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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Do you avoid sex unless your ovulating?

I found some information I thought might be helpful, as its listed as one of the common misconceptions about trying to conceive!

many couples are under the mistaken impression that it is helpful to avoid sex during the month except for the time around when you are ovulating. This comes from the idea that if you "save up" the sperm, they will be more plentiful when you need them!

Turns out, this is a very big mistake. It's true, if you save up the sperm, you might actually have more when your fertile time of the month comes, but there's one big problem. Most of these sperm will be tired, and sluggish, and unable to fertilize your egg.

In order to have the best chance of conception, it is necessary to keep the sperm supply fresh!
That means your partner should be ejaculating at least every 5 days throughout the month. Of
course this does not apply to when you are approaching your fertile time (ovulation), when
every 5 days is definitely not enough.


Chele said...


I have ttc and infertility information on my blog. Just look for the labels in the sidebar. You are more than welcome to copy it and post it here if you want since you're following is so large.