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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Time for an update!

Well, tomorrow is my first day back at work after two weeks off on "holiday". I did not really do too much that would be considered "holiday" stuff, but we had fun. I kept my daughter out of daycare during the two weeks and we had a good time. Went swimming, we took her camping one night, I took her to the amusement park at least three times, and visiting with friends for playdates. I managed to do some work at times when she was here, telling her I had to work for an hour while she watched her movie while we headed out. I am currently only about 3.5 days behind!!!!! I am so excited about that! For the longest time it was bouncing between 7-10 days and thats horrible time to wait! That had me stressed as I prefer to keep it within the 24-48 hours to reply each time. So almost there!

On another side note, my In-Laws are moving out here, they just called and supposed to be arriving tomorrow sometime. They are about 4 hours away. I know that my daughter is going to be really excited to see them. She has not seen them since Sept of last year (they used to live 5 hour plane ride!) So I think that its going to be good for her.

So now is my turn to ask for advice.. I have been told numerous times that four is a hard age, they become more assertive and independant, and a bit mouthy at times. My little "angel" recently seems to enjoy argueing with me, asking me a question, and when I give her the honest answer she tells me "no it isn't" when her and I both know it is. Or testing me. While at her favorite place, after being there for 2 hours I said it was time to leave, and she kept walking into the water even more. I actually had to get "mad" and demand that she comes. Why can't they just listen! lol.. any advice on how to make this easier for us both?

I also want to do a different type of contest. its called "vote for your friend"... basically you need to get your friends/aquaintences or heck perfect strangers to email me at and put YOUR login name/website you frequent in the subject line. Nothing else needs to be sent.. The emails will not be read, just the subject line tallied to determine the winner.

So if someone was voting for me say, it would say "Cheri22/Todays parent" in the subject line.. thats it.. nothing else. The person with the most votes for themselves, wins the FAMILY BYPASS Prediction (worth 25.00) So goto the site you frequent and start getting people to vote for you. All they have to do is email the address above with your login name and site and it counts as one vote! Easy right? (only one vote per email address accepted)

This contest will start AUGUST 13th and will end at Midnight the same day (PST time) and I will announce the winner on this blog and will get in contact with the person who won.

Good luck!


Chele said...

Hey Cheri,

I am one that tells all my friends and acquaintances that complain about the terrible two's that they haven't seen anything until the typically awful 4's. LOL! I have two sons 15 and 16 and I swear the two years that they both went through 4's back to back were the hardest yet of parenting for my husband and I.

I tell my friends with young children that no matter whether the parents agree on the matter or discipline they have to stick together, back one another, and show a united front from the time the kids are toddlers until they leave the nest. If you disagree with how something was handled by your partner, suck it up and wait to discuss/talk about it behind closed doors.

I learned that by limiting the choices or compromising I kept control of the situations and the kids also felt like they had some control and independence. Sometimes offering choices was the key and you just have to take it on a minute by minute basis. Smart mouth and sassing the parents had clear consequences. Throwing fits got you know where except some alone time in your room ect. A really bad day got you in bed at 6:30 directly after dinner with no story tv and story time. ect..........

Hang in there, the stage does end and then you have about 5-6 years before another rough patch, but I swear it won't be as bad as the 4's. Knock on wood the last tough age for us was 12/13 stage and even that was easier than the 4's.

Good Luck!

Lynn said...

Hi Cheri

I was just reading about how your 4 year old is giving you some grief at times. My daughter who is 6 tomorrow has a mind of her own and thinks she's the boss. I too have some tough times with her. For example if we are at the park or even picking her up at daycare, I tell her it's time to go, and she tells me nope I'm not going or just 5 more minutes (which turns into another 5 and another 5! LOL!) Its all very frustrating and its hard not to get angry! And don't you notice other kids doing as their parents tell them. Don't you just want to cry? LOL! No help really. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one going through this!


Cheri22 said...

Hi gals!

Thanks for your words of wisdom. It makes things so much easier to know that I am not the only one who has gone through this and that this is a stage and hopefully will smooth out before I get tackled with the next stage.

It all boils down to I guess, is picking your "battles' so to speak. I know that I can be a bit controlling as well when it comes to certain things and I know I need to learn to let go. I believe that this is one of my lessons right now, is "letting go" and not controling the situation. Perhaps that too will ease it off a bit:)