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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
October's Special of the Month!
Okay, for October special, I think that I will do something for the people who are looking for the free requests, something "special". For October, the people looking for a free request will be completed on the following days. October 9th & October 23rd. These are the days that if a free request comes in, they will be taken care of. The information provided in these readings are gender and month of connection only and indepth information is not included. What they are getting is the wait bypassed. I am currently working on March 2008 free requests and working to get them completed as well. If you email on October 9th and 23rd, I will respond right away with your free request answered. In the subject line, must be located "OCTOBER SPECIAL". This will allow me to connect it to the blog post and know that it needs to be taken care of asap!
So again, if the email is dated October 9th and October 23rd, your free request will be answered and the wait bypassed. Only month and gender will be included and you must have OCTOBER SPECIAL in the subject line.
If this is confusing (its after 11pm here on the 30th of sept and I am past my bedtime) and does not make sense, please post in the comment sections of this blog, and I will explain it better. (or email
Monday, September 29, 2008
My pet peeve of the day...
I really do not understand why people chuck things out of their windows? Why not just keep it in the car, and either at the next gas station, or something, put it in their garbage if they can't make it home to put it there? I understand with things like biodegradable stuff (like apples and what not) but plastic?
Just drives me crazy! I have been driving behind people and watched people throw out coffee cups! It frustrates me. I am to the point where I am tempted to pull along side of them and start wagging my finger at them! lol. They have a littering fine out here, but I guess there has to be a police officer close by to actually see them throw it out the window!
I am trying to teach my daughter, and the baby when shes old enough that littering is "wrong". So please, if you are a "litterbug" perhaps think twice about where that piece of trash ends up when you toss it out of the window....perhaps keep it in your car for that 5 min more and put it where it really belongs.. in the garbage, rather than littering the world with garbage.
Friday, September 26, 2008
5 Natural ways to increase cervical mucous
We all know that to have a baby, the one thing you also need to start with is a "hospitable" environment for those little swimmers to even get to the egg. And we have to face it, sometimes when you have been trying to conceive for long, its more about getting the "deed" done than focusing on the foreplay and ensuring there is enough lubrication.
I have located information that I felt might be helpful to those that are interested in finding more natural ways to increase it, without having to rely only on lubrication or other such means.
See Below
Cervical fluid is necessary for allowing the sperm to swim freely through the cervix. Some of us have low or no cervical fluid, so it is harder for the sperm to move and there may not be a friendly environment for the sperm to sustain themselves.
When a woman ovulates there should be an increase in cervical mucous (CM), as well as a change in the mucous texture, from “wet” to a more pliable, stretchy, egg white like mucous. This is easily helped by using one of these 5 suggestions:
1. Drink green tea daily - There are no studies proving this, but I have read hundreds of women using green tea to increase CM with great success. Drink one cup a day from menstruation till ovulation.
2. Take Evening Primrose - Dose is 1500 - 3000 mg once daily. Take from your period till ovulation, than switch to flax seed oil. The dosage for increasing cervical mucous is initially 500mg, three times a day for a total of 1500mg per day. If you don’t get results in your first cycle, increase your dosage to 3,000 mg a day in your next cycle. Evening Primrose Oil can cause uterine contractions in pregnancy, which is why you should not take it past ovulation (in case you get pregnant.)
3. Take Fertile CM - This is a supplement blend that helps to increase CM, increase libido and promote egg implantation. Take 3 capsules daily.
4. Use Pre-seed right before intercourse - Pre-seed is a sperm friendly lubricant that mimics cervical fluids and creates a sperm friendly PH. It comes in single use applicators you use right before intercourse.
5. Drink a lot of water through out the day - This may be all you need, drink more water. Regardless if you use any of the supplements to help, you must drink enough water for your body to be able to make cervical mucous.
As always with any information you read, please consult a Dr to ensure that it is right for you. Only you and your Dr know if you are currently taking something that might not react well with what is listed above.
If anyone else has some tips or tricks on this topic, please post in the comments section! Lets share information with everyone and try to make this ttc journey more easy for everyone!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Pineapple juice.. a "no no" when ttc?
Pineapple Juice
Usage: There is an old wives' tale floating around that pineapple juice will help a fertilized egg implant. However, pineapple juice is not recommended for use in TTC and/or pregnancy. In large doses, it can cause uterine contractions and bring on spontaneous abortions (miscarriage).
Recommended Dosage: Drink only in small quantities, if at all.
Food Sources: Pineapples.
Side Effects: Large doses may cause uterine contractions, miscarriage, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, very heavy menstrual periods. Unripe pineapple is poisonous, causing excessive diarrhea.
Now this can seem kinda scary, and makes me wonder what other foods might contribute to the m/c that women might experience. So with this being said, stay away from pineapple juice just in case! lol
Anyone heard of this, or know of other foods/drinks that might have these kind of side effects?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another offer from one of my clients to you...
here is what she has to say:
I was going through your old blogs trying to find the one you posted about your friend Krystal and I finally found it! I actually went to her website when you posted your blog.... hosted a party and I'm now also a brown bag party consultant! I dont think my party was referred to her since I live in Southern California (not sure where she lives.. but I tried!)
I know the 3 most common reasons for failed marriages are: money, communication... and of course, infidelity. Besides having the opportunity to make a little money on the side, I really feel like Im keeping families together. I'm teaching couples things they may not know, introducing them to toys/lingerie/bath&body items that can really "spice" things up and bring the excitement back into the relationship. I'm also helping couples bring some fun into the bedroom when ttc. I know how stressful sex can be when ttc..... timing it right, peeing on sticks all day/every day, etc etc. And I think that having something else to focus on (i.e. a new toy or massage oil) can really "re-vamp" things and make them more enjoyable!!
if they mention they saw my website posted on your blog, here are the specials I'm offering:
Buy one item, get the second 20% off Spend $50 and get one item 50% off
Anyone is able to order from the website. And for anyone who is interested, I can also sign them up as a consultant. However, If someone wants to book a party, I'm in the Los Angeles area so it would have to be within 2 hours or so of here. I dont think I have the budget to do parties in New York!! ;)
Anyway, In order to get these deals, they need to email me first and let me know they saw my website posted on your blog. If they try to just order themselves, the system wont automatically give them the deals, so I'll need to input their orders manually.
email is
website is
For those of you interested, and in need of someone else, we know have Kristen and also Krstyal. Links on the lower right hand side of this blog:)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Using a Crystal Pendulum
Crystal Pendulums come in a variety of crystals, shapes and sizes. They usually have a point, which can be either sharp or blunt. Pendulums can hang from chains, which can be made of any type of metal, wool, cotton, leather. Even elastic has been used to hang pendulums from, it does not matter what you used as long as it moves freely.
Crystal Healing Pendulums can be used for clearing, detecting blockages, balancing the chakra. They are also been used Scrying to locate something that is lost or to decide between solutions (i.e. finding a name for something).
They can be worn as necklaces, you can use them in this way for protection, healing, helping you attain a goal and for any other reason that you require.
Steps to using a crystal pendulum to detect and clear blockages.
1. Hold the pendulum lightly between the thumb and forefinger. Let your wrist relaxed do not tense up.
2. Moved the pendulum to the position on the body that you wish to start.
3. Let the pendulum becomes still, after a moment it and start to move usually in a circular motion. This indicates that the energy is flowing through this area.
4. If it moves from side to side or fails to move, this indicates a blockage that needs to be removed.
5. When this occurs ask the healing crystal to clear the blockage and balance the energy in this area.
6. When this has been done the crystal should move in a circular motion and end come to a stop. It is now time to move on to the next area.
7. Continue in this way until you have covered all the areas that you need to. 8. Go back to the areas that were blocked and note how the pendulum reacts now.
9. Sometimes the areas need to be cleared and balanced more than once to allow the energy to flow freely.
Again, as always, if there is something that is not clear about this, feel free to email me, and I will explain it.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Winners are.............
The winner of my reading giveaway is Niki!!! Congrats to you! I just need you to email me at In the subject line, please put BLOG WINNER so I can locate you.
This is my little one at 11 days old I believe. So if you guys have a family friend that can take pictures, trust me, its worth it to have the pictures, at a fraction of the cost! lol (shes 4 months old now by the way)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Paying attention to the signs that are given...
My question yesterday was about reincarnation and if its really what happens. This is what I believe in. I do believe that there is more than one chance at life. We dont come back as the same person we were in this life time, but we certainly do live again. Then I started to wonder where the proof was, or my thoughts on it.. pondering the question if you will. I do have a "memory" of being in a previous life, which I will discuss in a different blog post I have planned.
So today, a Jehovah's witness came ot my door, like he does every month or so. He usually just says hello, (not sure how he knows my name! lol) and hands me a booklet and asks me to read it. I am always polite back, thank him, and usually pass the booklet to my daughter. I dont usually follow the books, but always interested in every ones religion as I relate to so many different aspects of different ones. Normally after handing me this book, he thanks me and he is off. Today was different. He asks me how my day was, ask how my daughter is (he has seen her at the door) and then he mentions something from his bible he was carrying. How everyone asks about life after death. Then he points out the part where it says it in his bible and reads it to me. Explaining that god (who he called Jehovah) wants us all to enjoy life and will allow us to come back and do it again (in more words than that). So... a sign to answer my question? I think that sometimes the signs are right in front of your nose, you just have to be open to how they might come in.
Lets give another reading away!
I will choose a winner randomly from the people who put their comment in the comment section, and will post tomorrow who wins Brooke777 reading and who wins mine.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wondering why all psychics dont see the same things?
For my readings, I rely on the use of not only my guides (Tomas and Serlina) but intuition, channeling and automatic writing. What I am shown first is a connection to a month, just one will pop up into my mind, and a gender. I relay both of these to my client right away. To start with the reading of personality, I am shown images, like of people, doing specific tasks. So lets say that your son really likes swimming, I am shown someone swimming. Say your son likes dogs, they show me a dog. I usually will see this dog in size, and again will relate any details that they show as its possible that this dog might be a pet you have now as well.
Same thing with personality, they show me perhaps this person being busy, or stubborn..etc.. it all boils down to the interpretation of what I am shown.
When I am wrong, It could be alot of things, it could be that someone had a m/c and did not realize it, thus the order was incorrect that I provided. It could be that the image I was shown, was mis-interpreted. To the best of my ability I try and pass the information that i am shown, trying to explain how its relayed. Sometimes comes across really funny and really makes no sense to me, but usually this person knows what it means and relates to them really well.
So for me, the reason why not all psychics might not be passing the same information, boils down to what they are working with and the interpretation of what they receive. I like to ask what pregnancy number someone is on, and to include any losses as this helps me put everything into the right order. I prefer not to be given tons of information and just what I ask. This allows my mind to be clear and not to have information that might cloud what is given. Usually I can pick up if there is a fertility issue and will often mention things like this if it comes through for me to tell them.
Same thing with remote viewing. I tend to be able to pick up aspects when needed. Buildings, directions/locations to new houses and jobs, timeframes for new opportunities. etc. I try and pass as much information as I can pertaining to the question as possible. I am always available for questions about the reading provided. I also love updates and feedback (good or bad) about the readings I provide as it helps me fine tune my interpretation skills.
So if you receive a reading from someone (including myself) and you just dont seem to connect with some of the information that was given, dont be afraid to ask questions. Get the reader to clarify the aspects of the reading your not sure about. Perhaps there is a better way, or better interpretation that will make more sense.
here is what the others had to say.
So people want to know why we all don't see the same? I think it depends on each reader's ability to "connect" with the individual posing the question, don't you think? Also, if a reader is tired, sick, or drained, the likelihood of an accurate reading is slim. I know I cannot read AT ALL if I have a headache, or not feeling up to par.Also, the different readings can be attributed to the reader's ability to accurately interpret the messages they receive, either via cards or pure clairvoyance/clairaudience. I really think it all boils down to the connection. For me, to be better able to connect, being a "visual" person, I prefer to look at the person's photo. And while I ask the question, I look directly at the photo or I close my eyes and see a mental image of the person's face. As I am visualizing the face, and speaking the question aloud, I shuffle the cards. I "sense" when I've done enough shuffling, and then proceed to cut the deck into five piles. I then turn over the top card on each pile, and they tell me a story. Sometimes additional info comes up that was not asked about, but pertains to the question. For example if I ask if someone will get pregnant this year, they'll tell me "yes" but "medical assistance" is needed. Or sometimes the person's fears and anxieties will appear that lets me know that this may be the cause of the delay, and really needs to work on thinking positively. (Hard to do at times, I know!) To determine a time-frame for conception or BFP, I'll ask the cards in a yes/no format, narrowing it down to a 2 or 3 month window. Many times I have to re-ask and re-ask again to get an answer, and once I do, I ask again to ask if that was correct.
-- My website:
Hi Cheri,I also get asked the same question and here's what I answer to them.If a medium / psychic is legitimate, then all other psychics will get pretty much the same predictions if doing prophecy. I have been told that a lot of my information even matches what astrologers have told them.Some mediums are better at prophecy ( like myself since that's what I prefer to do, while other mediums are better at only getting messages from loved ones.Since I'm known for 22 years as a Physical / Medium then I become the person I read and get health, love, career etc. My Guides tell me what is most important in their lives at the time I read them. I also have worked with the police on missing persons etc.A psychic who needs to use cards in order to tell the future won't usually have the ability to do what a medium who either HEARS Spirit or SEES actual events can do. I see things when I tune into a person. I see 24 hours a day 7 days a week Everytime I close my eyes, it's like watching television for me..I'm a visionary so I see actual people, events, numbers, names timing etc.Cheri Mancuso
My Readings: There are many different ways intuitive or psychics can connect with others and receive information about the past, present and future. I have had the gift of foresight my entire life but really strengthened my skills and learned how gifted I was when I became a Theta Brain Wave Practitioner. Theta is a type of energy work in which you learn to how to take yourself into a Theta Brain State on command. There are many different brainwaves that our brains operate in and in the Theta state your brain waves slow down and you are in a very special and very deep meditation which is extremely powerful. It was originally discovered by Vianna Stibal who cured herself of many health ailments using Theta. While taking the Theta classes I discovered that while in this state of mind I could see an amazing amount of information about the person sitting next to me. Many of the exercises in these courses involved doing Theta on a partner and soon everyone wanted to ask me specific questions about their lives to see if I could answer it correctly. Even I was shocked to find that I could recite my partners income to the exact number correctly, see health conditions in people without them telling me, and even connect with loved ones that had passed and recite information about their loved ones lives accurately. Soon I began to practice connecting with people in other states, even other countries and found that the majority of the information I received about them was in fact true. I was already reading tarot cards for fun at this time and realized that these two modalities combined create really great and accurate readings when done on friends and family. I began using Theta on my patients (I'm an acupuncturist) and not only could I see health conditions they had forgot to mention or didn't know about, but I could better treat them and relieve them of their symptoms much faster than just acupuncture alone. It really is amazing! These are the tools I use to do readings for people today-Theta and Tarot Cards. I start with a Theta meditation in which I sit for about 1 hour in the Theta state. I connect with Creator or the Higher Power of all that is (whatever you want to call it) and ask for any information possible about whomever I am doing a reading for. An array of words, images and feelings about that person pop into my mind and flow through my body and I make a note of them all. Sometimes it is very important information or just tidbits about someones life, like their favorite food or the name of their significant other. While I am in this state I ask the questions my clients are seeking insight into and get information about their past, present or future or all three. I ask for an overview of what is going on in their lives, what might happen in the future and with some clients I do healing work if requested. When the information I am receiving begins to slow down, I disconnect from my client and come out of the Theta state. I then write down every little thing I saw or heard during the process. Sometimes it makes sense right away, sometimes it makes no sense to me at all, but I try to figure out how these bits of information apply to a persons life. After the Theta portion, I do a Tarot reading to further get answers to people's questions which often corresponds and reinforces what I got during Theta. Most people get a kick out of the Theta portion especially because I get some pretty funny things. Sometimes I will recite a conversation they had the night before or pick up what song they were listening to on the way to work. Overall, I've found my readings to be quite accurate but of course no one is always 100%. The strength of my connections with people vary according to what going on with them, how I'm feeling or just the strength of our energies together overall. This is why sometimes I need some extra time to do my readings. I use myself as somewhat of a vessel to connect with you and sometimes I don't get as good of a connection as I would like, whether it is because I'm not feeling well or it just is not the right time to do the reading. If I don't get the connection I would like, I wait and try again later. It also takes some time to complete readings due to the time and energy spent on each one- a 2 question reading is usually between 4-8 pages long. It is a very detailed, personal and special process that I do with great care and love.I'm sure people wonder why different psychics get different answers at times...We all have different methods, different gifts and can interpret information different ways. I am often right but can also be is just the way life is. No matter what we say, you have an immense power over your own life. I find that my readings give guidance, hope and excitement to my clients which is very gratifying for me. My readings clue people in to the current energies at work in their lives while opening their eyes to sometimes undreamed of opportunities in the future. Readings are often a great tool to guide you in the direction you want to go and see what life really has to offer. I thoroughly enjoy running my website and doing readings for people, the happiness, excitement and renewed hope my clients relay to me after they have gotten a reading is priceless and something I really cherish. My ultimate goal is to do readings full-time; so thank you for your interest, your business and helping me on my path to make MY dreams come true.
Love and Light to you,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Chakras and Crystals - They how's and why's.
THE SEVEN MAJOR CHAKRAS FIRST CHAKRA-ROOT Studying the individual chakras begins with the root chakra, called Muladhara in Sanskrit. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine at the tailbone in back, and the pubic bone in front. This center holds the basic needs for survival, security and safety. The root chakra is powerfully related to our contact with the Earth Mother, providing us with the ability to be grounded into the earthplane. This is also the center of manifestation. When you are trying to make things happen in the material world, business or material possessions, the energy to succeed will come from the first chakra.
If this chakra is blocked an individual may feel fearful, anxious, insecure and frustrated. Problems like obesity, anorexia nervosa, and knee troubles can occur. Root body parts include the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs. The colors used for this chakra are red, brown and black. The gemstones are Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, and Black Tourmaline. NOTE: A man's sexual organs are located primarily in his first chakra, so male sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as physical. A women's sexual organs are located primarily in her second chakra, so female sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as emotional. Both chakras are associated with sexual energy.
SECOND CHAKRA-BELLY (SACRAL) The next chakra or second chakra is often referred to as the belly or (sacral). It is located two inches below the navel and is rooted into the spine. This center holds the basic needs for sexuality, creativity, intuition, and self-worth. This chakra is also about friendliness, creativity, and emotions. It governs peoples sense of self-worth, their confidence in their own creativity, and their ability to relate to others in an open and friendly way. It's influenced by how emotions were expressed or repressed in the family during childhood.
Proper balance in this chakra means the ability to flow with emotions freely and to feel and reach out to others sexually or not. If this chakra is blocked a person may feel emotionally explosive, manipulative, obsessed with thoughts of sex or may lack energy. Physical problems may include, kidney weakness, stiff lower back, constipation, and muscle spasms. Belly body parts include sexual organs (women), kidneys, bladder, and large intestine. The main color used with this chakra is orange. The gemstones are Carnelian Agate, Orange Calcite and Tigers Eye.
THIRD CHAKRA-SOLAR PLEXUS The third chakra is referred to as the Solar Plexus. It is located two inches below the breastbone in the center behind the stomach. The third chakra is the center of personal power, the place of ego , of passions, impulses, anger and strength. It is also the center for astral travel and astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides and for psychic development. When the Third Chakra is out of balance you may lack confidence, be confused, worry about what others think, feel that others are controlling your life, and may be depressed. Physical problems may include digestive difficulties, liver problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, and food allergies.
When balanced you may feel cheerful, outgoing, have self-respect, expressive, enjoy taking on new challenges, and have a strong sense of personal power. The body parts for this chakra include the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and small intestine. The main color for this chakra is yellow. The gemstones are Citrine, Topaz, and Yellow Calcite.
FOURTH CHAKRA- HEART The fourth chakra is referred to as the heart chakra. It is located behind the breast bone in front and on the spine between the shoulder blades in back. This is the center for love, compassion and spirituality. This center directs one's ability to love themselves and others, to give and to receive love. This is also the chakra connecting body and mind with spirit. Almost everyone today has a hard, hurt, or broken heart, and it is no accident that heart disease is the number one killer in America today. Deep heart hurts can result in aura obstructions called heart scars. When these scars are released, they raise a lot of old pain, but free the heart for healing and new growth. When this chakra is out of balance you may feel sorry for yourself, paranoid, indecisive, afraid of letting go, afraid of getting hurt, or unworthy of love.
Physical illnesses include heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia, and difficult in breathing. When this chakra is balanced you may feel compassionate, friendly, empathetic, desire to nurture others and see the good in everyone. Body parts for the fourth chakra include heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, and upper back. The main colors used are pink and green. The gemstones are Rose Quartz, Kunzite, and Watermelon tourmaline.
FIFTH CHAKRA-THROAT The fifth chakra is referred to as the Throat. It is located in the V of the collarbone at the lower neck and is the center of communication, sound, and expression of creativity via thought , speech, and writing. The possibility for change, transformation and healing are located here. The throat is where anger is stored and finally let go of. When this chakra is out of balance you may want to hold back, feel timid, be quiet, feel weak, or can't express your thoughts.
Physical illnesses or ailments include, hyperthyroid, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations, and back pain. When this chakra is balanced you may feel balanced, centered, musically or artistically inspired, and may be a good speaker. Body parts for the fifth chakra are throat, neck, teeth, ears, and thyroid gland. The main color used is light blue. The gemstones are Aquamarine and Azurite.
SIXTH CHAKRA- THIRD EYE The sixth chakra is referred to as the Third Eye. It is located above the physical eyes on the center of the forehead. This is the center for psychic ability, higher intuition, the energies of spirit and light. It also assists in the purification of negative tendencies and in the elimination of selfish attitudes. Through the power of the sixth chakra, you can receive guidance, channel, and tune into your Higher Self.
When this chakra is not balanced you may feel non-assertive, afraid of success, or go the opposite way and be egotistical. Physical symptoms may include headaches, blurred vision, blindness, and eyestrain. When this chakra is balanced and open you are your own master with no fear of death, are not attached to material things, may experience telepathy, astral travel, and past lives. Sixth chakra body parts include the eyes, face, brain, lymphatic and endocrine system. The main colors are purple and dark blue. The gemstones are Amethyst, Sodalite, and Lapis Lazuli.
SEVENTH CHAKRA-THE CROWN The seventh chakra is referred to as the Crown. It is located just behind the top of the skull. It is the center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom, and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. This is also the center of connectedness with the Goddess (God), the place where life animates the physical body. The silver cord that connects the aura bodies extends from the crown. The soul comes into the body through the crown at birth and leaves from the crown at death.
When this chakra is unbalanced there may be a constant sense of frustration, no spark of joy, and destructive feelings. Illnesses may include migraine headaches and depression. Balanced energy in this chakra may include the ability to open up to the Divine and total access to the unconscious and subconscious. The main colors for the crown are white and purple. The gemstones are Clear Quartz Crystal, Oregon Opal, and Amethyst.
THE EIGHTH CHAKRA-THE TRANSPERSONAL POINT is located several inches above the center of the head is the Transpersonal point. Place a hand there and a tingling sensation in the palm identifies the center. Its color is clear and is activated by selenite or zircon. Through the Transpersonal point the soul is manifested into matter, it carries the individual’s reasons to incarnate into this lifetime. Other names for this center include "Soul Star" and "Heavenly Chi".
To find out more about "CLEARING GEMSTONES AND CRYSTALS " & "PROGRAMMING AND DEDICATING STONES " check out this site where the above information was located.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I want to touch base about Ruby
Ruby originally contacted me through email, wanting me to put her link to her site from mine. I do not just link people without first checking them out. Its also my reputation and would hate to refer my clients to someone who is not doing this for the clients best interests. So I googled her name and located sites where "someone" was telling people about this new wonderful psychic and they should try them out, and linking Rubys new site. I immediately felt suspicious because the writing/text was obviously copied/pasted and even though the login names were different it was obvious it was the same person. I questioned Ruby who denied it was her (later admitted it was and apologized saying she made a mistake). I decided to give her a chance (everyone makes mistakes) and asked her to read for me. There was information she put in there that was not told about myself, and I dont think that I had this information posted on the Internet (in regards to my mom having depression and me taking on more grown up responsibilities when it came to looking out for my sister). So I decided to give her a chance. I posted her as the secret psychic and gave out her readings.
Now after that was done, I was to link her on the blog, and I did so. She wanted me to put her on the main site ( and I told her that at this point something did not feel right, that I still would rather wait and see. She even offered to pay me to put her link on my main blog, which I did not feel right about and declined. (I had been completely honest with her the entire time about my feelings towards her). I also found out, that when I requested on my blog that people provide me feedback about her readings, that she was specifically sending people to my blog to reply, and promising them a free question for positive feedback :( This goes against what I feel. People should leave positive feedback because they enjoyed the reading, not because they are promised something for free in return.
I then got an email from her asking to do a reading for her with an issue she was having in trade she would do one for a friend of mine. I have already told her I feel her to be "blocked" (Some people do this naturally, or on purpose depending on their issues) So I did what I could for her. She had taken nearly a week when I asked my friend how her reading went. She said that she never got it. I emailed Ruby to ask, and she said that she was out of town and hadn't gotten to it (or perhaps her email wasn't up? I dont remember for certain) anyways, she said that she would get her reading done for monday, when she told my friend Saturday. She told my friend the delay was because she was sick...
This is when I deleted her from my blog. I believe that when your doing readings for people, you need to be honest, not just with your readings, but within yourself and your connection to people. I am not saying anything against Ruby in regards to her readings, as I do have positive feedback from people (who were not "traded" for their positive feedback) but actually did enjoy their reading from her, and I dont dispute that she has a gift as I do believe she does. I just believe that she is handling things a bit wrong, and its going to come and bite her in the butt.
Now I have been told that people have paid over a month or just under and yet to hear back from Ruby. I do not think that Ruby is out to scam anyone and take your money without providing you with your reading...I just believe shes obviously very behind in her work (She does do through email and various online sites like kasamba and such) She just needs to get organized so that people have a better understanding on when their prediction comes around. Now because I know that Ruby is doing this for the money (She has told numerous people this) should you not have received your reading, perhaps requesting a refund if not responded from within a certain time frame, might get her to put yours through:)
So other than what is mentioned above, I do NOT have any connection to Ruby whatsoever. We do not talk or correspond in any fashion and she is no longer referenced on my blog due to my feelings and interactions with her. I am sure that she is a nice person, but at this time, I feel that this is what I must do.
If you have any questions or comments about this blog post, feel free to either add to the comments section or email me
This post is not to bad mouth Ruby, as mentioned I know she has a gift, I dont think that shes out to scam anyone...etc, I just wanted to clear the air in regards to how we "were" connected and that we are not at this point.
Here is the winner!
First, lets get to the winner of the contest. This has been a bit of a "weird" one and let me explain lol. When I first posted this post, the trampoline was to the RIGHT more in the yard. This is because its where the grass is (the other side has a bit of gravel) and so everyone who posted to the right was in fact correct....HOWEVER, later that evening, my husband MOVED the trampoline to the left of the yard onto the gravel so I could cut the grass (I love to mow the lawn! lol)..... So in fact BOTH left and right were correct depending on the time of day.
So to make it fair, I actually put EVERYONES name into the draw. I drew lucky number 4!! That would be KRISTA! congrats to you on winning this weeks challenge. You just need to contact brooke777 to claim your prize. (please note, give her a few days as I believe shes currently away from the computer)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
And we are live! lol (and a giveaway!)
I'm actually really excited about how this works and it will save me not only time, but also my wrists.
So as everyone knows, I am still offering the September special. It's the family bypass prediction for only $20 Canadian. This is not available through the website, so you need to actually e-mail to be able to take advantage of this offer.
So since today is the second Thursday it's also the giveaway of Brooke 777 reading. So to do this were going to use the remote viewing technique as well. It should be fairly simple and ask one question and the person in that is close enough to the right answer will went. If there's more than one person then we will put their names in a hat and draw out a winner.
So to be able to enter into this straw you need to tell me where the trampoline is positioned in our backyard. Now this is based on you standing on the deck and looking into our backyard. Your back is towards our house so you need to find out if the trampoline it is to the left, to the right, closer to the back to the fence and closer to the house..... If you find any additional details that you'd like to add in something else you might see in the backyard certainly add those bonus points(they are not necessary to be added to the draw.)
So please post your answers in the comments section. I will announce the winner tomorrow.
On a sidenote I am also going to give away reading from myself. Its going to be a sibling bypass reading, so that's a $15 value. To be able to enter in this one as well I am looking for entries to post on the blog for the open blog night on Tuesdays. So just topics that you'd like to have considered posted about things you might like to know questions you want have answered. Or perhaps a different feature on the blog you'd be interested in reading about. So to be able to be entered into my draw just e-mail, in the subject line, place blog contest so that it can be easily noticed.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sometimes life gives you lemons......
Sometimes things go "sour" in our lives and not the way that we have planned out. Sometimes when focusing and paying alot of attention to this problem, we sometimes bypass the solution. I really have told everyone to try and remain positive, hopeful and estatic. When things are stressful and you end up worrying/focusing on the stress, sometimes it will just seem to be overwhelming. Its when you take a step back and refocus, and try to find the positive aspect, the good that can come out of something, that things will have a way of working out. Its not always difficult to concieve a child, but sometimes peoples journeys to get there are harder than others. Its what you make of your journey that counts.
Here is a storey to inspire, for those of you who perhaps are having a bit of trouble trying to concieve. A client of mine wants to share this with you all.
My Story:
Where do I even begin? I moved in with my boyfriend at the time (Husband now) back in December 2001. We had become engaged during the Christmas holiday. A few months into living with him, we found out I was pregnant. My period wasn’t that late, but I truly wanted a child and so did he! I made him grab a HPT on his way home from work. Low and behold there were 2 lines! That week we decided it was time to just get married. We both wanted the same things and really loved each other. Sadly a week after finding out, I woke up one morning bleeding. I was so upset and immediately went to the doctor. With in a week I was married and mourning over my miscarriage. It did not keep me from trying again. I remained positive! As time went on I lost another and another… most of these miscarriages happened early, before 6weeks. I went to my doctor but nothing. I was in my early 20’s and they told me I was young. I have plenty of time. I was angry, and hurt. How could they not help me? Needless to say, after having more miscarriages than any woman should go through. I realized I had PCOS. Upset by the realization, and that it wasn’t a doctor who diagnosed me. I found out my younger sister was had it, and that we shared the same signs and symptoms. I again tried to get someone to listen, and of course my concerns were ignored. I finally just gave up. I realized that having my own child wasn’t happening. Life moved forward, and my marriage through all of this stayed strong! He was there for me, and made it very clear that regardless if we have a child or not he was there for me no matter what! It made a huge difference. I still felt broken and like a failure. But I was determined to enjoy my marriage. Spend time with my husband and focus on what I did have! Apparently that was the key. I found out in July of this year that I was Pregnant. Scared to death I tried not to focus on my past experiences. It wasn’t easy either. I am 12 weeks now and things seem fine. I have had a few scares, but the baby is hanging out and growing. I am due in March 2009, and the following month I will celebrate 7 years of marriage. Except this time we will have a little one with us to share that day with!
So everyone wish her luck on this exciting journey and keep her little one in your thoughts. Hopefully when the baby is born she can share a picture of her little miracle:)
Monday, September 1, 2008
September's Special of the month
My daughter starts kindergarten tomorrow. They only for for a mini interview with the teacher, and then on the 8th they go for their first almost full day. Seems like torture to a young 5 year old who is super excited about going to school, teasing her this way. Only letting her goto school for 20 minutes the first time and then making her wait a week before she can go again! lol. Poor kid! Shes wanted to goto school since she was 3!
I am still interested in hearing stories of inspiration from people, or ideas for the open blog night, if there is something your curious about that you would love to have covered. I do trade a bypass prediction to anyone who submits something (8.00 value) for it being published on the blog. I really think that it helps others who might be too shy to post what they would like, but certainly enjoy to read. Just email with blog post in the subject line so I can locate it easier.