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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Just touching base

a post to give you an updates of sorts, and perhaps also provide information/answers in regards to questions that people have asked.

Okay, lets start with the update as that is always fun! lol. I am 38 weeks pregnant as of Monday, and baby's EDD is may 28th. For the past week, my back has still been somewhat sore, more so in the rib area than anything and now apparently I have hurt my groin or pelvis area on the right side. I swear I am falling apart! Today I find myself somewhat irritable, so hopefully its of something to come! lol. I am ready now for baby but I guess not everything falls under what I schedule, perhaps I should have written that into my daily planner! hahaha

Okay, so with that being said, I am still on time with all predictions that have been scheduled, I am still accepting new predictions and scheduling in and will work around baby. When the baby does come, my site ( will be "down" temporarily. My mom's husband will be putting up an announcement that baby has arrived, with a few details, and hopefully a picture or two. Site should not be down for long, as I dont think that even a baby can keep me away from the computer! I think I might be addicted! Is there a "computeraholics anon?" lol

I wanted to also touch base with everyone in regards to other baby psychics. I have my site connected to Jennyrenny, Brooke777, and also Mommyhopes. I am NOT any of these people, they are completely separate from me and we do not discuss clients or share information at all. I just wanted to make sure that people realized that. I do email Brooke777 as more of a friend type chat, but that is it. I do not have any idea if anyone has contacted anyone else besides me, unless they specifically tell me that they have. I would actually prefer that if you have received another reading from someone else, that you dont tell me the details (meaning no month/gender/details) before I have had a chance to complete my reading for you. I dont want it to cloud anything that comes through for me and would rather just rely on whatever information I have asked, the vibe I get from the email/person and the information I receive from my spirit guides and any loved ones who have passed over who wish to help with information. This is why I ask only for the first name, what pregnancy number and if someone has experienced any losses (with the bypass payment) so that it allows for more information to come freely.

I would never share any information, and neither would Brooke777, or Jennyrenny or even mommyhopes from what I know. When it comes to myself, I really feel that to be an invasion of privacy. I do not even share any information to family or friends or anyone...period. Everything is confidental. It goes for the same thing in regards to my readings. For example, if you email me and want to know an in depth question about your sister, or your brother, or your aunt or uncle, cousin, friend...etc... 9 out of 10 times I will NOT answer these type of questions unles what you are asking specifically relates to a situation that your involved. I feel this to also be an invasion of privacy. If someone is not aware that they are being read, and consent to it, I am always afraid that something might be picked up that the person might not want anyone to know... So when doing my readings, I stick to the person that is emailing, and their "immediate" family. Meaning husband or kids.. this can relate to all aspects of that person, and if a situation arises that is directly related to the person the reading is for, then I will include it (Say that your fighting with your sister and dont understand what is their problem, then I will include the answer for this question as it relates directly to the person being read)

I hope I have explained this right. I have been asked this question by at least one person that I can remember, and wanted to post this to make sure that others were aware, in case anyone else was curious but did not want to ask. So if you need anything to be clarified with this post, you can either email me and I will answer your questions or feel free to post in the comments section. If you dont want to leave your name, you can post as anon:)

I am still looking for any stories of encounters, or experiences with either loved ones who have passed or the supernatural, or even if you have something that is related to a "tip" or trying to conceive that I can pass onto my other readings, I am all ears! just send me an email to with BLOG POST in the subject line. I will trade you a bypass reading (worth 8.00) for anything that is posted to this blog:)

4 comments: said...

cheri i got a reading from babyhopes awhile back seen it on your blog hun.i went to her site to a couple days ago and shes no longer doing readings.and good luck with that baby

Cheri22 said...

Hi Rosetta

Thanks for pointing that out! I will update my blog to take that off as I was not aware she was no longer doing predictions.
I also got your email, will be in touch by tomorrow:)

Anonymous said...

I Just thought I would share for readers.. I had an encounter and it was my step father who passed suddenly of cancer which none of us knew he had.. including him. On the day of his viewing (before the viewing) My husband baby and I had come home from lunch at my mothers where my mom and step father lived. I went out to the back porch where I strongly smelled his cologne. (he used to sit out there playing games on pogo) I was certain it was him and went to get his cologne so I could smell it. I couldn't find it. I then went to the room my husband and I were staying in to get my husband to come.. I wanted to see if he could smell it.. He said he didn't smell anything. I went back to the bedroom and then decided to go back to that back room where I smelled it before.. this time I smelled it stronger.

I later asked my mother when she got home where his cologne was. She told me that he had run out and she was about to get him more and then he passed away. I am certain it was him.. I lived with them for a few years and knew his cologne by scent. It was also confirmed in a reading as well as many other questions I had answered and then some - Thanks Cheri

I need nothing in return just sharing my story :o)

Cheri22 said...

Hi Mary
I do have to agree about the strong scent that sometimes is a dead give away for a loved one who has come to visit. With my grandfather, the smell of dirty socks is usually in the air, and in "strange" places, like behind the entertainment unit, or other spots that you would not expect to find this scent! lol
Thanks for sharing!