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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April Month Special?

I have had a few requests to find out what this month special is to be. I have not had much time to try and think of something, so how about you post your comments on what YOU would love to see as the special and I will pick something out of there!!!

I'll check back tomorrow night and announce the new special:)


Anonymous said...

I think it's time for another free reading on a certain day.

lindsaycamp78 said...

How about something similar to the Feb. special in that you will answer a question about something specific on one day for free?

My suggestion is an EASTER special. Everyone that emails you on Sunday with the subject line: EASTER EGG gets to ask when their little eggie will be caught:) ie. when will they get PG!

Anonymous said...

ooohhh!! i like the Easter Egg special! :=)

Anonymous said...

egg one is good free question if they will catch the egg :)

Anonymous said...

I like the Easter one too..