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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ask a question, and they will answer....

Things have been going crazy around here.. mostly just "life" and being really busy. Weddings, baby showers, birthday parties!! My eldest daughter just turned 6 on the 16th and tomorrow is her kid birthday party. Shes got 23 kids coming to her party. I know, sucker must be written on my forehead...but I really feel that I have done a good thing. I allowed her to invite EVERYONE from her kindergarten class. At this age, they are just starting to make new friends, learn about being fair, and caring. Well, its already may, and I know most of the kids have probably had their birthdays and I am sure that not everyone has been invited to a party yet. This is where my daughter comes in. I know she has been invited to a birthday party and her friend was not. I remember seeing her friends face realizing that she did not get the party invite. Then later, it was my own daughter who got to watch her friend open up the invite only to realize that her backpack did not contain one. I know, fact of life...however, what if one (or more) of the kids in class have not been asked to even one party this year? That makes me feel bad. So now I know that every kid has been invited to at least one, and hopefully they (as well as my daughter and I) feel good about it. It should be fun. I am even going to paint the kids faces!

Well as I was saying, its been a "crazy" month for me. Not just with the stuff listed, but seems that we have been forking out alot of money for repairs. My van has to go into the shop on Monday for something to do with the ABS brakes. I believe it was Tuesday alone we must have had like 4 things one after another go "wrong". (including our hot water tank) We have been "lucky" (knock on wood) that so far what has gone wrong did not cost us an arm and a leg (we have a good friend who did the water heater for us, and got us an amazing unit at wholesale cost!) but I am getting the feeling that we are being prepared for something. Like something is going to happen that i need to be ready for. Since I can't read myself, I can only guess. Its like its on the tip of my vision, and "know" something is around the corner, but I dont feel "dread" or worry about it, which means its not something that is going to "knock me down" but yet make me more aware. I have emailed Brooke and Elisabeth to answer my question for me (we often consult each other for life questions about ourselves as none of us seem to be able to read ourselves as well as we can read for others) While waiting I decided to draw a card with my Archangel oracle card and I figured I would show you all what it said.

The first card I drew I asked for guidance on what is to come and what I need to do to be prepared. The card I drew was
"Life review"
Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change of heal anything that's unbalanced.

I was not exactly sure how to interpret this, so I read further and this is what it said.

It takes courage to look at your life. yet if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you'll grow and learn from a life review. I'll help you take stock of where you have been. We'll look at what you've learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We'll also notice life patterns that' are not serving your highest good and we'll take steps to release those patterns. Take time to be alone and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you have been and what you've learned, what patterns your ready to release and what your grateful for in your life.

So I did just that. I closed my eyes (I am alone right now) and asked the angel Jeremiel to help me find what I needed to review. I saw a few flashes that happened so fast I was not able to interpret them, but then I started thinking of my daughter (eldest) and how we dont always seem to see eye to eye. Now that shes 6, shes trying to be more independent and argues with me a bit more. I ask her politely to do something and at times shes told me no, or just looked at me, as if challenging me to ask her again. It drives me crazy and I always try and be polite, but I certainly dont like to be ignored. its almost like a "control" thing.. (for us both). I knew that I needed to find a way to change this and make it better for us both. Sometimes when she asks for things, I think my automatic reaction is "no" and sometimes I am not even sure why? So after thinking that, I asked the angels for more guidance, to help me on the right path. I pulled another card and got this

"Brilliant Idea"
Yes, your idea is divinely guided.. please take action to bring your idea to fruition...
Your idea is an answered prayer. Even though it may push you past your comfort zone, know that god does not give you anything you can't handle. Ask for and be willing to receive, all of the support that you need to bring the idea to fruition.

So I do believe that they are guiding me to try and work on being less controlling. Not always giving in, but trying different approaches with communications. I know she needs to make her own decisions for her life as a way to learn and grow and can't protect her forever! lol.

I just thought you all might like to hear the experiences with the cards. I am going to be setting up an option on my site if anyone else wants to have a reading or questions answered using cards and intuition/interpretation. its pretty interesting what is shown and answered and how in depth it tends to be. It will also now automatically be included in the mother lode prediction as well.

The first three people who respond to this point with wisdom on how to let go a bit when it comes to a child and not be so controlling, will win a three card spread using the archangel cards.

Sunday will announce the winner from the previous blog contest which is two posts below.


Krystal said...

I think it's a little give and take. You both want control of the situation. She wants to grow up and take a more independent route so maybe it's time to have a one on one where you too can discuss how to make her feel more in control but at the same time still be listening to you? I doubt that makes sense :( It's all about compromising, which I can understand with a 6 year old can be a challenge. You can't let her step on your feet but you still want to be in control of the dance. Does she do stuff to help around the house to feel more responsible and trusted on?

Lisa Storm said...

I don't know if anything i can tell you will help because i have been told that boys are easier than girls, but i do know me and my son have had the battle of the wills many times when he was younger.
He's now nearly ten and sometimes he's more like a best friend than a son lol.
We've always tried to give him a little bit of independence from a young age and gradually increased the amount of independence as he's got older and proven our faith in him is right.
All kids try to push their bounderies at times, just to see how far the can push you.
One thing i've learnt not to do is get wound up when they are being pushy and to always explain why they aren't allowed to do something, as it can be quite annoying for them just to be told no for things.
Once my son turned round and asked why he's been called in from playing out and some of his friends we're still allowed to play out, so instead of just saying because i wanted you in i explained that it was getting late and because i love him so much i wanted him nice and safe in the house. Instead of it exculating into a tantram he was quite happy that i cared so much and has never moaned again about being called in before some of his mates.
I don't know if any off this has helped but i would like to say that even at times that you feel neither of you are getting on and you worry she hates you (which my son said once when he was 4 an had me in tears ), no doubt you will end up best friends within the next few years. The mother between mother and daughter is very strong.
Lisa xxx

Tycoben said...

I am, alas, quite controlling by nature. There's two things I find help me stop being so controlling, though.

First, I stop and think whether I'm steering my daughter's behaviour for *her* benefit (in which case, it's a reasonable boundary I feel) or for *mine*.

Secondly, I ask myself what's making me feel that I *need* the control right now. Is it something in *me* that I need to address (need some time alone to recharge, or whatever); am I responding to things I've experienced in the past and behaving as my parents did to me; or is the issue actually feeling pressure from what I believe society *expects* me to 'make' my daughter do?

Once I've figured out what's making me feel I need control, I can then decide whether it's a reasonable boundary for my daughter and something to continue addressing, or if I'm projecting my issues onto the situation.

I'm not perfect, and still have to consciously think about not trying to control everything, but it has helped me let go, particularly when I'm getting stressed about controlling something that truly doesn't matter. :)