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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Happy Wednesday!

This post will have an update of sorts and some other important information.

firstly, feeling alot better today, pretty much over that horrible head cold and feeling more like myself! Thank goodness! So thanks for everyones well wishes and understanding when I got a bit behind with the emails. I am trying to catch up!

Also, has been brought to my attention that some people might have me confused with other people (meaning other psychics) Cheri Mancuso ( had recieved some posts from people thinking that she was me. So just wanted to let people know that although we have the same name, we are not the same person:) I only post as Cheri22, the only sites that I have connected to me is where my accuracy is linked to as well as payment options, and my gmail account which is I post on Todays Parent as Cheri22 and thats about it. (also kasamba, but not usually there) so basically these are "me", and others that have the same login name are not:) just so that there is no confusion:)

Cheri Mancuso is very nice and talented, and has an amazing gift too, so feel free to check out her site and services as well.

I also wanted to post about "positive energy". I do believe in the "laws of attraction" so if you have not read or watched "the secret" you might find it beneficial. I do believe that you can "control" the positive and negative energy. We all have this gift, and when focusing on something "negative" or a "hurdle" in your life you tend to bring more negative in. When you focus on the positive aspects of your life, you tend to allow more positiveness in your life. You will see a shift. This goes with ttc as well. When your so worried about not being able to concieve, you actually limit your ability. Your body reacts and litterally its going to be hard to concieve. When you alter your thinking you can alter this as well.

For example:
What I tell people is as follows
after having sex with your husband, stay in bed with your hips elevated for 20 minutes. Do not get out of bed until this time. With your eyes closed, I want you to envision the sperm going up and into your urterus, and envision the sperm metting up with your egg, and getting inside. After you have pictured this, say in your mind "this is my month to concieve. I feel relaxed and at peace. I am ready for this baby".. etc. I want you to do this at least three times... You can do this every time you have sex if you like, but its most important at your approx time for ovulation.

your mind is a powerful thing.. you will be amazed at what you will accomplish. I think that you need to also cut out pictures of babies, and put on your fridge. these are positive goals, ways to set your mind forward.. positive thinking....

When I did this, it was the month I concieved my daughter. (now almost 4). I know a few other women who have tried this, and had much success as well.!