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Thursday, November 19, 2009
I know its hard not to get discouraged
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When you are trying to conceive that little baby. After the month goes by and your dreaded "aunt flo" comes for a nice little visit... but our souls are connected to our bodies. And sometimes what we feel in our hearts and our minds can actually affect the progress of trying to concieve. Have you head the saying " a watched pot never boils"? Its true. When your so focused on trying to concieve and getting discouraged and frustrated when it does not happen the first shot, your sending negative vibes to your body, which not only can stress yourself out, but also delay what your trying to achieve. The more positive and happy you are about this journey, most times the easier it will be. Try and tell yourself that your feeling relaxed... that your not going to worry when you are going to concieve anymore and that you realize that it will happen when its meant to be. That your open and willing and ready for this baby to come to you. Anything else you can add to be more positive will be great. I also have on my blog my positive thinking tips and tricks. Please check it out. it really does work!
it is hard but this month im actually trying to stay positive no matter what happens its the holidays and i want to enjoy them :) J
This is so true. The best things have happened for me when I have learned to "let go" and stop worring about them so much. Then things fall into place rapid fire. Keep positive, good things will happen ; )
I used your positive thinking tips and tricks the month I became pregnant so maybe there is something to this!!
I also agree, and am working on this. I WISH the positive thinking would roll into a conception for me!
Hard not to focus, but I am doping what you suggested and I finally got scheduled for a repeat HSG, so hopefully it does the trick, going ing January 12, 2010, I would love to hear good news that day finally!! Thanks for the positive vibes! I am very excited!!
Wow! I have just been directed to your blog (and you) for the first time. I have jumped around in your blog and am very interested in everything that you have to say. I am at a "fork in the road" point in my life and I wish I had some guidance. I've read a few of your posts on meditating and meeting your guides, I am curious to try it.
I am really going to try the positive thinking. I have tried to keep positive and not have a meltdown but every 3 months or so it catches back up with me. It is true that a watched pot never boils. I will try harder to keep positive. Thank you Cheri!
It is hard to stay positive after years of ttc. It is even harder during the holiday times when you are obligated to go to family functions and you have to watch the joy that others get to experience. All you can do is sit watching longingly with your heart crumpled. I have not focused on being a mommy for a while, it is only now that the holiday is here that my thoughts drift to what I do not have.
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