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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Things really do happen for a reason

the inspirational storey that I am posting tonight might seem "sad" to have this happen to her, but in reality can actually be quite positive. I really believe that everything happens for a reason. And although as a young child the reason was probably no where to be seen, as an adult shes able to look back and see where she is today BECAUSE it did happen. Does not make it right, but it definately helped shape the wonderful woman she is today. Had it not happened, sure, she would still have been a wonderful woman, but things would have been different and she would not be in the same place she is today.

I really feel that life at times seems to "screw us" so to speak. Where you feel like you have really fallen down and being kicked as you lie there. That things just seem to keep piling up and there is no end in sight with everything that you have to deal with. Please know this. You will get through it, you can deal with it, and everything will be alright. Life is full of lessons, its just a matter of getting through them in one piece, learning from it and moving forward.

Here is todays storey of inspiration

I have found with life that fate will take you where you are meant to be. I was born into a family that was unable to care for me, so when I was 5 yrs old I was taken away (along with 2 siblings) and placed for adoption. In a 5 yrs old child, I felt that my life was over. The only thing that I wanted was for my mother to come back and I would pray for it. Now 22 yrs later, I am grateful for the way things turned out. I dealt with some pretty awful demons when I was little, and know that the best thing that ever happened to me was my mother never returning. I know that if she had I wouldn’t be the person I am today, nor would my life take the same steps that it did (honestly I would be lucky to be alive and mentally intacked). I never knew what happened to her, and many years wanted to locate her and ask her why. I finally came upon the realization that no answer would be the one that I would expect so there was no point in wondering anymore. Another example of fate…I met my husband in high school, had a crush on him almost instantly. We had gotten in a fight and didn’t talk for a few years then through friends we started to talk again. A year had passed and we had another disagreement, so we didn’t talk for over 6 months. I moved during this time and my husband had gone through some emotionally challenging things. I had sent him a Christmas card and thought no more about it until he called me out of the blue a month later. We married 4 months later and have been married for almost 8 years. It is amazing how when things are meant to be happen. So, now when I have a bad day or something “bad” happens, I think of my life and know that the reason will become apparent to me someday, and that things are they way that they are fated to be.

Crystal S.
As always, if you have a storey of inspiration that you would like to share, please email and put in the subject line "inspiration" it can be about anything in life that has happened to you, either trying to concieve or how you overcame something in your life..etc. For any storey that is posted in the blog, I do offer a trade of a prediction bypass (8.00 value) in exchange at no cost:)