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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Something fun!

Well those of you in Canada might already be aware of what this game is about, but Monopoly is doing a Canadian Addition. They are putting in cities from different provinces that they had already predetermined that would be elligible for this contest. So far, my city is located on the top 20!!! I am hoping that you guys would vote so we can move it up closer to the top of the board (thus getting a better spot on the monopoly board!) They have since hidden the leadership board and keeping this contest a surprise until Feb 7 when they will announce the winner. Now who does not love monopoly? I LOVED playing this game as a child and still love it. I would love to see my city be on the board! So... if you couldn't mind, please visit MONOPLOY its free to sign up, and you just need to vote for CHILLIWACK!!! You can do this once a day if you have time! I would appreciate it!

In the next few days will be posting something on how to feel reconnected with your husband/significant other/partner. This is always especially important when it comes to trying to conceive. I know those of you who have been trying for a little while now find it harder to keep the spice in the bedroom when your desperately trying to get that little eggie implanted! Sometimes it starts to feel more like routine and work than the fun its supposed to be. So in Feb, I will be posting something that you can do in order to ensure that bond is still there, or perhaps stronger or more intense!

My January special is still good for a few more days, so if you wanted to take advantage of this, just goto the bottom left of this blog and its linked under monthly specials.

Leah has also posted a really good blog post about fear, so if you have not located it yet, its about 2 posts down below this one.

Now as a surprise, brooke777 is again ready to have her readings given away!! Shes caught up with her current workload and is ready for more! So those of you who post a comment saying hi in this blog post is entered to win a free reading from brooke777!! I will announce the winner SUNDAY NIGHT!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Greetings to you all and thanks you for coming back to read my second entry.

For the past month I have been racking my brain to try and come up with a subject to write about for this article. And quite honestly I really stressed more then i should have about it. I had this idea and that idea but nothing really hit me. Then I got the thought to write about what I've been going through lately. And to sum it up in one word... Fear.
This can sometimes be a touchy subject to get into because so many people don't always want to admit to experiencing it.
In our culture, fear is most often thought of as a "bad" thing. And yes in some instances it can have negative effects. But it can also have positive effects as well. One thing our culture needs to accept is that fear is part of the human experience and its ok to allow yourself to feel it. It can push you past your self declared limits and make you reach for goals you never realised you had or thought you could reach.
Fear can also be paralyzing. I think I should clarify, at this point, that I'm not necessarily speaking of the kind of fear you feel when you are in physical danger. The type of fear I'm referring to is that fear you feel when you are looking at an emotional blockage of some sort that you may be too scared to move past. The fear you feel when you are faced with huge amounts of responsibility that maybe you aren't used to having, a fear of failure, and even the fear of success. I know that may sound bizarre. Why would anyone fear success? Well, when you are in a comfort zone, be it good, bad or indifferent, it IS a comfort zone, regardless of the situation you are in. As a human race, we are generally not a species that always embraces change with open arms. So, because success can sometimes be a drastic or even a moderate change in our life, and from what we are normally used to, it can be one of our biggest fears and most paralyzing fears, even if it is on a subconscious level.

As a psychic, ( and I am only speaking for myself), I experience so much fear. Before doing a reading, I wonder if its going to be a good reading, am going to get the correct information about the person, am i going to get ANY information about the person, is the person going to be happy with it, and most importantly am i going to be able to help the person in the way they need the help.
I usually experience this prior to the reading. But right before I start the reading I remember to breath, center and ground myself and most importantly trust that whatever is meant to come through for that person, will.

By writing about this subject, I'm hoping it will show you that everyone experiences fear in some form or another, and that it is possible to move past it and most of all it's ok to allow yourself to feel it. And if at any point you are needing help with it in any way I am happy to do so.

So until next time, in love and light


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Questions answered and the winner announced!

Congrats to Danna! Thank you all for entering into the contest! Danna, email me at and I will forward you to Leah's email address to claim your free reading.

Now in regards to some of the comments, here is what I am being shown.

When you experinece a m/c, 9 out of 10 times the child is not "lost" but instead just cycles back in an attempt to come again. From changing their blue prints and lessons they plan to learn, or lesson you yourself needed to experinece due to the loss, this process is actually really fast. Most times they do stay in the same order as they were meant to come in, but sometimes, they cycle to the back of the line so to speak before attempting to come back through. So there really is not enough time for them to come and visit as they are already pretty fast at coming back on the journey. While waiting to arrive, most souls just remain at home as to them what is months/years over here only seems like minutes.

I really feel that this is something of a different process. Abortions are usually something already written into your life lessons. Its hard to explain as I certainly don't want to offend anyone (whether pro or against abortion). Something in your life that you experineced and learned from, and grew because of this lesson. The child that was aborted is not lost, but has returned home knowing that they will return again at a later time.

Today has been one of those days. My eldest is sick!! It seems to be a common thing here the last week. From the kids i do daycare for, to my friend and her children and now my eldest! Shes been sick a few times tonight but crossing my fingers that its over and that no one else gets it!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Crossing over....

I just wanted to talk about loved ones who have passed over. Lately I have been hearing the baby gate open and close (it creaks and is hard to miss) and race upstairs thinking my little one has gotten up from bed after being down from the night.... and no one is there. I have heard voices in the middle of the night while I have been sleeping, and because it has woken me up and I wasn't sure I had heard it tried to pass it off as being the baby monitor (sometimes it picks up the neighbours baby monitor! We have even heard them snoring!!!)

Its been happening alot lately. Not sure why lately is any different, but keeping my ears/eyes open for a sign that they are needing help. I dont get the sense that its anyone with a purpose, but perhaps aware of my gift and is just "curious".

I had a client ask me the other day about a child or baby who passes over. She had a her baby pass on and is looking for that connection, its been serveral months and she has not felt their presense as of yet. Was worried that perhaps due to the age when passing that the child would be "blocked" from coming to visit. I just wanted those of you who have suffered similar losses to please not fret. This child CAN travel to visit just like anyone else who has passed over. If you are not sensing their arrival (will usually be a nice gentle breeze or a sense of enlightenment) its because A)they have already decided to come back and getting ready for their journey or B) because we all appear to be in our 30s back home, they have taken on that form as its more familiar to them, and your not looking for an "adult" visit so not paying as much attention at the time. The spirit is not easily offended, but takes comfort in providing a visit.

Well its been awhile, but today is the day to offer a free reading by LEAH! So post in the comments section if you have any questions about today's post or just leave your name to enter. I will announce the winner on SUNDAY!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Geting older....well it just sucks!

I am not sure if this is the same for everyone else out there, but I am 33.5 years old (birthday is in JUNE) and now when I drive on the freeway at night and its raining... I find it really hard to see. There I said it.. admitted to one of the things that are really starting to show my age (that and the grey hair that just wont color over!)

I talked to my dad about this and he suggested I see the dr and mention cataracts. I guess this is something that is common on his side of the family. I am not going to go just yet as I know that I can see just fine any other time including at night, just seems to get harder when its raining. The joys of getting older!

I actually used to think that one day I would get a brow lift. Maybe when I was 50. I always said in my mind if I was to consider anything it would be this. I dont' like the way my eyes are starting to sag!! (yes this is funny).. then I watched the movie called "its complicated" with Merryl Streep and she talked about this with the DR and he says that they pull the skin up higher and staple it back at your hair line. Okay.. so now NOT going to ever get this! I dont want to have staples!

I find the joys of life sometimes funny. I know we have to get older and its not something that we can ever fight. We can try to look younger, but I think its just as important to try and feel younger. Both inside and out. I try and accept that I am getting older and not stress that the years go by faster than I would like. I am sure than we all would like. I guess what I am getting at, is dont waste time. Dont put off for tomorrow what your capable of today. We always make excuses for ourselves and push things to a later date to only reason that time has gone faster than we would like.

I have something planned for February. I am hoping that it will help people feel reconnected with their loved ones. I know trying to concieve can be a stressful time and I am hoping that what I have come up with will help that. Its going to be free, and will be posted in the begining weeks of February.

As always everyone, I truely do appreciate EVERY email that comes in. Past clients, friends, new requests, referrals..etc. Its all important to me. I have been working really hard the last little bit ensuring that the free requests are not too far behind. I believe I am just a few days backed up on those which is amazing as at once point was 6 months behind!!!

Now, the winner is the first poster, AMANDA! Please contact me at to claim your prize. Make sure to put "blog contest" in the subject line so I can locate you faster.

I have more things on the go to come, so stay tuned to this blog:)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Developing Clairsentience

Clairsentience means ‘clear-feeling’. It is perhaps the most down-to-earth of all the intuitive gifts. Most people use clairsentience on a daily basis. This looks like your feelings sending you intuitive guidance. For example, you may experience a feeling of discomfort and then intuitively feel impulsed to look behind you only to see someone staring at you.

How clairsentients receive intuitive guidance:

Gut feelings : gut feelings allow you to sense very quickly whether or not you like and trust someone. In readings, my gut gives me a sinking feeling when the situation I’m assessing will have a negative outcome and I feel an uplifting sensation when the situation is a positive one.

Empathy : picking up on the ‘vibes’ and feelings of other people. Empathy can be a double-edged sword. It allows you to put yourself in other peoples’ shoes more easily. However, if you’re an unskilled empath, you can be like a sponge, absorbing and feeling emotions which aren’t your own. Do you ever experience overwhelming negative feelings which seem to have no cause? Then you could be feeling someone else’s feelings.

Physical Sensations : Clairsentience also speaks to you through sensations in your body - like tickling or pressure.

How to develop your clairsentience

Ask a friend to show you a picture of somebody they know well (but make sure you don’t know the person in the picture).

Look into the person’s eyes and tune into their energy – how do they feel at the moment of the photo being taken? If this is the first time you have consciously used your clairsentience, you may just pick up on a basic negative or positive vibe.

Ask yourself what this individual is like as a person. Ask yourself whether you trust the person.

Is there anything else the person’s eyes are revealing?

Now check with your friend ? how accurate were you?


This exercise involves getting hold of an object that someone has worn regularly, like a watch. All objects absorb energy from their owners and if you are clairsentient, you can tune into this energy residue. Hold the object in your hand for a minute or two. If the watch is holding a lot of strong positive or negative energy, you will probably pick up on that. You may also be able to feel what type of energy.

Listen to your chakras

Use your emotions to tune into your own energy.

Lie down or sit comfortably. Open each chakra, beginning with the root chakra. Visualize each chakra as a coloured wheel spinning horizontally and bring the energy outwards, about one metre outside of your body.

Then ask, how do I feel in this energy centre? Ask each chakra one by one. See if you get any sensations in your body or emotions that are connected to the chakras.

I would love to hear how everyone made out with practicing the above. Leave your comments in the comment section and I will give the winner a reading with myself (sibling express reading $15.00 value) I will leave this open for one week to allow you enough time to try it out. Winner will be announced January 18th:)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Something you might find of interest....

I have a few newsletters that come in about fertility. Anything that catches my interest I pass onto my clients in the hopes that it will help put them that one step further towards holding their child in their arms as soon as possible!

I got this email in my inbox today and figured I would post it, and perhaps there might be some of you that it helps:)

Dear Cheri,

Please join us for an incredible Fertility Coaching Call with
Naturopathic Physician, Iva Keene on January 12th at 7pm EST/4pm PST.

We will be covering:

The Environment, How It Effects Your Fertility and What You Can Do
About It

You will learn about...

*What are endocrine disruptors?
*Which food additives should you avoid to protect your fertility?
*How can plastic impact your fertility?
*What is unexplained infertility?
*What should you do if you've been diagnosed with unexplained

Click the link below and get the dial in info for this call...

Best wishes,
Hethir Rodriguez

To my knowledge this is free? It does not say anything about costing any money.

For those of you in the below post who won the archangel readings, please email me at with "blog winner" in the subject line.

I see there being 8 people who commented... would those people please email me for this offer:) Sometimes its always nice to still respond in the section even if your too late:) You never know what can happen!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I have mentioned in previous posts

that things are a bit slow right now... It had gotten me thinking that perhaps its for a reason. Although being psychic allows me to gain access to information for your life paths concerning all aspects, when it comes to myself, I am blank and not usually given much information. (I need to learn in this life just as much as everyone else). I might get premonitions that warn me of an event about to happen, but most times have to go through the same ups and downs as everyone else.

It was during this thinking that my guides directed me to my archangel oracle cards. I had a feeling that they had something important to tell me with out providing me too much information. So asking my guides (Tomas and Serlina) for their guidance in drawing the cards that would allow me to continue on my own life path, they directed me to draw three cards. I thought perhaps I would share with you as they completely make sense to me and helps me refocus and continue to move forward.


Archangel Azrael: You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance
Your life purpose involves counselling people in ways that uplift, motivate, comfort, heal and inspire. You're a true spiritual counselor and people find you to be trust worthy confidante. Expand your counseling work to the next level, because you're about to help greater numbers of people.

Creative Writing
Archangel Gabriel: Make time to write down your thoughts in a journal, or pen an article or book.
Your soul longs for creative expression through writing. I can help you schedule this activity. Honor any inner nudges that guide you to write. The writing may be for your own enjoyment, or may be a cathartic experience of self expression in a private journal. As you work with your connection to the written word, you may receive Divine guidance to write articles or books for publication.

Take Back your power
Archangel Raziel: Use your god give power and intention to manifest blessings in your life
You are luminary: a sage, a wise one, a high priestess/high-priest, a wizard, and a supreme manifestor. Now is the time to summon up your spiritual strength and power and put your authority into action. Lovingly and firmly transform your intentions into reality. Say prayers about your intentions into reality. Say prayers about your intentions and ask for guidance and signs to shape your manifestations to the highest possible level.

For those of you who follow my blog (or can take a peek back around new years) one of my goals this year was to grow in my own gifts as well as help those of you interested in growing your own. I do believe that the cards are showing me that this is about to happen and to continue on this path. They have also provided me more direction that makes complete sense with the timing that is currently happening!

So... being in a good mood and feeling good about the direction, I am going to offer the first THREE people to comment in the comment section, their own three card archangel reading for free:)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Well, I finally did it!!!!

Well, I have been helping clients for the past almost 4 years and my email box was every overflowing with requests, and I can finally say that I have finally managed to get.. wait for it... COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP! (at one point being as high as 1200 emails)

I have a few days of scheduled readings to take care of, but ALL of my free requests have been answered. I am so excited for this day and really proud of myself and the efforts to get it all caught up!

I know with the recession being the way it is it has slowed my requests down a bit. I get the feeling that something else has happened, but can't quite put my finger on it. I know Elisabeth had some trouble with another psychic bad mouthing her and hopefully that has not been the case for me. I can't see why as I have always been helpful and positive and always provided accurate insight.

With that being said, I am ready for more readings (paid or free requests) so please, would love to hear from you and all referrals are appreciated:)

I do plan on this month touching on other aspects of psychic gifts that you might be aware of having and how to strengthen them as well as more blog give aways of course! If there is a area that you are excited to learn about, feel free to post in the comments section and I will see if I can start there first:)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another successful pregnancy!!!

One of my clients agreed to share her storey! Please read and know that even when things like its just not going to happen... anything is possible! Don't give up hope!

Dear Cheri:
I am writing to let you know that after a year and 1/2 of trying, six months of infertility meds and countless tears, my husband and I found out we are pregnant. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January of 2009 after I could not get pregnant for 6 months and my period was very irregular. I began infertility meds- Clomid and Ovidrel- in March and continued taking them until August. When they didn't work I decided to give it a break and start IVF in January 2010.
During this time I continued reading your blog, followed your advice and started your positive thinking techniques which included watching "The Secret" and writing positive things on my mirror and reading them to myself daily (or every time I walked by). On my mirror I hung four little sticky notes which read: "I will get pregnant in 2009", "I will have a baby in 2010", "I will be a mom because with God all things are possible", "IVF will work for me".

I kept thinking of having a baby, I began to relax during intercourse instead of stressing out whether it will work or not and I began praying and talking to God. On December 7th I woke up with cramps and terribly sore breasts. I thought that my period was about to come and it didn't. I complained of the soreness (I never had sore breasts as a symptom of a period before) to my best friend who is currently 7 months pregnant and she told me to test. I laughed and said it's impossible, 6 months of infertility meds didn't work, what would make her think that I was pregnant naturally?
Yet, I ran home on my lunch break and tested- 1st test- positive faint line, 2nd test- positive darker line, 3rd test positive plus sign, 4th test- a digital read PREGNANT. I could not believe my eyes- I cried like a little girl for a few minutes and after I stopped shaking I called my doctor who had me come in for blood work the next day. Blood results confirmed the pregnancy and I am today 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant.

I hope that anyone who reads my story doesn't give up hope. Positive thinking techniques work (and trust me it was hard for me to think positively @ 1st- I am a "the glass is half empty" kind of gal) but Cheri's blogs really helped me a lot, I learned not to take "no" for an answer and I learned that with a little hope, faith and positive thinking anything is possible.

I want to thank you Cheri for all the emails and words of encouragement you have sent my way. I really believe that God wanted me to learn to think positively and not be so impatient and in the end I got the best reward.
I hope that I have brought hope and encouragement with my letter. I hope everyone will keep me and my baby in your prayers and I will do the same for all of you.

Kate B.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Congrats to.......

Poster number 9!!! (veronica D) please contact me at to claim your prize of a free family bypass prediction!!

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. Its been a crazy few days here. I actually did not even stay up until midnight on new years eve... is that bad? lol. I went to bed at 11:30pm after watching a movie with my husband (the hangover).

Today I have been getting things organized including returning a few items that I received that needed to go back. I have also determined that I am NOT going to step foot in Canadian Tire again! (for the background storey on this, check out my facebook update!)

Friends of ours have also just bought a house and moved in today so I went over there to check out there new house.

I find that with Christmas comes about "decluttering" of the house. Removing old toys and clothes that no longer fit or are not played with. Most times I try and "freecycle" the items that are no longer needed/wanted, and then drop off stuff to value village as well. For those of you who are not aware, there is a site called "freecycle" and its actually a yahoo group. Its a sight where you can post unwanted items and have someone come and pick it up. Its amazing on what you can "freecycle". It also gives you the opportunity to get things that you want without having to pay for it as well. I even got a TV (20") for my daughters room in good condition for free! For those of you who have not seen this site goto here and see if its active in your area.

I am planning to continue January with more posts with giveaways and lessons on how to grow your own gifts. I think that its been fun the last month with doing this so will continue with new aspects of different psychic abilities. Looking forward to spending 2010 with you all!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Its always fun to start a new year and focus on your goals ahead. Mine are to loose a bit of weight, and to also help those of you with guidance into your lives (whether its trying to conceive or other life paths/lessons) but to also help you all grow in your own gifts!

I have this year in mind especially for a few things. This is not only the year the Olympics come here to BC (no I wont be attending, as its too expensive!!!) but Sylvia Browne predicted this to be the year that the world will know without a doubt that aliens exist. If this turns out to be accurate, I will be moving from the west coast in 2021 as she predicted a major earth quake here too! lol.

Well, lets start this year off with a special for my readings. Any reading purchased through this blog only, allows you to get any additional service/question for only 1.00 when purchasing the regular options.

So the bypass prediction would be still 10.00 but for 1.00 more you get to add something!! here are the things that can be added

- one additional question (either life question or sibling related)
- fertility reiki
- archangel oracle card reading (3 cards)
- connection with a loved one who has passed over

This is the site you need to use in order to purchase the specials. These are NOT on my regular site and is only available if you come to the blog. I don't mind if anyone passes this blog link out.

Here is the link to the site (for those of you that the link does not work, copy/paste this link into your browser

Looking forward to spending the year 2010 growing together.