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Thursday, January 8, 2009

I have lake front property!

Okay, this "lake front property" is probably only temporary, and wont raise the property value of my house, but its there! Here's the scoop! Remember how I was complaining of all the snow we got, and how I said it normally rains here? Well the rain has come. Do you know what happens to snow when it rains? It melts..... and melts.. and fills up the rivers that the drains go to, meaning that it also fills up the streets because the drains can't hold anymore water :(

So as I mentioned, I now have lakefront property. The water has come up half way to my drive way now, its pretty much down our ENTIRE street. The houses across the street have it right up to their houses, and one for SURE I know is in their garage (she told me so) and I can see the other two houses across from me have it right to their doors so no idea if its inside or not. I called our city and told them the street was flooded. Not much they can do, they explained rivers are flooded, no where for the water to go. Told me to move anything I don't want to get ruined off the floor now "just in case".

I did take pictures of the street, but camera is upstairs, so will post them later!

I just got a new angel cards (like tarot cards) today that I will be including in some of the readings as "extra' and no extra cost. Things that will come up that are positive, providing answers and direction in your life to things you were either aware of already, or perhaps coming up shortly. I will for the first five people who comment on this blog post and leave their email address to contact them at, 1 free question each just for commenting.

Hope you guys are all having a good day!


Stacie said...

Yeah! How fun! I'm at sltomes (at) gmail (dot) com

Sorry about all the water. Hope the levels go down quickly and things get to dry out!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Sounds like fun! brooksk_m (at)shaw(dot)ca

Anonymous said...

Ok im at
sugarbabydoll117 at yahoo
Thanks Cheri!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. e-mail is


Anonymous said...

Hi - You aren't experiencing water seepage into your house are you? Hope not! By the way, if you have lots of snow like we do, and it rains, the snow doesn't melt. It just gets REALLY hard. I'm staceyhuebner at

Unknown said...

It's really fun when it gets like that and then freezes at night! Ick!! TaniaRinMONT(at)aol(dot)com