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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Watched New Moon tonight!

My friend and I got to go out just the two of us, and watch a movie together! We have both read all the of the twilight series books and now that the second movie is out in the series have been looking forward to going to see it. I have heard mixed reviews from this movie. Some love it, others thought certain parts where slow. I tried not to let the reviews I had heard alter my own opinion of the movie and wanted to see it myself. I visited my sister earlier in the day and told her I was going to see it and asked her if she enjoyed it (She saw it the previous weekend) She said she did, but as soon as she started to tell me more specific stuff I had to tell her to stop! I wanted to see it myself. Nothing makes a movie less fun than knowing the ending!

So my take, well if you enjoyed the books and like this sort of movie, then you should see it. Its defiantly better than the first movie. I really enjoyed it and wish that it was a marathon and let us watch the third movie too (as I know it was wrapped and ready!)

Did you know that the majority of this movie was filmed right here in my province? In fact, I could probably have driven to the set (if I knew where it was) within 1.5 hours. One of my other friends did just that. (for those of you who would love to see pictures of the set, check out her blog!

Now on a side note, my littlest one is driving me nuts when it comes to eating. She used to be so good and would eat pretty much anything you set in front of her (including spicy foods!) and now... well she wont. Shes got her set stuff she likes to eat.. I know shes not going to starve and is still getting an okay variety, but when I stick something on her tray/plate, she says "no no no" and either just wont eat it, or throws it on the floor. So how do you encourage them to try something new? Ignore it when they dont and hope eventually they will? Or do you push? Shes 18 months now and I dont want to turn this into a battle. My 6 year old is now questioning why her sister does not have to eat the things I make her eat. I can reason and talk to my 6 year old and tell her she "has" to eat it.. but can't do that yet with the 18 month old as she does not understand and gets her way! lol. Any ideas?


Christina Bohne said...

Alot of times, young toddlers like to "dip" things because it involves finger foods and sometimes making a mess. I always cut up things so my daughters could eat them and dip them in ketchup, ranch, etc. Also, there are many veggies and fruits to add nutritional value that is virtually tasteless to many recipes just to sneak in that extra boost you may feel she is missing out on. Yet another tip, even though she young, try and get her to help out a little bit in the kitchen by taping certain pictures out of magazines to construction paper and have her get them out of the refrigerator (with your assistance) it may make her feel that shes a part of being a "big girl" like her older sister. Make sure big sis encourages by eating the same to make her look up to her more!