The one to win Brooke777 reading is Maria!!!! Congrats to you! If you scroll down the right side of my blog, is
Brookes link to her site, there you can contact her through email to let her know that your the winner of this blog contest for her reading:)
The winner of my reading giveaway is Niki!!! Congrats to you! I just need you to email me at In the subject line, please put BLOG WINNER so I can locate you.
Now on some other news, my daughter turned 5 in May, so seems like now shes finally old enough to start up some activities. I have just found out that everything seems to be more than what you expect. Shes in soccer this year, and they have picture day on Sunday. To order any additional pictures, each package is another 22.00! Then her school pictures (as shes in kindergarten this year) is on Monday, so that is more pictures and more money! I finally got my husband to agree to do family pictures this year, so even more pictures and more money! lol. Seems to be the time of year where all the pictures are being taken, and the photo companies know that mom's can't resist cute little pictures of their darlings!
I am slowly starting to learn my lesson with this. When my first one was a baby, the Canadian Baby Photographers contacted us (as they do all new mom's out here) and offered to send a photographer to our house and we would get a free 8x10 or such just for letting him take pictures. Well, he did, then a few weeks later their sales man comes with the proofs, and they are so adorable that an hour later you find yourself out 500.00.. Yes, you heard me right. We spent FIVE HUNDRED dollars on pictures. Okay, we put it on my hubbies MasterCard at the time lol, but I still can't believe it.
With this baby, as much as I would LOVE to have those cute little pictures i can't justify spending that kinda of money. My friend was so nice to actually take some pictures for me, and send them to me. Shes just starting out.
This is my little one at 11 days old I believe. So if you guys have a family friend that can take pictures, trust me, its worth it to have the pictures, at a fraction of the cost!
lol (shes 4 months old now by the way)
adorable picture Cheri!
She is precious!!
Love the picture! Yes Canadian Photographers hosed me when my son was a baby, it came to 400.00 (that was 14 years ago). When I had my daughter 7 years ago they phoned me and I told them no, they asked why? Point blank I said you guys are way too expensive. So yah if you have any photographer friends or starting out photographers use them!
hi lynn
same thing happened here. When baby was home a few days they called and I said NO WAY! lol Good thing too or I would probably spend more money on pictures than I should have !lol
I want to had that she is so sweet.....I was sucker into this when my dd1 was weeks old I paid like 240.00 back then I was low income dh paid for them but in the end they where money well spent. My dd1 was so cute that her looks attracted so much attention she had a strawberry on her head and a cherry on her lip (birth marks) till this day she is very photogenic.
added to say thanks. I can't wait to get Brooke's reading..
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