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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lets do it!

Okay, so we had 9 people who volunteered to try out their own psychic gifts. I would love it if one more would join!

I would love the people who responded below this post, to email and write in the subject line "BLOG CONTEST". In the message body, please let me know approx where you live (city/country) and your time zone. (not to mention the preferred time available as this is hopefully going to be LIVE on a chat room) I am going to try and match people based on their preferences and I will try and do at least one a week (or two depending on every ones availability!).

So if you did  not mention below that you were interested, I am hoping we can have one more person so its even. If your interested, whoever responds to this comment first will be allowed this opportunity and will then need to follow the instructions above:)


Ladyt313 said...

I wld live to do this

Cheri22 said...

perfect!If you have not already, please email me with your location, time zone and prefered time:) I am trying to match everyone up:)