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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I just wanted to say.....

THANK YOU.. to everyone.. whether you are my client using my bypass predictions or requesting a free prediction. Or just happen to be a reader on my blog. I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I LOVE helping people and you have all given me this opportunity to do just that. This truly makes me happy.

Decembers monthly special will be a free one again so keep checking back... Not going to tell you when its going to be announced so you will just have to keep checking back! lol.

I have made some wonderful connections with everyone as well, and love to hear your stories of your journey of ttc.

Speaking of stories, here is one of my clients journeys to help give you hope on your own ttc journeys!

Ok, I'll try to be brief....
In 2005 my husband and I decided to start a family...not as easy as we thought. We decided to seek the help of an outside source since we had no luck. The Fertility Specialist ruled me out right away but told us some really bad news about my husband. He had no sperm...NONE!! That was hard to hear. They told him to see a reproductive urologist, who did give us hope. He prescribed a round of HCG injections 3 times a week and my husband had to do this for a good 6-8 months before we conceived my son naturally. That was great because we though his sperm count would only get high enough to qualify me for Intrauterine insemination (IUI). I gave birth to our first son in December of 06.
Now, almost 3 years later, we have decided to add another addition to the family. Since we already know the situation, I didn't waste any time. We tried for one month and nothing. I quickly made an appointment for my husband to see the urologist again to see where we were at sperm wise. In the meantime, I was using the clear blue easy fertility monitor that a friend gave me. I was due to ovulate about a week and a half before our appointment and I though, no harm in trying. We only did it twice, right around the time the egg popped up on the monitor screen. I wasn't that serious about it because I figured my husband had a low count.
So, when we finally saw the doctor, he gave us not so good husband had a sperm count of only 2 million which is so low, it's almost considered infertile. He prescribed the injections again and said come back in 3 months. I asked him if we should bother trying right now and he said that I would have to be "one fertile lady" for me to get pregnant with a count that low. Well, we hadn't even filled the prescription yet and by some miracle I became pregnant. I thought for sure I was going to get my period. I was waiting and waiting and nothing. I took 4 tests!! All positive. We were in shock!! My husband couldn't believe it, he said are you sure you don't have a boyfriend, lol!!! So, there is always hope. The saying is only takes one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danielle :-)


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure all of us like to thank you too. I love all of your blogs especially the ones about opening psychic abilities. I didn't find your website and blog until early October so I've been reading back to your older blogs and trying to learn a thing or two. So just wanted to tell you I appreicate what you do when you write your blogs, predictions and advice you give. The blogs by themselves have been helpful for me.


Unknown said...

What an awesome story! Thank you for sharing it. And thank you for being there for so many on their TTC journies!

Anonymous said...

im actually thinking of buying another reading from you just not sure which option id choose ahh il figure it out but that story very inspirational gives me hope i have been trying since jun 09 hopefully it happens soon :) thank you for sharing that story and also ty for your predictions because i was a lil discouraged at one point but to know you could see something in my future really does give hope and on my behalf its truly appreciate it so thank you cheri thank you J :)

Sharon said...

THANK YOU Cheri. Although my ttc journey is not yet over you have been there for me every step of the way and it is much appreciated!!!

Mary said...

Im sure your the one to thank, for being honest and sharing your abilities!

Candy218 said...

No Cheri Thank you. You have provided me with such hope and have lifted my spirits for the last 3 years and I don't know how to thank you. You've always have been so kind and helpful. Even just reading your blog can make my whole day. Thanks I'm so glad that we "bumped" into each other ; )