my mom or my grandma (grandma passed away too after London was born) but I know it had to been one of them. I felt comforted and happy. Meanwhile London was cooing and giggling away in her crib. (She was almost 3 months when this happened)
I have had many more experiences. A couple more pleasant ones, and a couple freaky and unnerving. I have always been open to the other side, but have closed off to strangers, as of recent due to a freaky experience and have not been bothered again since. I hope to have more experiences with my mom in the future when I am not feeling timid.