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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Had a busy weekend

We decided to do a family outing this weekend and went camping. The baby does NOT like being on the ground as she does NOT want to get her hands dirty. We have tried grass, nope wont crawl, we tried the dirt, nope.. wont move. Just holds her hands up almost in the air to keep it as far from the ground as possible. I do think she can walk, but prefers to hold your hands (even if its just one) so it was a BUSY weekend!

Not to mention she was sick Friday and Saturday with a bit of a fever, so I don't blame her for also being mommy's girl!

We got back today, and I am already on the computer. Have not unloaded the trailer or anything yet. I have already been in to reply to emails and get that started as well as schedule more readings.

I have not heard back from Elisabeth, so wondering if she required a c-section and is still in the hospital with her little one. Can't wait for the update and will let you all know.

I will announce the May special of the month tomorrow. This Thursday is also going to be back on track with the reading give aways.


Lynn said...

Elisabeth has an update on her website about her baby.
