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Monday, August 29, 2011

Dreams interpreted

on my facebook page, under discussions is a "dream" tab. From time to time I will go there, and copy/paste one here and help you interpret it! Here is the latest one along with my interpretation!

I have had this dream for years that I am in an emergency and try to dial.911. But I never hit the right numbers or I never get through. Has been for over ten years....and many times. Only dialed and got through correctly once out of all of those times. I don't get what that means? Thanks for your help!

Would you consider yourself a very independent person? That you tend to do things for yourself and have a hard time asking for help? This could be a strong indication that you need help, but unable to really ask for it when the time comes. I am unsure if its because your too proud, or because you do not feel that you have the family/friend support to help you in your time of need? Have many people failed you in your time of need while growing up?

Reason being, is the impression that they are giving, is that these dreams when they are happening are when you have too much on your plate, when your feeling overwhelmed and yet your determined to succeed and finish what you started, where as your guides are telling you that you really should reach out for help (thus dialing 9-1-1 but because your so independent and don't ask for help, you never actually get through in your dream)


To dream of an emergency indicates that there is a urgent matter that needs your immediate attention. You are about to learn an important lesson.
if you could remember more details of one of those dreams, I can help you interpret it further:)
