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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Storey to Inspire

As we all know, the trying to conceive journey can take many different paths in our lives. From being really quick and easy, to unfortunately taking years for others and facing many difficulties and heart aches. For each person it will be different, and each person will experience a different lesson with each time. Its always good to share your stories, to inspire others and to pass any information you have on to people so that they might take a better start and be more prepared on their own journeys.

With that being said, I have received a storey of inspiration from Catherine that she has said i can share. Perhaps for the women experiencing similar journeys as she did, will give you the insight and hope to continue to believe in yourself and be positive.

Catherines Journey starts here
"I arrived home feeling like crap. I was tired, and started having cramping and my arm pain was worse. 2 hours later I felt a pop and ran to the bathroom and started gushing blood. The doctor said I would bleed but to make sure it wouldn't get out of hand, like 2 pads per hour, come to the hospital. It was even worse than that. I couldn't even leave the bathroom. There was blood all over me and my bathroom. I called my husband into the room and told him it wouldn't slow down. He called the hospital right away and they told me a doctor would call me. My husband decided not to wait. He was trying to not let me know how bad it was, and just got me some fresh clothing, got me dressed and put me in the car. We finally arrived to the hospital within 10 minutes. I had already soaked clear through 2 pads I was wearing, and my pants. I was honestly walking into the emergency room gushing blood on there floor. And you know what? They told me to have a seat. I was so angry. How can they just make someone sit down in the waiting room, who has just put so much blood on your floor walking in?So I bled on their emergency room floor, their chair, and then on their chair making sure my 'insurance' was in order.They finally came to get me 10 minutes later, and took me to a room, stripped me down, threw out all of my clothes and basically let me bleed for a bit. The doctor came in and did an exam and told me I had so much stuff left that I would be bleeding out like this for a long time. They needed to do a D&C right away. I finally consented to it. I didn't want surgery but I had no choice. They put me in a room upstairs. A doctor came in to explain everything, took me to surgery, got me ready and knocked me out. I woke up feeling incredibly empty. At least naturally its slow but a D&C makes you feel the loss a lot more. You feel like something is stolen from you. They ended up discharging me 4 hours later. I rested for 3 days before a follow up.After seeing my doctor and explaining to him what happened over the weekend, he checked my records and tests and left the room. I sat in a chair while my husband paced at the door. Then he stopped and started listening. His face grew angry. I asked him whats wrong. He told me the doctor was in the next room with an open door complaining and arguing with the fact that he is not getting paid for my D&C. This made me cry. How could someone be so careless to anyone's feelings like that? I just lost a child and he cares about is whether or not he gets paid for that!? My husband got very angry, called a nurse and told her everything. We complained and left the doctors. We got home and there was already a message on our machine from a women, who took care of any complaints. She apologized and said it would reflect on his doctorate. She told me from now on to go upstairs to see the specialist doctors for pregnancy. I tried to let this all go for a few months...
Then I got pregnant again in October of 07. I was feeling crappy for days. Headaches, and fatigue. My period was 6 days from then. I grabbed a pregnancy stick late that night. When I went in for a shower, I decided well its going to be positive whether its night or day, so I may as well find out. I didn't even finish peeing on it before it turned bright red. I called my husband in and showed him and he laughed at me for not waiting till morning LOL. But he was happy.
I called my doctor right away and they set me up for a visit with in 3 days. On that visit they were shocked that I found out so early I was pregnant. They said most women don't know till they are 8 weeks. I was measuring 4 weeks 5 days. They took my history and told me this would be a high risk pregnancy due to 3 previous mc. They set up an ultrasound and tons of blood work. I didn't make it to my first ultrasound when I started feeling some weird pain at 6 weeks. After 4 hours of it not letting me sleep, i called my doctor on call at 3am. He told me to come in right away in the morning. 30 minutes later he called back and told me that it was bothering him that it wouldn't let me sleep and to go the er right away. I grabbed all my things woke my poor drowsy husband and we left for the hospital. They took some blood right away and did an exam. They said everything looked great and in fact my levels were at 27,000 and my progesterone at 224! They took me in for an ultrasound. I was so scared something was going to be wrong that I was expecting it to be. As soon as they did the ultrasound the tech turned the monitor to me and said and there's baby! We got to hear the heartbeat at 167bpm. I was overjoyed. I finally got to see one of the baby's. They did some measuring and took me back to my room and said it was a bladder infection!
I went home very happy. I went for my doctors visit and they did their own ultrasound at 8 weeks. We got to see the little bean again and hear the heartbeat!
I was told to keep my ultrasound appointment at 10 weeks. I went in and we saw this tiny little baby jumping around everywhere! Doing somersaults and jumping off the walls. Just generally did not want to stay still at all!
I just had another ultrasound done, for a abnormality check. They can only do this between 11-14 weeks! They need to measure the fluid in the back of the head to see if there is anything wrong. I am not really scared that anything would be. Well that was last Monday. We got in to do the scan and baby was doing a headstand! Legs straight up in the air! Kicking!This ultrasound was 20 minutes long before the tech said, 'your gonna have to come back, I need the baby on it's back to measure' She laughed and said ' Your gonna have to have a talk with the baby!'
So I am assigned a new ultrasound date for Friday January 18th! I'm hoping this time the baby will behave ^_^. I also have a ultrasound scheduled for Febuary 18th to find out if it's a boy or girl. We desperately want a little girl the most. So we are praying!

Also, I have talked with my source named Jeni, and she will do once a month an "ask Jeni" where I will post the information in my blog, and she will try and answer fertility related questions. She probably will only be able to answer the first three, but the details will be worked out, and posted on the day. We are more than likely going to do the last MONDAY of each month and go from there. Again, jeni is NOT a fertility expert, but is someone who is well knowledge in this field. She might not be able to solve your fertility problems, but perhaps can offer more insight, or direction in this regards.