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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tips and "tricks" for concieving!

I figured that when I can, will find new ways of trying to increase the chances of concieving. Please note, that these are not "fool proof" ways or "gurantees" but might be fun to try, and might even be successful for alot of you!

The first one I am writing about today is taking cough syrup a few days when your about to ovulate. There is an active ingredient called "guaifenesin" which is know to improve the cervical mucous, which helps the sperm live longer and get up where they need to be faster! I have copied and pasted a "trick" that someone else has tried, and successfully concieved the month they did it. (make sure to consult your dr before trying any new "medication" if you are currently already taking something else.)

Taken from a site online and copied/pasted:
Hiya the month I conceived I did the following:
1. Took Magic Medicine 10ml 4 times a day from 5 days before ov until I was sure I had ovulated.
2. Took baby asprin as soon as someone recommened it to my which was in the middle of AF (1 a day) I actually contuined taking it until I was 12 weeks pg. I did consult my dr and mw and they were happy for me to continue taking it.
3. DH took Zinc (1 a day).

The reasons behind these. Magic Medicine - There is a topic in TTC call Magic Medicine it dates backe about 2 yrs and the majority of girls who took it did become pg. It's a chesty cough mixture like benelyn, own brands are fine and a lot cheaper just make sure it contains 100% guaifenesin.
A side even of this is that it produces more CM than normal which is why you take it just before you ov. Have a look in the topic its well worth reading.
Baby/Junior Asprin This is meant to help with implantation it is used much more in the US where it's often prescribed to women who have previously suffered miscarriages. Basically it's meant to help prevent blood clots.
Zinc for the boys. Zinc is supposed to help with motility of sperm basically getting them to swim in the right direction. I had a mc back in May last year and fell pg again in November I took the magic med from about October and the Asprin in Nov and DH took Zinc in Nov. I got my bfp 14th Dec. Best of luck to you I hope you get lucky soon. The best advise I can give is to try not to stress as stressing can delay your AF and believe you're time will come.

If anyone has any tips or tricks they have heard about and would like to share, please send an email to with "tips & tricks" in the subject line.