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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One of the fun parts of being a psychic.....

Well, I was doing some readings for clients today while my little one had a nap. I was trying to get some more of the October special ones done and started a clients email where I was told that their way to getting pregnant had something to do with water. This happens quite frequently. Sometimes its the weirdest thing. Shown little red capsules, or told of a licorice taste, or even shown a twig of some sort for another reading. These things are always baffling when they come through....but google can be your best friend if you know what to look for. Today while looking at what water has to do with getting pregnant, came across this article that I thought others might find interesting. This could also be "mean" to your husbands, but if its works, will be worth it!

So if your ever told that you have unexplained fertility, let me know that you want me to look into any health reasons that might be happening to prevent it, or if there is any changes being shown that might benefit you in this way. Sometimes my guides shout it out right away, other times they will answer this question if its asked.


Does taking a cold shower increase your sperm count?

First Answer

by Steve Ryan on Jan 24, 2006 at 8:29 am Permalink

According to Dr. Mansukhani, splashing cold water on your 'private parts' (if you're male) can help improve sperm count and mobility.
(read to the bottom of the link)


Anonymous said...

I wonder if I can get DH to do that.... Thanks for the info!~
