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Friday, March 26, 2010

A "gem" in the middle of "no where?"

Its been now almost three weeks since my mom passed. I would like to say that I am accepting now of her being gone. I think I know its more that although her body is "dead" in this world, shes still very much "alive" spiritually.

Today while in my youngest daughters room, I was laying on the floor and meditating. Calling to my mom in the hopes of communicating a little bit. I wasn't getting an image of her being close by so I sent a mental question asking her where she was. It was then I started to see images which I was able to translate. I thought it was really neat, and felt I would share with everyone. Perhaps it will provide comfort to those of you who have recently lost your own loved ones, or comfort knowing when its your time to pass, that things are not "over".

She showed me an image of two pieces of stripes of paper, this translated showed me "crossroads". She let me know that this is where you go when you pass over and start your journey home. I know for some people, it can take a matter of minutes to get to this "cross roads" and others who are unsure if their loved ones they left behind are okay with them being gone, might hang around for a few weeks before starting thier journey to this place. She then showed me a "gem in the middle". To provide further information that this place is a nice place to go and not give me the impression that its a cross roads or a middle of no where.

She went on to explain (with feelings and pictures) that its a place you goto review your life. The times you enjoyed, the times you didn't, but more importantly was a place that allows you to reflect on your life lessons. Did you learn everything you set out to learn?

This is also the place where you can decide if you want to reincarnate straight away to perhaps finsh life lessons you wanted to learn, or you can decide to go "home" for awhile before deciding to reincarnate or just stay put. Its up to you when and if.

The image she showed me was of her walking along the beach, hold myself and my sisters hands as she walked along. The picture was in black and white. I do not recognize this image, but it was what was flashed across to show me what she was currently viewing. She felt at peace, which I guess does provide me comfort.

I know us here still alive are still missing her like crazy.

Well its been awhile, lets give a reading away.. This is for Brooke777. All you have to do is just comment in my post:) Winner announced SUNDAY!


Anonymous said...

When you try to connect with someone, are you always trying for that one person? Or do you sometimes let them just come to you?

Sometimes I feel like someone is trying to talk to me, but I just I'm not as open to it as I could be.


Unknown said...

I just want to say that I am sorry to hear about your mother's passing.

trying1009 said...

I'm happy to hear u see the happier side of ur mom passing.. My family is dealing with my aunt, their sister- she's been told that her cancer is now In her Lungs. She has breast, liver and femur bone cancer... It's so hard to deal with but we're all praying for her.

Faith said...

I am so glad to hear that your mom was able provide you with some peace. When I read your post, it made me glad that you are willing to share with everyone, and I know that you provided someone else peace as well. Thank you so much for that alone! And also I am so sorry for your loss. Blountness@hotmail.Com

Amanda said...

That was so sweet to hear. Its comforting to know what life is like after we pass and the journey sounds so neat. I hope it helped a lot for you that she's still around spirtually. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

Kate said...

Thanks Cheri for sharing your connection that you felt with your Mom. It helped me to understand my Dad's passing.
I hope you're feeling better soon.

Patty D. said...

thanks Cheri what you shared has really touched my heart...thank you!

lindsaycamp78 said...

I'm glad that you were able to connect with her and that you saw images of happiness and peace:)

Krystal said...

Want to say that's a wonderful vision and a comfort to see and learn from her, I'm sure. Sounds very peaceful, which is wonderful.

Sometimes I wish I could communicate like that, since not always am I as comfortable in this life with what is happening and death. It's good you have that peace.

Best wishes and I hope you are feeling better.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry about your mothers passing. I am glad you were able to connect with her and hopefully this has brought you some peace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I am glad to hear that you are handling her passing well. I don't think I would be as strong as you are dealing with your mom's passing.

*I am the Veteran, and the Wife* said...

Nice to know that she is still sharing her insight with you. I wonder if she is trying to say she wants you and your sister to help each other through this time? and then she will feel comfortable enough to move on?

Sharon said...

Glad to hear you were able to connect with your mom. I know it has been a difficult few weeks for you!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Does this connection work the same way for those yet not born? Is the soul of the unborn a soul that is being reincarnated? I am interested to find out more about how these two things tie together. I've been reading a book buy the Dali Lama and he speaks of the process of reincarnation.

Fran K.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I'm doubting whether there is an afterlife I read your blog and feel confident once again that there is. It makes dealing with death so much easier. Thank you Cheri. Danielle T.

brooke777 said...

Cheri, what a profound message from your mother! I got chills reading about it. No,she is not "gone"....I know she will continue to let you know she is very much alive in Spirit! I "heard" from my grandmother last night in a dream..she'd been on the other side for several years. But just like her, she found something to criticize....the shoes I was wearing in the dream. LOL Just like her! Yep, her Spirit is SO very much alive! They will always be with us Cheri. ps, do I win a free reading with myself? :-)

Diva Loca said...

so very sorry to hear about your mom...i just love reading your blog..

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing Cheri! It sounds like your mom is in a good place, and its nice she is sticking around to be there for you when you 'call out' to her. What lovely visuals she is giving you! Sounds like there is a lot of love coming your way from your mom!

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss. I am glad to hear your are feeling a bit better. Just remember you mom is only a thought away. You have helped me realize that with my grandmother. I had a blown out furnace ignitor and blown out modem to prove it.

Miranda said...

Cheri, Thanks for sharing your story. It gave me chills!

Life said...

I was visiting with my niece this weekend. She told me a story of her communicating with her grandma (my mom in law). My niece fell into some bad stuff when her grandma died and after she went to rehab and recovered she enjoyed walking with her kids and picking rocks. One day while doing this she was speaking to grandma. She said I need to know your still with me watching over me. She then found 3 rocks in this order...first shaped like an I, second like a heart, and third like a U. So she felt her grandma really was still there watching over her. It was amazing to hear the story and see the rocks. We have all always felt something around us after her death, so I guess maybe she just stayed put. So it was very interesting to hear what you saw Cheri.

Katie said...

I'm so glad you're feeling more at peace with this and are able to get some messages from your mom. I hope they continue and bring you more comfort.

Anonymous said...

It has been 3 years now since my step dad passed. While contact with him has been minimal in the last two years, that first year he made his presence known. I conversed with him in 2 dreams and there was energy manipulations that happened regularly. I do think that as I have become more accepting of his passing he has eased himself away. The point I am trying to make is that depending on how difficult the passing was for a person left behind and how open you are to attempts at messages being sent, a message like yours does ease the pain. Thank you for sharing!