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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a storey of a women with PCOS and her ttc journey

I know that alot of my clients have PCOS or other fertility related issues. I have a client of mine that wanted to share with you all her trying to conceive journey after being diagnosed with PCOS. I know that alot of women when trying to conceive, are usually worried, and stressed enough already without having a diagnosis and tends to be harder on the mind and body when you have something to "fight against". I just wanted everyone to read this storey. Although PCOS sometimes makes things more difficult to get your baby in your arms, its NOT impossible! Here is her storey!

My story
As you can probably tell from the site I frequent, I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I was officially dx'd in 2003 but had suffered with symptoms since I hit puberty which was around the age of 12. I was also dx'd as Insulin Resistant in August of 2007. I ttc off and on since 2006 using various natural methods such as natural progesterone cream to bring on my period whenever it was missing in action along with soy isoflavones which triggers ovulation in the same fashion the drug clomid does. I ovulated and got a period all of 2006, but no BFP. I ended up getting a BFP towards the end of January in 2007 which ended in a miscarriage at 5 weeks. After that, I had pretty much given up on ttc but I kept taking the soy isoflavones to insure that I ovulated and kept my cycle regular. In June of 2007, at my yearly gyno exam, I asked my dr if she would prescribe metformin to me as I had done research and found it to be beneficial to those with PCOS. She told me that it was out side of her parameter of care to prescribe so I sought out the help of an Endocrinologist. After a battery of test it was discovered that I was also Insulin resistant and he had no problem prescribing metformin and also suggested I do 3 cycles of bcp to get things back on track. I got off of bcp in December of 2007 and my cycles continued to be 28 days but I wasn't ovulating. I started taking soy isoflavones again and by march I was ovulating but it was later in my cycle which shortened my lutal phase significantly as my cycles were still 28 days. In April, my Endo upped my dosage of met to 2000mg and I ovulated on cycle day 14 that vary cycle. 2 months later, I was pregnant and I'm expecting a baby girl in March of 2009


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your bfp!! I am glad you shared your story!

I also have PCOS (dx in 2006) and I ttc for 19 months and had one miscarriage at 6 weeks then was put on Metformin to get my cycles regular because they were all over the place and I wasn't ovulating regularly and after 6 months of being on Met I got my bfp and I now have a beautiful 19 month old baby girl. I just started met again last week in hopes of getting another bfp in 2009! Cheri says Sept for me in my reading so I'll be sure to keep you posted because she was exactly right last time with my daughter!! :o)