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Thursday, October 29, 2009

A fun little challenge!

As a way to win the reading this week, I am going to make this challenge a bit fun. I know I have told you all about the "laws of attraction". How you can focus on things that you want in your life and can manifest it to you. I have explained that you should watch the movie or read the book called "the secret" to understand this even more ( you can watch clips on youtube!)

I know lately that Elisabeth has been doing this alot (shes on face book too everyone!) and has been having much success with manifesting new money to her. So this is my challenge to you!

I want you to sit with your eyes closed and palms facing up. This would be better done in a room that is quiet without distraction. I want you to see in your minds eye, yourself sitting there, and then watching money come flying into the room and swirling around you and landing in your lap. I want you to be excited as you watch it pile up. "see" yourself holding it in your hands and being excited its yours. Visualize this a few times and "feel" the emotion associated with it. I want you to do this once a day until Sunday. If you remember to do this more than once a day then good! The more the better!

To be able to entered to win this draw, you need to post in the comments section if you were able to manifest "unexpected' money for yourself in the next week. This contest will run until next SUNDAY (November 8th) to give everyone some time to try this and report back with their experiences. This will bring money to you, either through a refund you were not expecting, money paid back that you were starting to write off, perhaps you will find money or someone will give you money as a gift...etc. All amounts count and I want either your total over the week, or the biggest single amount. If it did not work for you then still enter and just let me know that as of the deadline it had not manifested as of yet.

The winner will receive a free FAMILY BYPASS from myself. This is a 25.00 value!


Elisabeth of LLI said...

Hey!! Nice Post Cheri! Good idea!

I think I will change the blog I had from last month that I was using tomorrow or save it for another time and go over this maybe too--I've been seeing manifestations happen so much faster and in a much more powerful way lately--maybe I will just talk about this past week-which was crazy!!

Cheri22 said...

Hi elisabeth

You can always save your blog post you had written before and use that one next month, and then talk about your own experineces from manifestation and how you do it:)

Cheryl Woodhouse said...

I'm in! I love the law of attraction, and it has been awhile since I've done active manifestation.

I really enjoy reading your blog, Cheri. I found you (of course) through one of the TTC boards, and you gave me a girl/april prediction back in August. It was nice to have, but honestly I kind of hope you're wrong - because April is a long way away! LOL

I'll let you know how the manifesting goes. That is a great visual you've provided!

Miranda said...

When I first read this post I really wasn't too sure. I have done visualizations before and had no luck. I hadn't actually done the sit down and visualize yet but all I did was think about doing it and see myself doing just that and we have all ready had money come our way!!
a) my company wasn't sure if we would be getting bonus's this Nov..found out yesterday we will have them Nov 17th!
b) my husbands submitted two bills and was told by the boss that he wasn't paying the big one until the roof was on the hubby came home yesterday and told me that we was getting paid up to date for everything!!
c) I won 6 bucks on a lotto card
Really VERY crazy but it all helps!!

Unknown said...

I've been doing almost the same visualization for a while, but now will be more consistent with it. I've had some unexpected checks come in.

Elisabeth of LLI said...

I posted about manifesting! And wrote way more then I intended after seeing some of the issues brought up here-so hopefully I tackled some of the obstacles or problems many people have. I went from manifesting things in an instant-to not manifesting much for a while even though I was trying hard.Everything worked out fine always but I didnt see specific results until I learned something new.
Sometimes you gotta switch it up--or find what is holding you back deep down.
Thanks for giving me more ideas-
Hope it helps. Visualizing is one of the most effective ways-but not the most. You'll see-

Anonymous said...

I am going to do this!

Kate B said...

Hi Cheri:
Nothing yet, but I'll keep doing this a few times a day :)

lindsaycamp78 said...

I have been doing this at least once a day since you posted:) So far, I found $15 in a pair of pants that I haven't worn in 6 months, I got a $150 refund check from insurance, and I got a $416 check from my employer today for Flex Spending that I wasn't expecting! I'd say that power of manifestation is pretty powerful!

Cheryl Woodhouse said...

Every day that I`ve done this, something has happened within 48 hours. I`ll admit I haven`t been too consistent with it, but it is working!

The first day was when I posted that comment... I used the exact visualization that you gave.

Two days later, I went to go for a walk with the dog. It was raining, so I grabbed a jacket that I hadn`t worn in years.

BAM - $2 in the pocket. Just so happens I needed a can of cat food right before payday, and that was more than enough to cover it. :D

Then, I did it again on Wednesday, and once more Thursday morning, then just kind of forgot about it...

My husband came home Thursday night with his paystub - an extra $100 on his check, because his employment insurance and pension have been paid for the year so they don`t need to deduct them anymore.

I`m going to do it again tonight and tomorrow morning, and see how much more money I can find :D

Anonymous said...

I must be visualizing backwards bc I lost $20!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to pop in. I did it, and found 15$ on my husband desk... under a stack of papers, I would have just tossed...I still have no idea why I looked though them. I have also been visualing trying to be at peace as far as paying bills and stuff goes. This month it seems to have helped, and my husband was able to work extra, so even though I only found 15$ he was able to work enough over time that I'm just about done with my Christmas shopping for my kids and will be done with it by this next check. So I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. Because it seems to me helping.


Jackie R. said...

Nothing yet, but I am going to keep trying even past Sunday. It can't hurt and maybe I'll get a little surprise soon.

Anonymous said...

Okay I've been busy with my hyper 11 month son and cleaning so I had very little time on my hands to really focus on manifesting. I was able to take Elizabeth's advice and made out a list writen in present tense. I so far found a 20 $ bill after cleaning my boyfriend basement which was admittedly pretty neat because he rarely carries cash on him and a $20 at that. So wondering if he even knew he had that. I guess thats the little money that can go toward our son's hosptal bill. I do want to say the list Ive made has been helpful in other areas and has made me positive that it can work.


Miranda said...

i found 5 bucks in a jacket yesterday!!

Laurie said...

I did try this a few days but had a very hard time visualizing the money swirling. I would just fall straight in. So I felt I wasn't doing it right. However, I did get my Christmas club money by check and I wasn't expecting it until the end of Nov. Does that count? I will continue to do this and see how it works out.

Darling Dazzles Bowtique said...

Your contest may be over, but I plan on doing this. Is it ok to try a couple of manifestations? I'd like to do one for conception as well as money. That would take a ton of stress off of my shoulders!!