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Monday, January 11, 2010


Developing Clairsentience

Clairsentience means ‘clear-feeling’. It is perhaps the most down-to-earth of all the intuitive gifts. Most people use clairsentience on a daily basis. This looks like your feelings sending you intuitive guidance. For example, you may experience a feeling of discomfort and then intuitively feel impulsed to look behind you only to see someone staring at you.

How clairsentients receive intuitive guidance:

Gut feelings : gut feelings allow you to sense very quickly whether or not you like and trust someone. In readings, my gut gives me a sinking feeling when the situation I’m assessing will have a negative outcome and I feel an uplifting sensation when the situation is a positive one.

Empathy : picking up on the ‘vibes’ and feelings of other people. Empathy can be a double-edged sword. It allows you to put yourself in other peoples’ shoes more easily. However, if you’re an unskilled empath, you can be like a sponge, absorbing and feeling emotions which aren’t your own. Do you ever experience overwhelming negative feelings which seem to have no cause? Then you could be feeling someone else’s feelings.

Physical Sensations : Clairsentience also speaks to you through sensations in your body - like tickling or pressure.

How to develop your clairsentience

Ask a friend to show you a picture of somebody they know well (but make sure you don’t know the person in the picture).

Look into the person’s eyes and tune into their energy – how do they feel at the moment of the photo being taken? If this is the first time you have consciously used your clairsentience, you may just pick up on a basic negative or positive vibe.

Ask yourself what this individual is like as a person. Ask yourself whether you trust the person.

Is there anything else the person’s eyes are revealing?

Now check with your friend ? how accurate were you?


This exercise involves getting hold of an object that someone has worn regularly, like a watch. All objects absorb energy from their owners and if you are clairsentient, you can tune into this energy residue. Hold the object in your hand for a minute or two. If the watch is holding a lot of strong positive or negative energy, you will probably pick up on that. You may also be able to feel what type of energy.

Listen to your chakras

Use your emotions to tune into your own energy.

Lie down or sit comfortably. Open each chakra, beginning with the root chakra. Visualize each chakra as a coloured wheel spinning horizontally and bring the energy outwards, about one metre outside of your body.

Then ask, how do I feel in this energy centre? Ask each chakra one by one. See if you get any sensations in your body or emotions that are connected to the chakras.

I would love to hear how everyone made out with practicing the above. Leave your comments in the comment section and I will give the winner a reading with myself (sibling express reading $15.00 value) I will leave this open for one week to allow you enough time to try it out. Winner will be announced January 18th:)


Amanda/ said...

I know I've talked to you in the past about me I guess being a clairsentient person. I get those empathic feelings and gotten better not to soak up the energy like a sponge like you said. I've heard from another psychic so not sure how accurate you would say, but those who are empathic can use those feelings they get and turn them over to the light for healing by directing the healing at the person??I'm very tired so not sure if I even worded it correctly.Cannot say for sure if I can pick up an object and do a reading, but I guess I can get as much if its positive or negative energy.I'll practice with different techniques and learn more. I find my empathy gift quite interesting and fun now especially since I plan to work in health care. Today I was working at a nursing home for the first time and I can sense some of the emotions of the residents there and actually found that I'm a natural putting people at ease and comfort. Residents there who are usually difficult or picky about the people who care for them were very cooperative today. I plan to become successful in health care and take care of as many people as I can.

veronica d said...

Rose, Cheri's interpretation of your book becomes her technique. I dont think it is fair to claim her "process" as your own. She took your idea and gave you credit and re-interpreted it to try and help us find our own gifts. I think it is more positive to find that someone is motivated by your writings rather than behave like a selfish child and snatch it back like a silly toy.

Cheri22 said...

Hi Amanda
I do believe that you can ask that negative energy you are picking up be filtered back into the light and direct this at the person providing the negative energy in the first place. Its up to them though to receive it. Its always a nice gesture to send positive energy to anyone!

Veronica, thank you for your support. I honestly thought it was a compliment to reference Roses book so that others who are interested in seeing it or learning more could possibly get her book. Apparently I was wrong and she took offense? (odd though!) as for techniques, everyone has their own version and techniques of how things work. I honestly do not believe that there is only one way. So for her to say it was inaccurate and to remove it was kinda funny. I did alter the post to remove reference to her as per her request and deleted her comment. I dont really want negative comments by people to bring everyone down:) Thanks for your support!

Miranda said...

I think i am a clairsentient person. Or just really emotional?! lol I picked up on peoples energys and feel their sadness or joy, when I massage people I will often feel like crying for no apparent reason, either for joy or sadness. Fun exercise I can\t wait to try!!!

Katie said...

I've started to notice this with message boards on What to Expect. When I'm at work and all the pictures are blocked I don't usually read into anything except the words that are written. When I'm checking the boards at home and I see all the pictures and people's personal tickers I tend to feel really strong emotions when reading posts. I think this is definitely something that I will work on developing more.

courtney/ said...

yea i get that gut feeling that something will happen or instinct...
i do think i view things from anothers perspevtive by putting myself in their shoes almost and feeling their emotion

Unknown said...

I often find myself describing people, events, places, etc. as either light or dark when I just can't quite articulate my feelings. I suppose that's similar to this. Interesting stuff.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I am very good at this

Unknown said...

I used to think that I was an emotional person. It took me a long time to realize that I was picking up on other people's emotions. I'll give the exercises a try.

Anonymous said...

I cant really explain well what I experience. I guess you could call it a gut feeling, but when I concentrate on something, It feels like I just "know" like the first reaction or the first words I think of are usually right... what is that?

TiffanyCupcake said...

im always picking up what others feel. sometimes when someone in the store (or somewhere that I could tell which person it is) I can feel how sad or happy they are and then I can tell what person it was... Also it's really weird and I dont understand why but when I'm around my BF's sister and she has a problem I feel like crying it gets so strong... I don't know why she give off such strong sadness even when I can tell she's not THAT sad.

Im still learning... from myself. I dont know where to start or anything lol So I just go with what I think it is.

like now I have a feeling I might be pregnant but im not sure lol! And so does my BF he's psychic. If i am i don't know it lol!