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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dreams interpreted

I saw this being something that more than one person was asking about, so on my face book page, in the discussions tab is a "dream" discussion. Post your dreams there that you need help with interpretation and I will pick one time and post it here and tell you what I feel it means. Will help you to make peace with it, and have it interpreted once and for all!

I have reoccurring dreams of my ex. Sometimes we are having fun and just talking, other times (most times) we are back together and he's leaving me again ..I know who he's leaving me for in my dream (same person he did in real life) so I'm not sure why this keeps playing over and over, it's not like I want him to stay, or asking him, its kinda like just leave, leave and leave me alone..or in my dream I'll say to myself wait why are we back together???...Other times I'm just asking him random questions...This is like a 6 year issue, its not even like this is a recent
I have no feelings for him and do no want him back(no attachment) how do I get him out of my dreams ; ) hahah

The interpretation here is "simple" there is still alot of emotion attached to your ex and what happened. There is still alot of hurt that you have buried here and not dealt with. As hard as it sounds, you need to forgive him for what took place and release the feelings you have about the abandonment you feel. What you are feeling is perfectly normal and anyone in your position would feel the same way... but because you have not forgiven the situation, the person and even yourself, you can't move forward from this. Not in your dreams, and not in your real life.

Say "I forgive myself for feeling guilty about my part in the break up. I forgive my ex for hurting me. I am ready to move on".  Although this is not your fault on what happened, there is a part of you that feels guilty. Like you should have seen it coming.. that you should have done things different and he might not have moved on. These are things that you could not have done, and not have prevented and you need to move forward and forgive yourself.. After you say the above and realize the time is now to forgive and move on, the dream will change.

After you do the above, you need to also do the Apron of light trick.
(If your still having troubles of letting it go, then I want you to see yourself wearing a little half apron. This is tied at your waist and is white. I want you to see from your waist, strings of light that attach you to this person or issue that is currently troubling you. I want you to in your mind, take a pair of scissors and I want you to see yourself cutting these strings so that they are not longer attached. This too will help release any negative energy attached to you by this person or this issue.)


Anonymous said...

awesome Cheri, just awesome....

Anonymous said...


I guess I still have anger for the situation. I think it is more the situation that I need to forgive....then him then me; I think the situation is the biggest part of my anger? It's funny for me because he's not even the person who has hurt me the most, but he keeps showing up. I guess because he was the first to hurt me, maybe I made him the poster child...for my and you are right I do burry a lot of my emotions deep down, it’s easier for me to put on a poker face than to let people see how undone I can get…. I’m working on it ; )

I did the 2 exercises that you suggested, and I didn't have a dream about him last night. So I’m hoping that I've laid this one to rest. But if he shows up again, I'm going to repeat the exercise so I can reinforce that I have forgiven and that i can move on.....

Thanks Cheri!!!!

Cheri22 said...

Its possible that its the situation you have yet to forgive, but since the situation happened with him, the symbology of him is what will keep popping up.

USing the same forgiveness techniques, but including the situation will help. (I would still include yourself and him as well so that everything is taken care of).

By telling yourself that you forgive what happened, will lesson the impact it has on your life.

I think that you need to also write it all down with what happened, and then tear the letter up....Saying that you understand the impact this situation has had on your life, from the time it happened until now, and the importance to be able to let it go and move forward.

By cutting it up is a symbol of you ready to release the anger and the feelings attached to it, so when you wrote it down, let it all out!! (This will be good for you as your not a very emotional person, but I want you to really let it go..cry if you want to)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cheri!!

In my letter I laid it out, I forgave him, me, what happened, how it has hindered me in some ways and for anyone else who has hurt me, I forgave them/it all. I accepted that these things happen in life and will bring me to whom I'm supposed to be with and was thankful that it happened because I'm one step closer. I didn't cry I actually had a big smile on my face, I could feel the positive energy coursing though my body. So I then took my letter to the shredder and enjoyed watching it get torn to shreds, I said goodbye to the emotion, then walked away!!! Thanks again Cheri!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!! (you are)