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Monday, June 23, 2008

Is it a sign?

I think that I have talked to a few people already about "signs" and what they can mean. Often you might see things that are "linked' in some way, perhaps always seeing "upside down rainbows" or a particular bird where normally there isn't that type there. Perhaps a song on the radio, a button on the street...these are all things that most people right off as coincidence....but what if its more than that? What if someone is trying to get your attention?

For me, there are certain things that really "trigger" a thought for me and I instantly know what it means or who its from. When I smell smelly socks, I know its not just laundry left behind from my husband or daughter, as there are NO SOCKS around, and know that this is my grandfathers way of coming through and showing that he is here.

I also know that when your looking for answers, sometimes the answer is right in front of you. You just have to open your eyes. If your looking for help, you can always turn to your spirit guides for the answer, or any of the loved ones who are looking out for you. You can often "assign" a "sign" for them to use to show you the way. Don't expect an immediate answer, you need to sometimes give them a few hours to a few days to arrange everything just so. Usually a "chance" encounter, or heading somewhere you normally would not and locate the "sign"...etc.

I remember on May 26th, when I was woken up by my 5 year old for a drink, and then heading to the washroom noticed I was bleeding. Now I bled off and on during my pregnancy with my 5 year old, but not with the baby. So seeing the blood freaked me out, and I was worried. No contractions at this point. I phoned labor and delivery, and they suggested I come in to get checked. When we were about 2 min from the hospital, the radio started playing "I'm coming out, I want the world to see"...etc. I wish I knew the name of this song, I can sing that part of it, but can't remember the rest of the words. Before that song came on, I wasn't sure if it was going to be labor, or if something was wrong... that song confirmed the baby was on the way. I pointed it out to my husband and my MIL (who insisted on coming) and they both thought it was funny.

Now I also happen to like numbers, as I am sure that everyone else does. I seem to play the lottery whenever the numbers seem to match.. for example, JUNE 6, 2006.. so that's 06-06-06 lol. Okay, obviously I have never won big (yet) its the only time I really have fun buying the tickets. I also think that its completely neat that my daughter (first) was born at 3:37am and my second was born at 7:33am... see the pattern? Its completely reversed from my first! lol. Okay, come on ladies, tell me that I am not the only one who loves things like this? lol

On an update, little one is 1 month old today. Time really does go by pretty fast. Shes always smiling, pretty content, and rarely cries. Shes "predictable" (knock on wood) as she is awake from 9-11pm and sleeps in 3-4 hour blocks, and then up around 8 or 9am for one hour before asleep for three more hours.

I am caught up on readings and working on the day that is scheduled, I have two people from June 21st that have yet to respond to my reading, so if you have paid for your reading, and where scheduled for June 21 or paid awhile ago and yet to get an email from me, chances are I am looking for you. I am looking for Amy and Meaghen.

Anyways, the weather is beautiful out here, and hoping at some point to take the girls out for a walk and enjoy the sunshine. Hopefully you all can too! Don't forget, tomorrow is the giveaway for Ruby's reading (aka the secret psychic) to find out more information about her, there is a post below with feedback from people who have had readings already. I have 5 more readings to give away and then will reveal her info for those of you who are interested in trying her out.


Anonymous said...

Cheri~ I too have been seeing a lot of signs lately from I guess my spiritual guides. I'm focusing on staying positive w/ this ttc and was recently in hawaii. I asked to see a double rainbow (which I realize isn't uncommon there) and saw it 2 days in a row! Also, I forgot I had done so, but when I rebooted my computer, I had a screensaver with a beautiful picture of a double rainbow- crazy right? Also, since about 14 years ago (I'm 26) I have been noticing the clock at 8:32. My friends all know that is my "time" but I still don't know what it means. I decided it is a good sign and tend to look at the clock many times a week at 8:32. One last husband and I got married on 7-11-06. He picked -11 not b/c of the convenient stores (haha) but b/c they are lucky numbers :) I appreciate signs and have been much more perceptive to them lately!

Niki said...

My first name is in my last name(married) only backwards:)

When me and my dh first started dating I noticed this...and thought...I bet we will be married.

Our courtship was short and sweet then we were married and I became

Niki ****ikin

A sign? maybe...I'd like to think so

Cheri22 said...

Thanks for your stories guys, I do have to agree that these are all signs that tend to come up. As for you kate, with the 8:32, I believe its when someone comes to "visit" as I feel a male presense around you, possibly a "grandfather" type connection... its more so related to you by your fathers side.. this is how i feel it connected:)

As for niki, I think thats amazing that your name goes backwards for your first name! How cool is that!