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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pregnancy and Intuition

Did you KNOW you were pregnant, even before you were far enough along
to do a pregnancy test? Perhaps you KNEW the gender of your unborn child, or that you were having twins? Or maybe you knew that you would be experiencing certain pregnancy complications.  Have you ever known something deep within yourself, even though you didn't have a logical explanation as to how you could know it? If so, you may have been experiencing what many people refer to as inner knowingness or intuition. Intuition and inner knowingness refer to a sudden insight or a knowingness that comes from deep within oneself. Intuition is often referred to as our sixth sense, as it's a way of gaining information without the use of our physical senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, or hearing. Many people also refer to it as their "gut instinct."  I would love to hear stories of intuition that “gut instinct.” Especially if related to pregnancy.    For every 5 stories, I will give away a TTC reading.  I will pick randomly next Friday.  Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!!  Be safe!!


MB Squared said...

Hi Cheri,

I absolutely have experienced this. In March of this year, I was coming out of what I consider a difficult winter. My job was slow and the TTC had taken longer than expected. I was bummed about both topics for going on 8-9 months.

One night, my husband and I went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant and sat at the bar to eat. I looked at the corner of the room for the first time to see a t.v. and noticed Wheel of Fortune was on. Right as I glanced up, the puzzle being solved said "Things are starting to go my way"

I KNEW I was meant to see that message. 1-2 weeks later I was promoted at work and shifted into a role I was happier and busier with.

Shortly after that, I started feeling a bit odd. I learned I was pregnant. 2 days before a missed period. (Your prediction of Girl - April was close on the timing as I learned at the end of March, and we'll never know on the gender. Sadly, my pregnancy was diagnosed as a blighted ovum last month.)

I am hoping I will feel that wonderful sense of "knowing" once again very soon!

Cheri22 said...

Hi MB,
The post was actually done by suzanne:) I will have to find a way to get it to post so that people know who is posting what:)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful story!! You will get pregnant again. :)

Nicole said...

When I was dx'ed as having had a miscarriage in November of 09, I w-mailed Cheri for another update. She had said January and boy. It was a few months out yet but I had a very distinct feeling she was right. Sure enough, on January 16th, I got my BFP and knew right away I was having a boy.

The pregnancy was fairly uneventful - some spotting episodes here and there, but at 18w2d we found out our baby had passed. We were due for our anatomy scan that Tuesday at 19 weeks, but it happened to be the day my baby was born. Once again, it was a lttle boy.

After he was born I had a distinct feeling we were going to get pregnant again by September - even before I e-mailed Cheri again for an update. But when I did, she too said September and another boy.

I have a very distinct feeling I'll be e-mailing with good news very very soon.

Nicole said...

Sorry for typos, and it was actually November of 10, not 09

Amanda S said...

Nothing really special, but before I even knew I was pregnant I just knew I was. It was a few weeks before I took the test. I was six weeks along when I took the test so that put me at 3 weeks pregnant. I remember randomly telling a friend of mine that I had believed I was pregnant. This is all before I actually missed my period.

I think the one awesome thing that did happen was my deceased grandfather making an appearance in my dream. At the time I was doing poorly in college and felt pretty bad about myself and my choices at the time. So in my dream my grandfather told me "He's proud of me." I believe this actually happened before I knew I was pregnant. I think he was trying to tell me despite everything and perhaps in regards to my unborn child that he was proud of me. What was cool was the fact that my son's due date was also my grandfather's birthday.

Kimberly said...

I was on my first round of clomid and called for my progesterone results. The doctor told me they were very low, indicating I didn't ovulate. I was devastated and had this feeling that this couldn't be the case. I felt like there was a baby inside me. I was so distraught I couldn't understand.

Well about a few days later I experienced a chemical pregnancy. I was right all progesterone was low because I was about to miscarry. I had a strong feeling I had a girl inside me too...but I guess I'll never know.

Sarah said...

I had been going through infertility treatments and as I was injecting a trigger shot, I had a really strong feeling that the cycle would finally work. I also had a dream on the day of implantation where I was carrying a tiny shell throughout a house, and at the end of the house/maze it burrowed into my arm, weird! On the first ultrasound at 6 weeks or so I had a strong feeling that it would be a boy. And it was :)

Katie said...

I knew I was pregnant within days of conception. We had been trying for so long and that month I ended up getting positive ovulation tests twice, a week apart. I knew that meant that cycle was special and I was getting my baby. I started testing a week before my period was due and got a bfp at 3 weeks!

I also knew it was a girl. There was never any doubt in my mind, from day one I referred to her as a girl. My mom and mil both had dreams about me having a girl the night before I told them about my pregnancy too. March 10th we welcomed my baby Zoey into the world!

Anonymous said...

I personally don't have a good intution but my hubby does! :) He is always having "feelings" and normally he is dead on. Earlier this year when we suffered a miscarragie he very sweetly told me he had a bad "feeling" about the pregnancy. Suzie, you recently did a reading for me and when I shared it with him he said he "felt" like your timing for our next pregnancy is correct! :)


Anonymous said...


GOOD, I am glad he sees that too. I wish the best. I am on full meds myself this cycle, Cheri said for me May/June...:)

Juliann said...

Hi Suzanne!

My story is from March last year. We weren't TTC, just not preventing. We wanted to wait until our youngest was 2 before TTC, which he turned 2 in October 2010. I have a very regular cycle but I wasn't charting at that time since we weren't TTC, but I always keep track of when AF starts.

So, it was Feb 25th I remember I was sitting at my desk at work and it just hit me "OMG I think I am pregnant" I checked the calendar and it was only about 7-10 days after we had last DTD and AF wasn't due for a week but I swear I just had this feeling!

Well, March 3, 2010 came but AF didn't and I tested and yup, BFP!!! We couldn't believe it. Totally a surprise and much earlier than we had expected but we were totally happy and ok.

Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. :-( By March 10th my HPTs got lighter and what was a beautiful digi now blarred the NOT PREGNANT at me and that night, I started spotting.

That was my first m/c. We tried again and got another BFP the 2nd cycle after that and had a m/c again at 8 weeks, that was July 2010, I needed to have a D&C! We have been off and on with TTC since the beginning of this year. We both want another baby but those m/c's have kind of ruined TTC for me and I am just having the attitude now that if it's meant to be, it will happen. We will get #3 eventually, I hope and pray! :-)

I do strongly believe though that both m/c's were the little girls we both want so day I guess.....hopefully!

Jaclin said...

Suzanne, girl my story is a long one, so I will keep it short.

We went through IVF in Jan of '09. Before the HPT, I knew I was pregnant with twins. We went for our BT and I was BFP on 2.14.09. My mom had a dream of two little girls and said I was having girls. We were shopping for shower invitations when she was looking at dresses. She said, "How cute will your girls look in these!" I laughed and said, "Well, if you want both the boys to be sweet." I knew right then they were boys. The gender scan at 18wks proved that.

The weekend of June 6, we were getting the babies' room going. I was exhausted all weekend and worn out. I felt weird that Sunday but didn't think anything about it. I now look back and regret not paying more attention. That Monday I was admitted to the hospital and sadly 2 wks later Angel and Matthew were born on 6.18.09. Both born alive at 22wks 2dys, but lived only 2hrs. All thanks to my incompetent cervix :o(

I have suffered 2 misc. since and knew I would miscarry and have a D/C with the last one, which was weirdly on 4.1.10 at 5wks 6dys. I was in pain through the whole 5wks off and on. People thought it was a bad April Fool's joke but knew it was serious pretty quickly.

I sometimes try to make signs out of anything...which I do when I am really searching for help. So, I try to just relax and let "them" come to me. At work my gut instinct kicks in a lot when dealing with people. I get those "feelings" when a call is about to go bad or someone may have warrants, etc...

Stacy J. said...

Hi Suzanne,

My partner and I are just beginning the TTC process. We are doing our first IUI this month, so I'm not too sure about intuition and pregnancy. However for the longest time I had a gut feeling that we'll have multiples. We'll have to wait and see I guess...

I do have intuition about other things, though. I get feelings about people, and then I happen to see them or they call even if I haven't spoken with them in a long time. I can also usually tell if something bad is going to happen. It's hard to explain... I just kind-of know.

Hopefully I'll have good news to share soon!! :)