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Friday, January 22, 2010

Crossing over....

I just wanted to talk about loved ones who have passed over. Lately I have been hearing the baby gate open and close (it creaks and is hard to miss) and race upstairs thinking my little one has gotten up from bed after being down from the night.... and no one is there. I have heard voices in the middle of the night while I have been sleeping, and because it has woken me up and I wasn't sure I had heard it tried to pass it off as being the baby monitor (sometimes it picks up the neighbours baby monitor! We have even heard them snoring!!!)

Its been happening alot lately. Not sure why lately is any different, but keeping my ears/eyes open for a sign that they are needing help. I dont get the sense that its anyone with a purpose, but perhaps aware of my gift and is just "curious".

I had a client ask me the other day about a child or baby who passes over. She had a her baby pass on and is looking for that connection, its been serveral months and she has not felt their presense as of yet. Was worried that perhaps due to the age when passing that the child would be "blocked" from coming to visit. I just wanted those of you who have suffered similar losses to please not fret. This child CAN travel to visit just like anyone else who has passed over. If you are not sensing their arrival (will usually be a nice gentle breeze or a sense of enlightenment) its because A)they have already decided to come back and getting ready for their journey or B) because we all appear to be in our 30s back home, they have taken on that form as its more familiar to them, and your not looking for an "adult" visit so not paying as much attention at the time. The spirit is not easily offended, but takes comfort in providing a visit.

Well its been awhile, but today is the day to offer a free reading by LEAH! So post in the comments section if you have any questions about today's post or just leave your name to enter. I will announce the winner on SUNDAY!


Katie said...

What are your thoughts about miscarriage? Is it the same or was the child just not ready to come through yet and may try again?

Katrina said...

Similar to Katie's post about miscarriage...what about abortion? Abortions are obviously elected by the individual, thus, does that baby have a spirit that would visit?

Miranda said...

I often feel the presence of my grandparents with me...i swear at one time I could smell my grandma!! It really is a sense of joy and enlightenment and I love those times!!!

Unknown said...

My mom passed just before my son was born and I miss her terribly. A friend of mine lost her daughter the day my son was conceived and we all believe that she is my sons guardian angel. I truly beleive that they both watch over us. I was told when my son was little that when he smiles in his sleep it is because his angels are telling him stories and secrets, and I am wondering if you beleive the same thing. Do you think that spirits only show to adults, or do they show to children too?! It just really makes me sad that my son wont ever know gramma, so I would find it comforting to know that maybe just maybe he is getting to know her the way she wants him to.
Thanks for this post Cheri :)

ty206 said...


Anonymous said...

My Mum passed 3 days before I found out I was pg she had told me a few months earlier that before she passed I would be pg so that I would know it was'nt her returning as my child,My baby is 9 months now and has no grandparents but constantly says Nanna and is interacting with someone that I çan't see I have also in the past couple of weeks been smelling cigerettes and no one smokes here so I am guesing Mum is visiting

Patty D. said...

my questions are the same as katie about miscarriages wonder your thoughts on that to...


Sharon said...

Right after my grandfather passed away I could feel his presence around me. My TV would turn on and off and it hadn't done that prior to his passing so I started paying attention to see if I could feel his presence at the times that this was happening, and I could. I would talk to him outloud when it occured. It lasted a week or so and then stopped. It was nice while it lasted.

courtney said...


Unknown said...


Kate said...

I felt someone sitting on the end of the bed, I could feel the bed compress even though I was alone. I do feel like my Dad comes and visits my family and watches over my kids.

Anonymous said...


diana r said...

Diana :) I hope i am not too late.. I hear voices. but of children while mine are no where around. I know something is going on