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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sometimes life lessons can delay your bfp....

I know that we all expect to just start trying to conceive and then WHAM we are pregnant! Wouldn't that just be lovely! The fact of the matter is, that its not always so easy to conceive. So what happens when you have been trying for awhile and the DR's are having a hard time trying to figure out the cause? Perhaps for some cases its more about a life lesson that is getting in the way and needs to be solved. For those of you who have been trying to conceive for a long time, perhaps look at what is happening in your life. Is there something that continues to get in the way and causes a bit of havoc in your life that you have been putting on hold because you are TTC?

For my one client, this was exactly the case. She had been trying for YEARS to have a baby. And her life lesson? That she was with the wrong person! Here is her storey. (she wishes to remain anon)

Over the four years i tried natural methods such as herbs (black cohosh, agnus castus), soy isoflavones, Femara, Laparoscopy and Ovarian drilling last year. I didn't get one BFP.
(The next part you may want to leave out... as you know my 8-year relationship ended in nov due to him not wanting kids anymore... then i met the man of my dreams and well i guess things def happen for a reason...i have never been happier. I emailed you and let you know about this situation telling you that we were not ttc but it was something to consider in the future, you emailed me back saying he was def the right man for me :) )
Anyway.,...Ironically, In the end i ended up getting preg on Yasmin!!!! because i was taking anti-biotics and they must have interacted!! Crazy huh?? i reckon my story will give these women lots of hope..because it really can happen when you least expect it...this all has shown me that in any future struggles i will know that god has a plan for us all and what we want at the time may not be for the greater good and to have faith that things will happen when they are meant to.
I really couldn't be happier in my life now...all my dreams are coming true.
Thank you for you kindness and support cheri,
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!!

So I am NOT saying that if you have not conceived yet its because of the wrong man, for everybody the situation can be different. I am just saying, perhaps see if there is a life lesson getting in the way, "screaming" to be solved. Perhaps once you move forward, the bfp will happen just as quick:)


Kimberley said...

I couldn't agree with you more Cheri. Sometimes the hard part is figuring out what it is that you need to change in your life.