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Saturday, June 7, 2008

your getting sleepy.... you can't keep your eyes open....

your falling asleep for a few hours.....did it work? Is any of you sleeping yet? No? Well doesn't work on the baby either! lol

I usually did my readings at night when my eldest (5 years) was sleeping, so usually from 9-11pm, well I guess while in the uterus, because I was sitting and relaxed, this is the time that baby seems to be wide awake! I tried the bath/bed routine and nope, still wide awake, and for the last few nights, same thing, shes always awake during this time, so going to switch and start doing my readings during the day while she naps! lol. I have 4 readings left from paid and that will be all caught up and will hopefully get some of the free readings completed before bringing up my site again.

Still working out a schedule on what works best for the family and thankful that hubby will watch little one if I get behind so I can do the readings at night if need be.

Otherwise, on a side note, the "Ask Jeni" is on hold temporarily as she just gave birth to her own son the other day, so need to give her a few days to recoup before asking her to help answer some fertility related questions.

I am still looking for stories of inspiration related to either ttc or just life in general. Send it to and list "BLOG POST" in the subject line so it can be located easier. I can leave your name off the post if it makes you feel more comfortable about sharing.

So as it stands, my site should be back up and running on June 12th where I will be accepting more requests for predictions. I really do appreciate every ones patience with me while I got things organized.